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Full counter cooldown should revert back to 8 seconds.


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As you already know FC has been nerfed by 75% and on top of that it also received an increase cooldown from 8 sec to 12 sec in an old patch.

[Combining the 75% damage nerf and the 8 to 12 sec increase cooldown, FC has been nerfed by -83% damage.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63226/full-counter-has-been-nerfed-by-83-damage-total-that-is-over-kill/p1)

With the huge nerf to FC, the least we could expect from the next patch is for Anet to revert the cooldown of 8 sec like all burst.

That is the least they could do, and warriors will still not be happy about the 75% damage nerf.

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This is ArenaNet's christmas gift to spellbreakers, destroying the whole class in competitive modes and sadly they it did not come with a return receipt so we are out of luck.


For real though ArenaNet almost never ever ever ever reverts changes like this because it makes them look bad. It makes it appear that their balance fixes need to be fixed not to mention one designer usually handles one class or two so how many do you think are going to deliberately undo their own handiwork to make themselves look bad.


Sad to say but spellbreaker is dead in any comp mode, just accept it and go mirage like everyone else.

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you effin forgot the crits (that varies) and the base damage/noncrits (that also varies). so yea, you have to like get the average of the damages (with proper bounds). you don't have to just sample a damage from your first hit. and then fucking go to wvw/pvp and get your first whip.


and i think still think and am certain that your number is wayyyyyyyyyy far off, like the distance of earth to andromeda. fail precision, as usual.

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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> This is ArenaNet's christmas gift to spellbreakers, destroying the whole class in competitive modes and sadly they it did not come with a return receipt so we are out of luck.


> For real though ArenaNet almost never ever ever ever reverts changes like this because it makes them look bad. It makes it appear that their balance fixes need to be fixed not to mention one designer usually handles one class or two so how many do you think are going to deliberately undo their own handiwork to make themselves look bad.


> Sad to say but spellbreaker is dead in any comp mode, just accept it and go mirage like everyone else.


Well to be honest I don't know if they have only one person balancing the warrior, but it does seems like it. And what you say makes sense, if there is only one person behind warrior changes, then it is very unlikely that he or she will revert his "handiwork" because that will make him/her look bad.


Well, I guess that is what we get for not letting our voices heard.

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Won't happen!


Been there seen that for Reaper:


Step 1: shroudburst was considered to be too high -> reduced damage of CoD, SS, CN by 50%, because the crits were to high

Step 2: general passive damage nerf on all specs -> removed the ability to crit with the mentioned procs


Seems to be pretty idiotic at the first moment.


When you ask someone in the balance team he will tell you, that the aim was to reduce burst damage and passive defenses in general and that every class is affected, which brings every specific change in line again. So everyone deals less damage but passive defenses were also nerfed. It's on you to be happy with that justification or not.


I think it was the right decission by them. The frustrating thing is that the changes are nowhere near complete as these bursts were an important factor to kill certain builds, which were unaffected and are now even more overpowered (e.g. soulbeast and power rev.).

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> I just don't get what spellbreaker is supposed to be. It's not damage, control, tank, or support. What is the design supposed to be? Boo stripper alone isn't strong enough to be a theme for a class. Too bad. I'm just lucky I still like Condi berserker.


Its not even good at stripping boons anymore tbh

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > I just don't get what spellbreaker is supposed to be. It's not damage, control, tank, or support. What is the design supposed to be? Boo stripper alone isn't strong enough to be a theme for a class. Too bad. I'm just lucky I still like Condi berserker.


> Its not even good at stripping boons anymore tbh


Other classes do it sooo much better, by punishing you for your boons and stealing them for themselves, we on the other hand just say, "yea it'd be nice if you'd stop using boons" and strip a few of them every now and again.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> I just don't get what spellbreaker is supposed to be. It's not damage, control, tank, or support. What is the design supposed to be? Boo stripper alone isn't strong enough to be a theme for a class. Too bad. I'm just lucky I still like Condi berserker.


I have the same feeling, I just don't get what the warrior is suppose to be. If you look at all the warrior skills, most of them are 1 target skills.

To me it looks like warrior was originally designed to be a 1 v 1 fighter, but they just keep nerfing us over and over so at some point we are not even going to be able to 1 vs 1


And in serg fights most of ours skills are capped at 3 targets, so we are not even good at dealing damage in serg fights.


Just look what happened to mace; mace was a huge success back in the days for its 1 vs 1 capability, but then it got nerfed and the PoF and HoT expansions brought so many stun breaks and stability that the 1 v 1 mace was completely destroyed. Now, there is not a single competent warrior that uses mace.



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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> I just don't get what spellbreaker is supposed to be. It's not damage, control, tank, or support. What is the design supposed to be? Boo stripper alone isn't strong enough to be a theme for a class. Too bad. I'm just lucky I still like Condi berserker.


Count me in this crowd as well. The lack of identity has hurt this spec

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > I just don't get what spellbreaker is supposed to be. It's not damage, control, tank, or support. What is the design supposed to be? Boo stripper alone isn't strong enough to be a theme for a class. Too bad. I'm just lucky I still like Condi berserker.


> Count me in this crowd as well. The lack of identity has hurt this spec


I think most of us warrior mains feel that about spellbreaker now.

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