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Rune of Sanctuary - Viable in PvP?

Bull Zooker.1672

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Has anyone been able to make the rune of sanctuary work in PvP setting?


i ask, as i am a returning necro main, struggling to necro due to mass pressure in every engagement i enter (PvP setting). Without 'hard' counters to damage dealt (blocks, invuln. evade spam) I'm wondering whether speccing into condition damage and healing power, with sanctuary runes is a viable option to keep on top of the onslaught.


idea would be to take blood, curses and spite for core, reaper for... reaper, and scourge... for scourge.


blood: minor signet, vamp presence, and master of your choice,

curses: terrifying descent, terror, 10% heal from condi damage.


Utility skills;

corrupt boon, wurm and armor


i know i should just get in game and test this, but my time is very limited (young family),


what are your thoughts?


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Unless scourge it's doomed to fail hard.


Condi builds are notorious for having poor sustain. Poor life force generation, poor life steal, choosing defensive traits and utilities comes at expense of damage and it's a costly price to pay. Scourge is an exception - with lotsa condies in shades, good condi offhand (torch) and good access to barriers, and never losing ability to receive healing from teammates (barriers vs traditional shroud) he can pull it off...to a degree.


But generally condi necro wants to stay back and be a ranged pest/controller who will just pile up damage, corrupt boons and fear enemies off himself or allies.


If it's tank you seek power is where it's at. Unlike condi, power weapons have good lf generation by default, along with good tools for keeping yourself on your feet (healing, aoe blinding field) or doing burst damage (axe #2). The defensive traits also synergise a lot better with power build ones. Damage from weapons alone (unlike for condi) is enough to get the job done, so there's no big problem if traits and/or utilities focus on defense. Even the elite (lich form) offers really nice boost to survival (steal a ton of health with #5) then pop shroud and get extra lifeforce for it as you leave lich form.


The weakspot for power build (usually) is weaker boon corrupt then condi builds and weaker anti-condi defense, though the latter depends on build more then being a hard rule.


Though i hate them with passion, scourges are the ones that get best of both worlds. There's a reason they are meta. Played well (with a healing support that knows his job) they are a menace.


I myself am a core necro with very strong penchant for defense oriented builds and as such i can tell you - if it's tank you need, power is the way to go on both core and reaper.

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I tried running it with scourge and blood magic in spvp and I didn't find it to be very good.


It is pretty good with signet of vampirism with the signet trait, though. It works out to be 151 barrier with a 1s ICD, which is pretty good. The trade-off is I run a power build so I lose consume conditions for condi cleanse. I'm now tempted to try a condi build with Parasitic Contagion, though. I get a sense that might be too gimmicky, especially since scourge can't condi spam anymore.

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> @"Bull Zooker.1672" said:

> Has anyone been able to make the rune of sanctuary work in PvP setting?


> i ask, as i am a returning necro main, struggling to necro due to mass pressure in every engagement i enter (PvP setting). Without 'hard' counters to damage dealt (blocks, invuln. evade spam) I'm wondering whether speccing into condition damage and healing power, with sanctuary runes is a viable option to keep on top of the onslaught.


> idea would be to take blood, curses and spite for core, reaper for... reaper, and scourge... for scourge.

> utilising;

> blood: minor signet, vamp presence, and master of your choice,

> curses: terrifying descent, terror, 10% heal from condi damage.


> Utility skills;

> corrupt boon, wurm and armor


> i know i should just get in game and test this, but my time is very limited (young family),


> what are your thoughts?



Run it as a power greatsword build and it's not bad as a point holder with lots of healing output as well as good sustain from all the heals and Sanctuary.

see a build I submitted to Metabattle here https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Sanctuary_Greatsword

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> I tried running it with scourge and blood magic in spvp and I didn't find it to be very good.


> It is pretty good with signet of vampirism with the signet trait, though. It works out to be 151 barrier with a 1s ICD, which is pretty good. The trade-off is I run a power build so I lose consume conditions for condi cleanse. I'm now tempted to try a condi build with Parasitic Contagion, though. I get a sense that might be too gimmicky, especially since scourge can't condi spam anymore.


Yeah, better not. Parasitic contagion is pretty dependant on enemies not cleansing your condies. Read: big fail in pvp. If it's survival trait from curses you need, go for weakening shroud. Being able to do aoe weakness will really help your barrier from sand shroud stay up longer. Also a free boon corrupt when you shroud.


If you run signet of vampirism and are in need of anti-condi, then i suggest death magic. After recent changes the middle line path (Shrouded Removal -> Dark Defiance -> Corrupter's Fervor) is pretty badass at countering condi pressure. Especially if you have some additional sources of protection on you, though the line alone will give you two protection casts (one on shroud exit, one when cc'd).

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thanks everyone for your input, for info, this rune doesnt seem to work with parasitic contagion (10% condi is received as healing).

in addition, as expected, any shroud proc'd heals (life from death - exit shroud and receive 'x' health) dont seem to work either.

probably bugged. its a shame, i was theory crafting like a mother fucker and thought this was going to be cool!

anyone else have anything to add?

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For addtional sustain flock rune is decent.





That's also a decent roaming build.


On a blood magic build berserker amulet + flock rune deals more damage, has equal HP and better heals than marauder amulet + scholar rune. The 1K team heal when using YSIM! is also a nice addition. In general YSIM! is a beast of a skill in that build. Blood is power heals for 6k and is a nice burst setup (15 might + leeching)


For ultimate tankyness paladin/mender amulet can be used, but then the build is not capable of 1v1'ing bunkers anymore.

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