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name account bots here ?


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I know it's forbidden to reveal player's names here but if it's a bot, is it possible ?


Because after days and days of ingame reports just to see that they are still here and well known, well...


They plague low ranks (silver 1-2) just to make money I suppose.


How do we recognize a farming bot ? (info gathered after watching them games after games)

- they are following the same exact path in the map.

- they insta target you at range (different depending on bots) and pull all their attack skills at the 0.0001 sec. you appear from stealth.

- they attack everyone in their range and follow their path and engage even 4 enemies alone if they are on their way.

- they don't speed, tp or fly hack.

- I have seen 1 necro, but otherwise, they are all mesmer mirage.

- they never try to run from fights and fight to the death.

- they only focus 1 target, so you can shoot them at range without being worried.

- the mesmer bots play 3 signets : signet of domination - midnight - illusions (edit : 1 saw 1 with only 2 signets)

- they don't care at all about the shot of treb and can be shooted when they try to take a spot.

- they use randomly dodge when running.

- If a bot meet and enemy bot, they don't attack themselves. I saw 2 mirages at the same spot. So they were frozen.

- in friendlist, they are all in invisible mode (I only see the necro not invisible)


The bots don't have 1 or 2 of those things but all of them together.


Just by checking their path routine it's should be easy to catch them. As I said, they follow always the same and strange path from the starting point. The most obvious thing to detect them.


So, if ingame report doesn't works, how are we supposed to do ? **Can I have a response pls ? (edit : seems not)**

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Another mesmer bot vs mesmer bot this morning.

They seems to play early, because I didn't see them yesterday afternoon.

edit : no in fact. I meet 2 of them at 18 afternoon. the mesmer and necro


But it was funny, this morning 1 of those mesmer bot was bugged and was doing quickly left - right at the same spot all the match.

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I think it should be allowed for a lot of reasons..


Anet could use it to put on thier watchlist

Accused players could be given a chance to defend themselves who are innocent

Accused players who are guilty might freak out they were named and stop

Players thinking about botting will see the community working together to put an end to such behaviour and would act as a deterrent



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One of the reasons I quit the cesspool that is ranked long ago is once duo came around the amount of bots, "afk" players, and wintraders have blown out of proportion.


Every match or every other match had a "afk" what was a pve reward hunter or a win trader and if it wasn't that then there was a bot that would just run home.


Circlequest combined with no way to control your match when you have 4 randoms or 3 on your team just made it not worth playing.


Let the last 250 or so people left in ranked play against one another.

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> @"Classic Perception.2507" said:

> Careful about misinterpretation.


> True story : I once made an alt to practice a different class. At gold 3, I saw a teamate double capping home. I automatically assumed they were bots so I kinda flamed and reported. Turns out they were devs and I got banned.


> Not bots, devs.


Yes, there are obviously players who are doing strange things. Myself I was reported many times because I don't play like others wanted me to play.


But when I claim that a character is a bot, it's after a close investigation and confirmation. I play thief so I can watch them coming and doing their things in stealth mode. And I throw out some matches to follow them when they were in my team.


The path they follow when taking a spot is really obvious. It's coming, running around the point by following a strange path, then taking the point, and leaving. And they do the exact same thing everytime they come to the point and if the conditions are the same (no enemy to fight).

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> But when I claim that a character is a bot, it's after a close investigation and confirmation.

If you want to go through the extra trouble to document your claim, great. Submit those details to ANet via a Support ticket or via email.


But that doesn't mean you are "confirming" that someone is botting. There's simply no way any of us can gather the data that would prove it; at best, we can remove all doubt from our own point of view. That falls very, very far from what ANet needs to do before they will act.


And that's why it's inappropriate to name suspected violators. It puts everyone in a bind because accusations carry their own weight & momentum. It's hard for those truly innocent to prove so in a court of public opinion.


It's unfortunate that ANet doesn't act as quickly as we would want. But it won't help them if we make their job harder by trying to undermine the existing policies.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > But when I claim that a character is a bot, it's after a close investigation and confirmation.

> If you want to go through the extra trouble to document your claim, great. Submit those details to ANet via a Support ticket or via email.


> But that doesn't mean you are "confirming" that someone is botting. There's simply no way any of us can gather the data that would prove it; at best, we can remove all doubt from our own point of view. That falls very, very far from what ANet needs to do before they will act.


> And that's why it's inappropriate to name suspected violators. It puts everyone in a bind because accusations carry their own weight & momentum. It's hard for those truly innocent to prove so in a court of public opinion.


> It's unfortunate that ANet doesn't act as quickly as we would want. But it won't help them if we make their job harder by trying to undermine the existing policies.


Sorry for you, you're alone.


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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64390/bots-do-3000-matches-per-season-with-total-impunity#latest


I'm not doubting that you have no doubts. I'm stating what ANet has repeatedly said: that it's not up to us to decide who is botting; it's up to them. I'm not doubting that people who break the rules hurt the game; I'm reminding you that ANet consistently asks that we file reports privately, not publicly. I don't even doubt that ANet's slow response time is problematic.


By the way: the lack of response is due to the time period in which you posted. A lot of ANet staff take time off during December, because it's one of the few times they aren't moving at full speed ahead. I don't know if you'd get a response at other times, but it's very unlikely to get one regarding _policy_ during the US holidays.



PS your other post is much more useful to the cause. It's primarily your data, with very little opinion coloring the phrasing. (And most of that is just expressing shock.)

I wish I could guarantee that ANet will act on that information. I think it's more likely that they are already aware of it. I suspect that they aren't ready to act yet, for reasons that we can't even guess at, because we're missing some bigger piece of the puzzle. (That's partly fueled by hope: if there isn't something else complicating a response, it's hard to fathom the delay.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64390/bots-do-3000-matches-per-season-with-total-impunity#latest


> I'm not doubting that you have no doubts. I'm stating what ANet has repeatedly said: that it's not up to us to decide who is botting; it's up to them. I'm not doubting that people who break the rules hurt the game; I'm reminding you that ANet consistently asks that we file reports privately, not publicly. I don't even doubt that ANet's slow response time is problematic.


> By the way: the lack of response is due to the time period in which you posted. A lot of ANet staff take time off during December, because it's one of the few times they aren't moving at full speed ahead. I don't know if you'd get a response at other times, but it's very unlikely to get one regarding _policy_ during the US holidays.



> PS your other post is much more useful to the cause. It's primarily your data, with very little opinion coloring the phrasing. (And most of that is just expressing shock.)

> I wish I could guarantee that ANet will act on that information. I think it's more likely that they are already aware of it. I suspect that they aren't ready to act yet, for reasons that we can't even guess at, because we're missing some bigger piece of the puzzle. (That's partly fueled by hope: if there isn't something else complicating a response, it's hard to fathom the delay.)


Don't worry, I just caught 2 nice videos and I just got lucky that it was bugged in 1 of those maps, so it's very obvious. Even credulous people like won't be able to defend them anymore.


I agree that process must be long to not make mistakes. But it's the case when it's not obvious.

The problme here is that thoses bots can be really easily spotted, but they are still running and doing thousands matches, doing golds and gems like crazy, ruining economy. You're ok with this ?

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> The problme here is that thoses bots can be really easily spotted, but they are still running and doing thousands matches, doing golds and gems like crazy, ruining economy. You're ok with this ?


Last time I met a cheater outside PvE it took 6 months of multiple players constantly reporting and sending videous of the obvious to Arena Net until they finally decided to take action... After that episode, I never bothered reporting anyone anymore as I lost faith with how they handle those issues... Now I just sigh and move on.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64390/bots-do-3000-matches-per-season-with-total-impunity#latest


> I'm not doubting that you have no doubts. I'm stating what ANet has repeatedly said: that it's not up to us to decide who is botting; it's up to them. I'm not doubting that people who break the rules hurt the game; I'm reminding you that ANet consistently asks that we file reports privately, not publicly. I don't even doubt that ANet's slow response time is problematic.


> By the way: the lack of response is due to the time period in which you posted. A lot of ANet staff take time off during December, because it's one of the few times they aren't moving at full speed ahead. I don't know if you'd get a response at other times, but it's very unlikely to get one regarding _policy_ during the US holidays.



> PS your other post is much more useful to the cause. It's primarily your data, with very little opinion coloring the phrasing. (And most of that is just expressing shock.)

> I wish I could guarantee that ANet will act on that information. I think it's more likely that they are already aware of it. I suspect that they aren't ready to act yet, for reasons that we can't even guess at, because we're missing some bigger piece of the puzzle. (That's partly fueled by hope: if there isn't something else complicating a response, it's hard to fathom the delay.)


Dude they got over 2000 games played this season. Add that to his legitimate observations of how they behave in matches and its very obvious that they're botting. There is no bigger picture. You're over thinking it. Anet simply isn't aware or doesn't care.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > The problme here is that thoses bots can be really easily spotted, but they are still running and doing thousands matches, doing golds and gems like crazy, ruining economy. You're ok with this ?


> Last time I met a cheater outside PvE it took 6 months of multiple players constantly reporting and sending videous of the obvious to Arena Net until they finally decided to take action... After that episode, I never bothered reporting anyone anymore as I lost faith with how they handle those issues... Now I just sigh and move on.


same here ,its took them year to ban 1 pvp hacker ... after a year... and he didnt get permaban because I seen him later

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Although I agree that we can not **confirm** that a specific character is a bot, even in the real life legal system there is the term "beyond reasonable doubt" which is enough for a judge to sentence a person. Not everything has to be proven 100%, some things are just so obvious that it is enough to "confirm" a character being a bot without having a 100% proof.


I believe it is beyond reasonable doubt that the OP has put enough work into his observations that he found real bots, although he is unable to provide a 100% proof.


PS: Of course the "no naming" rule will not change, and we will not be able to name bots on the forums despite being sure they are bots. Sadly, there are just too many people who overestimate their ability to determine if someone bots or not.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Although I agree that we can not **confirm** that a specific character is a bot, even in the real life legal system there is the term "beyond reasonable doubt" which is enough for a judge to sentence a person. Not everything has to be proven 100%, some things are just so obvious that it is enough to "confirm" a character being a bot without having a 100% proof.


> I believe it is beyond reasonable doubt that the OP has put enough work into his observations that he found real bots, although he is unable to provide a 100% proof.


Haha, don't worry, there a many players who think like you but... but...

watch my last answer in this tread (and look at 2nd video ;))


I think in my second video, the proof is serious :)

Other bots, those who don't get stuck, I should record them a lot and do a big editing. Lot of work. Hopefully I caught a faster proof.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > Although I agree that we can not **confirm** that a specific character is a bot, even in the real life legal system there is the term "beyond reasonable doubt" which is enough for a judge to sentence a person. Not everything has to be proven 100%, some things are just so obvious that it is enough to "confirm" a character being a bot without having a 100% proof.

> >

> > I believe it is beyond reasonable doubt that the OP has put enough work into his observations that he found real bots, although he is unable to provide a 100% proof.


> Haha, don't worry, there a many players who think like you but... but...

> watch my last answer in this tread (and look at 2nd video ;))


> I think in my second video, the proof is serious :)

> Other bots, those who don't get stuck, I should record them a lot and do a big editing. Lot of work. Hopefully I caught a faster proof.


Pretty sure he was already in agreement with you ?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > Although I agree that we can not **confirm** that a specific character is a bot, even in the real life legal system there is the term "beyond reasonable doubt" which is enough for a judge to sentence a person. Not everything has to be proven 100%, some things are just so obvious that it is enough to "confirm" a character being a bot without having a 100% proof.

> > >

> > > I believe it is beyond reasonable doubt that the OP has put enough work into his observations that he found real bots, although he is unable to provide a 100% proof.

> >

> > Haha, don't worry, there a many players who think like you but... but...

> > watch my last answer in this tread (and look at 2nd video ;))

> >

> > I think in my second video, the proof is serious :)

> > Other bots, those who don't get stuck, I should record them a lot and do a big editing. Lot of work. Hopefully I caught a faster proof.


> Pretty sure he was already in agreement with you ?


Yes ^^

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I was skeptical about bits in PvP since these sort of accusations get thrown around pretty loosely. I’ve even been accused of hacking on multiple occasions by people that don’t know how thieve shadow step abilities work.


...but today I encountered what was without a doubt a Mesmer bot in several games.


At first I was confused when I called home and had some guy follow me and run towards the node when I was already capturing it. But then I realized that this guy was doing this every game.


He also would never read or respond to chat and used the exact same opening combo every time he engaged someone.

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