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Why was the Hall of Monuments so gimped?

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I felt really let down and kind of betrayed by Anets follow through with the HoM in GW2.


There is the fact that almost all, if not every item you can put in the HoM in GW1 is absent from the HoM in GW2.

There is the fact that replacing these legendary items is common stuff (that used to be) lying around the world like Fiery Dragon Swords and Felblades... weapons made out of literal fish bones, and tabby cats.

There is the fact that you can't have your Rainbow Phoenix but how about a Rainbow Jellyfish for no discernible reason?

There is the fact that they still haven't explained where the EotN came from or who made it, so it may as well just be an abstract box floating in the air or a chat command to spawn your rewards.

Then there is the shameless miserable fact that Arena Net decided to sell Primeval Armor in the cash-shop instead of letting players carry it over through their Hall of Monuments...

I honestly can not believe this and it fills me with such grief every time I think about that.

For the love of god why have you done this, Arena Net?

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> @"coffeemancer.2450" said:

> I felt really let down and kind of betrayed by Anets follow through with the HoM in GW2.

I can't agree.



> There is the fact that almost all, if not every item you can put in the HoM in GW1 is absent from the HoM in GW2.

There are analogs for quite a few of the items. But since this is 200 years later and **not** the same character as GW1, I prefer not to have every thing available.


We do have a lot of comparable minis, destroyer weapons (crafted), tormented weapons (TP), some armors (or comparable outfits).

None of the statues make sense for GW1. MOX has returned. Most of the other heroes died ages ago. The ones that didn't... well no spoilers. And lots of animal companions are available.


> There is the fact that replacing these legendary items is common stuff (that used to be) lying around the world like Fiery Dragon Swords and Felblades... weapons made out of literal fish bones, and tabby cats.

The fiery dragon sword wasn't common; it was hard to get. In any case, the rewards were never meant to be overpoweringly awesome; they were meant to be a boost for GW1 players, which they are.


> There is the fact that you can't have your Rainbow Phoenix but how about a Rainbow Jellyfish for no discernible reason?

I do miss the rainbow phoenix.


> There is the fact that they still haven't explained where the EotN came from or who made it, so it may as well just be an abstract box floating in the air or a chat command to spawn your rewards.

"It was constructed to commemorate the deeds of a long-dead hero who defeated the Great Destroyer, which refers to player characters from the original Guild Wars. "


> Then there is the shameless miserable fact that Arena Net decided to sell Primeval Armor in the cash-shop instead of letting players carry it over through their Hall of Monuments...

I don't consider that "shameless" at all, but maybe that's because I never liked that armor set (neither in GW1 nor GW2).



> I honestly can not believe this and it fills me with such grief every time I think about that.

I'm sorry you aren't pleased with it. I find it charming and romantic and a sweet nod to the nostalgia of the old game.




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It told us what the rewards are as you progress the lines and it was possible to find gamer mag articles with what the items looked like. If you didn’t want the rewards then no one was forcing you to do them. You could have never spoken to Kimmes or gone inside to place the minis, weapons, armors, etc needed to progress the HoM.

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THIS topic is coming up.... now?

HoM has been as it is for YEARS, the rewards were set long before GW2 even released. I remember spending the year before release working my butt off in GW1 to get the HoM rewards. I liked them back then as I was earning them, and I like them now.

Anyway, you're 7-8 years too late with your post.

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As other people have said this might have been a valid complaint at the time but it's years too late. If this is a recent discovery for you then the only explanation is you didn't do your research beforehand. And if not then it's been what...8 years since the calculator was released? (I know it was years before GW2 came out, I think about 2010.) If you're still annoyed about it now I'd say you're lucky nothing else has come along to bother you.


They told us right from the start - before Eye of the North was even released - that we wouldn't be unlocking the exact same items. So if you were expecting to put in a destroyer bow and get a destroyer bow to use in GW2 that was definitely a lack of research. We didn't know for a long time what we would get, but we knew it wouldn't be a direct transfer.


For what it's worth I made a similar mistake - I wasted a lot of time and gold getting all the undedicated minis I could to add to the hall and then when the tracker came out I found out I only needed 50 in total and only 1 green and 1 gold. But that's the risk I took by starting early and trying to do as much as possible with incomplete information, I knew at the time it was a gamble but I thought it was worth the risk. I'd have been far more frustrated if I'd passed over unded minis for cheaper dedicated ones and then found out I really needed them for the hall. And like I said it was years ago. I've made plenty more mistakes since then.

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Yes, it was supposed to be way more originally (what the devs were talking then would have been something you'd visit often, practically a home instance - and a place where you were supposed to invite others to show off). It got done the way it is now probably for two reasons. First, the game was rushed to launch ahead of schedule (blame Pandas). Second, at some point during GW2 development Anet decided that the GW1 veterans are not as important to them anymore - all the advertising was already done. Either they have initially meant gw2 to be continuation of gw1 (and it just evolved into something else on the way), or the promises at the beginning were just a way to make the gw1 players not to make a kittenstorm in time between EotN and gw2 launch.


Nevertheless, the case is really old now, and there's no point in bringing that up. What's done is done, and not going to change, because at this point in time gw2 is a completely separate game and catering to gw1 veterans just doesn't bring enough value back to justify putting any effort into it.

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