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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> The t4 content can be completed with 5 dps no supports and certainly don’t _need_ specific meta setups in order to be completed easily. Plus a properly implemented queue would filter for supports/dps etc. just like in **every mmo** that has a queue.


As a veteran fractal players for years: Tell that to those who try to kill Thaumanova Ooze, Mai Trin, Twilight Oasis, Shattered Observatory (normal mode) and to a lower amount Nightmare (normal mode!) and Underground facility (the room with the locked door at start as well as the final boss). Since I'm having my fractal god I have left out CMs for some months now and joined several different T4 groups. You don't want to know what you can encounter - from player side!


An auto fill system can work and I'm sure it'll work in a certain way but I don't see any bigger advantage than the current system or that it would be superior to the current one. The meta is set in stone with little variants but you don't have to use it neither now nor with an auto fill system that's clear. So, my question is, where is the massive improvement such a new system would create? If you want a healer you can ask for a healer now as well. For a boon bot it'll get harder now since the latest patch we're having a slight change from chrono (1 class) to fb+ren (2 classes). The auto fill system can fail here (of course it needn't) while the current system gives you a wider tolerance than a strict auto filler with "heal" + "support" + "dps". As you said you'll still be able to make adjustments in the auto fill system but in the end it's not better compared to what we have now.

In case of the OP's experience an auto fill system wouldn't have helped him at all since he hasn't found a group/lfg or nobody joined his lfg as he described. The fun part is despite he being unsuccessful every other contributor in this thread had 0 problems to get into the freezie instance on a daily basis.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > The t4 content can be completed with 5 dps no supports and certainly don’t _need_ specific meta setups in order to be completed easily.

> > There's a difference between "can be completed" and "is being completed." I agree that the meta isn't required, but it's not the case that 5 random people running DPS are succeeding.

> >


> I’ll agree to disagree with you on this point then, but only because my own personal experience tells me otherwise.

Interesting how different our experiences are. My static takes on PUGs to fill gaps left by RL. I'd say quite a lot are good enough to succeed in any group. We've also had plenty who get carried and more than a few who... we wonder what the heck build they are running that they can't out-DPS the druid, boon-chrono, or mercy scourge we sometimes run. I suppose if PUGging went into an autoqueue, some of those would stop playing and some would put in some effort into getting better. (Which might not be a bad thing for the game mode.)


> Nevertheless, like you and I both have mentioned if they did implement a queue they would be completely stupid not to include filters for support/healing. I don’t think it’s necessarily a pressing matter to implement it, I mostly commented to disagree with anyone in this thread that thinks it _can’t_ work as a matter of principal; it’s clearly doable even with gw2’s “unique non-trinity” structure it would just require a little extra thought is all.

I'd agree with you: if ANet wanted it, they'd figure out something to handle the things that make GW2 different from other games. Although, the LFG categories do leave me worried there might be a long adjustment period for us.



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