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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > > @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > > > Heck, even Engi's mortar can outrange them

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > LMAO

> > > > Engi just can't beat a scourge...please stop say stupid things. Maybe as rifle scrapper but it's really hard if the scourge is good.>

> > > >

> > >

> > > LMAO i didnt say they could beat them perse. If you read even your snippet, I said they an OUTRANGE them (hence the part you posted). Also Scourges can get beat by decent engi's/scrappers/holosmiths. Thats the beauty of "learning and adapting". once you fight a few as them, you learn what to watch for and adapt your approach and/or build.

> > >

> > > If you are gonna try to point out something "stupid", please make your argument a little less "open"

> >

> >I'm bored to learn this. I should change my build because conditions are too strong?


> Essentially yes. If you are too bored than that's more of a personal issue. If you are bored of adapting then you are a part of the overall problem.


> yeah I play those classes but I also play others you failed to mention (Mirage (which doesnt have many cleanses, so I adapted my playstyle to try to avoid getting bombed), and Holosmith. Granted i agree with the engi vs condi builds you are clearing more often than fighting, but if you adapt the build (take Elixir C and at least 1/2 elixirs with HGH) and that will help the issue. Is it the engi's fix? Possibly not, however it does give them a fighting chance when played right. Complaining doesnt help you as much as adapting will.


> All of this being said, I can agree that the amount of condi's a scourge (out of all classes) can pump out in the amount of timeframes it does could use a bit of a balance, however it is what it is and its up to MMO gamer to learn to adapt and move on until things are changed. If you focus on moving on instead of clinging to complaining about it, things will look and feel better. Sooner anyone can see this the better.


> remember...you can't win every fight (how hard i try to fight DE's while roaming on my scourge, they are a counter to me. still working on learning how to take them down)


> Now, lets have some bacon.


I'm complaining because it's too strong and it need a nerf. Yes, sometimes when I was dueling a scourge I changed all my build for try to deal with it : elixir c, rifle, etc. But no, it's not a personal problem. Before HoT condis were strong but we could deal with it because condis spec were a little less OP than now and with an adapted build, a brain and a good playstyle, yeah we can beat condis spec. Now necros can rollface on keyboard, I got 9 condis. I use Elixir C, and I have 9 others condis. Nice =). The issue is not even condis are too strong and deal too much damages, it's just not fun, because I must do my best when the guy i'm fighting just spam his skills and run. I know it will never happen. I have more fun dueling a spell breaker, a sniper or Idk than a condi mesmer or a scourge. WvW was really more fun when we had a dps meta, or at least when we have 50/50 dps spec/condis spec.

This is literally ruining the game. I talk for wvw, but it's the same for pvp. So yeah I prefer complaining than adapt and look wvw die, even if it's what happening :') !

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> @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > > > @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > > > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > > > > Heck, even Engi's mortar can outrange them

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > LMAO

> > > > > Engi just can't beat a scourge...please stop say stupid things. Maybe as rifle scrapper but it's really hard if the scourge is good.>

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > LMAO i didnt say they could beat them perse. If you read even your snippet, I said they an OUTRANGE them (hence the part you posted). Also Scourges can get beat by decent engi's/scrappers/holosmiths. Thats the beauty of "learning and adapting". once you fight a few as them, you learn what to watch for and adapt your approach and/or build.

> > > >

> > > > If you are gonna try to point out something "stupid", please make your argument a little less "open"

> > >

> > >I'm bored to learn this. I should change my build because conditions are too strong?

> >

> > Essentially yes. If you are too bored than that's more of a personal issue. If you are bored of adapting then you are a part of the overall problem.

> >

> > yeah I play those classes but I also play others you failed to mention (Mirage (which doesnt have many cleanses, so I adapted my playstyle to try to avoid getting bombed), and Holosmith. Granted i agree with the engi vs condi builds you are clearing more often than fighting, but if you adapt the build (take Elixir C and at least 1/2 elixirs with HGH) and that will help the issue. Is it the engi's fix? Possibly not, however it does give them a fighting chance when played right. Complaining doesnt help you as much as adapting will.

> >

> > All of this being said, I can agree that the amount of condi's a scourge (out of all classes) can pump out in the amount of timeframes it does could use a bit of a balance, however it is what it is and its up to MMO gamer to learn to adapt and move on until things are changed. If you focus on moving on instead of clinging to complaining about it, things will look and feel better. Sooner anyone can see this the better.

> >

> > remember...you can't win every fight (how hard i try to fight DE's while roaming on my scourge, they are a counter to me. still working on learning how to take them down)

> >

> > Now, lets have some bacon.


> I'm complaining because it's too strong and it need a nerf. Yes, sometimes when I was dueling a scourge I changed all my build for try to deal with it : elixir c, rifle, etc. But no, it's not a personal problem. Before HoT condis were strong but we could deal with it because condis spec were a little less OP than now and with an adapted build, a brain and a good playstyle, yeah we can beat condis spec. Now necros can rollface on keyboard, I got 9 condis. I use Elixir C, and I have 9 others condis. Nice =). The issue is not even condis are too strong and deal too much damages, it's just not fun, because I must do my best when the guy i'm fighting just spam his skills and run. I know it will never happen. I have more fun dueling a spell breaker, a sniper or Idk than a condi mesmer or a scourge. WvW was really more fun when we had a dps meta, or at least when we have 50/50 dps spec/condis spec.

> This is literally ruining the game. I talk for wvw, but it's the same for pvp. So yeah I prefer complaining than adapt and look wvw die, even if it's what happening :') !


I dont hear a no to the offer of bacon

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how to solve it?


expect more boons and more condis more boon removals on next expantion...... more than PoF to make elite spec preferable over last expantion...


vetrical trait progression.. lawl... this guys are completelly lost in game balance, its even strange enought how can be possible developers allow their own game achive such lame combat system, and put spam and power ccreep situation to carry players in momments over team work and plaers self skill.

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > I dont hear a no to the offer of bacon

> >

> > Only if bacon doesn't inflict me conditions :3


> Im a master of my grill. I have only poisoned......7 good men so odds are in your facor


how many stacks of poison that bacon had???

meanwhile condi cleanse does nothing stability is instantluy removed, stunbreakers loose effesct since ur gona get CC right after use it... and this is out of the red circles mostly....


shame on ANet...making the game such lame to help badies on offensive w/o need of team work.. just spam



[fail adding stuff to my last post]


NO forum function to remove post, so i could merge this one to the last post....

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