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What's the best class for soloing open world content?


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > Power Minion Master Reaper -> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master

> >


> I used to run minions, but its severely argh inducing with how frequently they suddenly despawn due to mounts or transforms. Going on cd.


yes thats very annoying. Picking up an item and they are gone. change map = gone. Same with Mantras from Firebrand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Minion Master Necro is pretty much a faceroll. You do have to pay attention to what can cause one or more to de-spawn. I'm not all that good at MMO's and even I can solo champions without much problem. I need to get away from playing him so much though because there's no real incentive to move out of the way of incoming attacks when I generally heal faster than things can damage me.

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In the same boat. My first pro. was a MM necro. Then I tried all other classes and was not faring well. Necro seems so much more powerful than my thief it just seems broken.


In fact, I went AFK in an area I thought was safe, then an event occurred. I came back to bodies all over the ground, fulfilled a heart quest and did nothing, all minions lol. Playing it makes me go to sleep though. I have no connection to what is happening.


I would rather just shoot my rifle as DE thief, but that does not work well in pve as I can get maybe 2 shots off before they close the gap and destroy me.


Also (yes I am new) the CHAINING CC in this game is way too far over the top. There is no real mitigation to curb this in game. On a Thief, I don't get away if I am caught that way.


bleh, just frustrated. I want to have more fun in pve, but I don't want to play the only class that seems able to handle open world (necro) for a new person. I have to work really hard on my thief to do the things the necro does with one simple auto-attack followed by minion destruction and I often will still die as thief. Some things like most champs, just forget it.

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Not sure OP is even reading this thread anymore, but OP, if you're not wrecking face with soulbeast in open world, you're doing it wrong. You are correct, however, that both mainhand and offhand daggers for ranger are lackluster. Overall it sounds like you might not have a very strong handle on getting the most out of your ranger in general, which will leave you ill-prepared to combine core ranger tactics (which are excellent for survival) with new soulbeast mechanics (which let you do _very_ respectable power damage bursts).


I'm probably biased as I main a ranger, but mine hits like a truck and doesn't die. Always the first character I take to new content, or for efficiently soloing group content (such as explorable dungeon paths). It seems you've found other classes to run for soloing open world, but it's always good to have options - and I'm telling you ranger is a pretty good one.

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  • 2 months later...

I came back to the forums in order to ask a different question, but here I am reading the thread.


Again, when I'm talking about "soloing the open world" I'm talking about **soloing champion/legendary enemies and related events**. Killing trash mobs or just tanking SOME damage is of no concern to any class, I believe, and it doesn't require any specific setup to pull it off either.


I've been playing on and off as pretty much every class in the game aside from elementalist(my arthritis won't let me) and lately guardian(deleted) since I've made that post and I realized that for me the Deadeye is simply superior in every way possible. Insane amounts of sustain and damage, high mobility and boon generation, ease of use and ability to outright ignore majority of close-combat dangers - all in one nice package. CC is not too much of a problem since I learned to use stuff like Boulders and Planks, and also because I usually don't even need it in order to survive. Shortbow covers blast finishers and groups of enemies.


* Classes like Reaper, Mirage, Holosmith and Soulbeast are nice, however, in some situations using them is akin to having a death wish.

* Pets of Reaper and Soulbeast, or even some of Mirage's clones draw agro and that's great. However, what's not so great is when these pets cause an enemy drop a god damn fire/smoke/literallywhatever field at them. Since they attack in melee it will basically allow the enemy to utilize field combos with lethal effect. No amount of condi cleanse will save you from continuous status barrage every time AI decides to use the field ability. Certain abilities like Black Powder of Ezal The Quick will not only create fields, but also BOUNCE from your pets towards you, greatly increasing their effect against you.

* All of these classes rely on melee for maximum killing efficiency, that doesn't work well 100% of the time.

* As for the ranger specifically, it's just pukeinducing to me. Feels slow and weak. Chaining it with melee works better, but I'm not into trying to face-tank a champ constantly just to have okayish damage. The whole boonbeast act is boring, pretty much running signets instead of abilities - just activating timed "stances" is meh. It takes longer to kill things as a ranger and feels less enjoyable than ANY other class I've ever tried out. But I guess it's nice since you can survive a lot even if you fail miserably and get knocked on your bottom, since lick wounds exists. Right now I'm still forcing myself to play as one, but ooh boy is that a difficult and unenjoyable task. The only thing that moving me forward with that class is the fashion-wars potential.

* Renegade is a tough one for me, kind of gimmicky to use, but the build Eros.6801 has provided certainly seems interesting. Especially since I use the same "runes for heals" strategy on my Mirage.


That being said, I still enjoy playing as Deadeye, Holosmith, Mirage, Reaper, Spellbreaker and Herald. I suppose everyone has their playstyle and certain professions require a different way of thinking in order to achieve success in every situation. With the recent A-mazing "champion killing event" testing stuff on my own is pretty difficult since champs just get gangbanged by mobs of ambitious adventurers, but it's going to end today and I'll continue my futile attempts to do everything on my own in a game that was not balanced for that. Thank you for the responses, it was interesting and insightful.

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- I get how you feel right now because every time balance patch hit something will be missed, mostly will be our fun way to play the class. As for my Reg build please ignore that because with the recent changes i too can't find my self enjoy it any longer although the heal element is still there and DPS somewhat slightly better. The build has lost its fun due to UA being replaced with CoA and the ETD forced me into 100% melee range with a dark field which i very much dislike.

- Right now i'm just sticking with Lord Hizen spellbreaker build, its strong and having access to a lot of dodges make it somewhat feels like playing a thief with heavy armor. Down side is melee...yeah nothing really perfect but hey atleast i'm having fun. At the end of the day being what you want to be rather than being what others tell you to be is what matters.

- on a side note i think thief is a good one, nice pick btw and make sure you have fun.

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1. Condi mirage.

— Chaos build, CI trait, runes of tormenting. Axe/pistol, axe/torch. Heals you for every inflicted stack of torment. And there's a lot of torment from ambush skills. When CI triggers, you can stun champs with 1 skill. Perfect build to solo everything. And it's very easy to play.

2. Rifle deadeye.

— Marauder gear to not get one-shoted and invigorating precision. Healing is so strong, that you can completly ignore retalation. If you want to cleave trash mobs, you should have sword or dagger in second set.

3. Staff daredevil.

— Same thing as deadeye, but with staff and pistol/pistol.

4. Trailblazer condi sword weaver.

— It's not an easy build to play, but it's a final solution of how to not die as a sword weaver. My personal choice is fire/arcane/weaver, but original build from Lord Hizen's is more tanky (earth/arcane/weaver). Mobs can't do much damage to you and signet of regeneration heals you every time you use any skill. It's enough to nullify incoming damage.

5. Trailblazer condi scourge.

— It's also Lord Hizen's build. The only difference from meta is one grandmaster trait in Curses — second trait heals you for 10% of your condition damage.

6. Power reaper.

— Blood Power build and a trait that heals you for 5% damage in reaper.

7. Power renegade.

— Sword/sword, shortbow. Kalla/x. Depends on what is needed. There's a lot of healing. Elite on Kalla, siphon life if you attack something from behind or side. Shortbow is better ranged weapon than hammer (it is faster).

8. Power chronomacer.

— What chrono need is assassin's gear, because critical hit = more damage. Domination/dueling. Sword/x, Greatsword. Mesmer has utility skills for every situation. And it's bursty. Clones can take agro.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.


> Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs.


Have you even bothered to check out the link I posted? :s There is no longbow in that DH build. Dragonhunter is anything but weak, you just don't know how to play it. A lot of other stuff you posted leaves me thinking that you didn't even care to educate yourself on profession meta builds.

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My Necro (minion master) is the only avatar I have that can solo HoT. A lot depends on your playstyle, I have seen people solo on just about everything. For me... my favorites are the Necro (minions & staff for marks), and my Ranger (pet & longbow). I am starting to enjoy my Mesmer, still not quite got it, but seems ok.


Warrior is kind of mediocre for me. Worst for me, was Elementalist and Guardian. The Revenent I have just never quite warmed up to, not sure if he is good or not...

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.

> >

> > Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs.


> Have you even bothered to check out the link I posted? :s There is no longbow in that DH build. Dragonhunter is anything but weak, you just don't know how to play it. A lot of other stuff you posted leaves me thinking that you didn't even care to educate yourself on profession meta builds.


Seeing your tone, I won't ever want to try out anything you post, really. And I won't even bother with a proper reply towards my experiences with that spec. Educate yourself about "subjective preferences" while you visit the dampest, darkest, and the most vile and populated place in the world, located right below your tailbone. :'(

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> My Necro (minion master) is the only avatar I have that can solo HoT. A lot depends on your playstyle, I have seen people solo on just about everything. For me... my favorites are the Necro (minions & staff for marks), and my Ranger (pet & longbow). I am starting to enjoy my Mesmer, still not quite got it, but seems ok.


> Warrior is kind of mediocre for me. Worst for me, was Elementalist and Guardian. The Revenent I have just never quite warmed up to, not sure if he is good or not...


For me Minion Necro was problematic in HoT and in some specific encounters exactly because of the minions. There are enemies that sap health out of them to heal and it doesn't work too well for me, same goes for enemies that create fields and have stuff like leap and projectile finishers. I still like it, it's just that in certain situations, compared to other professions it's less reliable because of it's core feature.

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For me variation on power chrono. Rune of the pack and shield instead of focus. In traits I have fury and quickness on phantasms and I get all boons back once they die. This way I have perma 25 might, fury and quickness so everything melts. Also manyblocks and evades so I can survive imeven longer fights where my burst is not enough.

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