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Tier 1 Matchup unbalanced

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.


> How do you know this? I need to know.


That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year back when Anet released a graph

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.

> >

> > How do you know this? I need to know.


> That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year back when Anet released a graph


What does some unlabeled bar graph from a year ago have to do with today? BG has been closed since that unlabeled bar graph from a year ago was released.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.

> >

> > How do you know this? I need to know.


> That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year **and a half** ago back when Anet released a graph


Fixed that.


Of course, SoR was a link, Kaineng was a link, JQ was a host, and Mag was a host, along with a number of other changes since then.



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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > "The problem with BG is that they just don't show up when they lose a fight. If they can blob everything down they queue half of America worth in people on EB alone. But if you kill that map blob once or twice commanders ragequit and the pugs leave until someone else tags up."


> thats the same with every server, tell me what server isnt like that? none. There is no incentive to go out getting farmed when u can pvd and win the matchup without fighting.



But not every server is as full as BG is. If this happens on SoR or TC they can't queue two maps, BG could queue three when commanders are available. You could see that difference between BG and JQ before JQ completely died. They had cloudfly tagging up and 40-50 people followed him around. That's was their potential playerbase besides the guild groups. If that happens on BG you end up in a queue of 60+ for EBG and that's not even close to the potential slumbering on BG.


And that problem will be the #1 issue of WvW for a while. No new commanders willing to tag up, learn and don't get annoyed by "that commander sucks - idiot pugs" blaming everyone but themselves for bad performance.

Put two or three good commanders on BG there won't be any population issue anymore. It's called hibernationgate for a reason.

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.


> How do you know this? I need to know.


Fighting BG shortly before christmas. Not sure if it was end of november week or around mid of december.


And looking at the stats of the last matchups:

BG dominated most of them - without a link vs. linked servers.

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.

> > >

> > > How do you know this? I need to know.

> >

> > That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year back when Anet released a graph


> What does some unlabeled bar graph from a year ago have to do with today? BG has been closed since that unlabeled bar graph from a year ago was released.


In large-scope demographics? All servers have seen attrition at a roughly equal rate.

Sorry you guys didn't win a few times. I know it's rough, the rest of the servers can relate.


Things are all better this week though, aren't they? This week's great right?!


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> In large-scope demographics? All servers have seen attrition at a roughly equal rate.

> Sorry you guys didn't win a few times. I know it's rough, the rest of the servers can relate.


> Things are all better this week though, aren't they? This week's great right?!


Hmm, okay. Fair point I suppose. Here is my perspective.

1) You guys don't have any actual data to back up your claims about how stacked BG is (and neither do I). The only thing I know is that when I play, I don't feel like we are this giant super power of a server that everyone makes us out to be. It's a good week if we even queue 1 map on reset. My alt account (not on BG) has longer queues than my main account on BG.

2) Every server might have the same attrition rate, but the difference is BG doesn't get new players because we have been "full" for years.

3) This matchup imbalance is not BG's fault, we just play here. Arena Net did this, not us, but a lot of people act like BG is a subhuman server for some reason.


But either way, I will stop harassing you about this because you are allowed to have an opinion and you are also allowed to hate BG.


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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

>ny population issue anymore. It's called hibernationgate for a reason.



You can say that about literally every server in the game, only thing BG has that other servers do not is a population still loyal to a server tho, BG players are mostly loyalist mediocre players, not bad, not good, just mediocre put them up against a competent group and they will get their shit pushed in fast. Having 60+ mediocre players in a blob is not as bad as it sounds tho, we play a game where they 90% of the player base completelly sucks, arround 3% are really really good and like 7% is mediocre. So having such high conentration of mediocre players in the same server is not easy to take on for other servers where your pupulation consists on useless bads. U put up a group with good players imo and they will just smoke any BG blob easy cake. People who think BG is hard or has a ton of players are mostly cuz u are surrounded by bads so you cannot objectivelly look at BG for what it is, the server has very low NA, this is a fact, so obvioulsy they are outnumbered everynight, dosnt matter of visual or cookie or whoever is commanding they are outnumbered in most maps on daily basis , if the BG blob is killing and farming your shitty ass group all u need to know is that your zerg is just bad, it has nothing to do with blackgate numbers or whatver, they just have less bads on their blob than most blobs around these days.

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Also worth pointing out bg still has some of the only dedicated late na/ocx guilds/zergs left and that kinda coverage goes a long way.


Also imo bg pugs are the best in the game at this point. As bloodie said they're all decently competent. They get in coms they join squad on useful classes and they play meta builds. The scouting is some of the best I've seen. Maybe kn scouting is this good but I can tell you mag/CD scouting was regularly atrocious. The callouts are clear and frequent, the scouts can actually fight and build siege for themselves so 10 of them can reliably deal with a 20 man hitting a keep. Like you really can't ask for more by the book play. So yeah they've got people but they're also just doing things right for the most part which is why they were able hold onto things during dead timezones against most na servers.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > The callouts are clear and frequent, the scouts can actually fight and build siege for themselves so 10 of them can reliably deal with a 20 man hitting a keep.


> Oh so you mean you don't have like 10 people asking for backup against 3 people when they're in the lord's room?


Precisely dude.


Most na scouting:


Scout: "need help"


Us: "where"


Scout: "here"


Us: "dude where"


Scout: "t3 bay 13 on inner we only have 12"


Us: "....can you stall??"


Scout: "its flipping"

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> @"Jatari Thundercloud.3794" said:

> guys gals i wrote this thread to open positive dialogue on imbalances that create rift and chaos. Lets not take it to far. ive read all of your comments and i think we may come to a common ground. Please dont make this toxic . Thank you


Thread was not needed in the first place, everytime BG wins the matchup u feel the need to come post a thread about it? Didnt see u post anything when FA SBI SoS and KN were winning T1.


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