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gearing up


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> in general do u have fun gearing up?

Most of my money goes into funny projects, such as guild-hall decorations or experimental builds. Some of the christmas gifts of this year were expensive MF recipes, no one with a correct mind would ever dare to craft (because you sacrifice those precious coins). So I ended up almost broke around the 25th. However, my 3rd ascended set still needs a full stat switch to Grieving. Started two days ago, I am almost at my goal - thanks to the ascended stat switching. Getting the trinkets was a bit of a struggle, but I am almost done with that as well. If I was not on hollidays, this would have taken a couple of weeks.


Yes it is fun. It is challenging, you need to do some research and in most cases you have to craft something. One of my guild-members entered the world of fractals recently and I sometimes help him to optimize his gear (AR wise). I've done it a lot of times, it is still fun to do it and challenging to get him slowly towards 150 without blowing up our both wallets. Lucky for me, most of the newbies are guided directly to metabattle, so it is basically ONLY bezersker's gear. It is one of the first stat combos introduced, so there are almost infinite ways to obtain that gear. I remember one day a couple of years ago, we wanted to get another person geared for fractals, also berzerker's stats ofcourse and we were looking for a proper backpack. In the end we crafted one with selectable stats (the old MF recipes), because the mats were a lot cheaper than for a direct bezerker's backpack. Although everything is written down in wiki today, you still need to read. A few months ago another guild-mate of mine wanted to make a full Harrier's Ascended set for a druid. He was farming Zehtuka recipes like crazy. A stubborn person, took me ages to explain how the above mentioned stat-swapping works and to persuade him to give it a try. In the end he had his set in less than 10 minutes ready. I could go on with more examples.



Getting geared in Guildwars 2 today is easier than ever before. It includes some work however. If gear swapping was as easy as in sPvP more people would complain about the endgame again.


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > where is it written that gear MUST be hard to get ?

> > The fact that it's literally designed that way. Just make your Ascendeds and move on.

> >

> >


> i own 2 legendary armors its just not fun if people have fun on grinding gear stats so be it


Must be your first MMO, otherwise you would have known what is the fun when new patch makes you full awakened +16 gear into trash usable only as fodder.

Spend bit of mats to change stats (CHANGE!) not roll and pray to get the right combo every ummmhhh 6-18 months is not a grind . Given most classes stay in 'viper' and 'zerker' anyway.


Check this when u got time to know what grinding is





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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > What "gear grind" needs to be stopped? Legendary armor, legendaries in general, aren't supposed to be cheap. They aren't even worth to make unless you change stats or upgrades a ton. That is by design and should under no circumstance be made any easier or costly for that matter.


> where is it written that gear MUST be hard to get ? in a skill based game ?


> welcome to show me the LAW about game gear


Well, it was written by ANet, before the game launch, that legendaries were supposed to involve a lengthy acquisition process. Since the game is theirs I would call their word law here. Luckily exotics are cheap and easy to come by.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Jwake.7013" said:

> > What's too pricey about it? What's your solution for the fix? It is called 'Legendary' for a reason though, personally don't have a problem with it.

> >

> > There really isn't a gear grind at all by the time your lvl'd to 80 most people already have a piece or two of exotic and then can work on getting the exact stats they want. Ascended gear is pretty easy to get through collections and crafting imo. And you really don't even NEED those unless your doing fractals.

> > Yes build templates would be nice.


> Fun fact the game started out without gear grind exotic gear was easy to get, than Anet changed it guess what they can change it again if people feel more fun without grinding gear stats.


> Solution is easy lower the prices for gear


Legendery amor is just ascended with qol if it got as cheap as exotic it wouldnt be work for it and no point to work towards. Legendery is meant to be hard earned and for prices its not anet who set them its other players(materials)

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