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Energy-based elite specializations ?

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One of the main reasons I enjoy thief so much is that my main spells aren't locked behind a cooldown, and I don't find myself waiting for them to become available. It makes more a much more dynamic gameplay in my opinion, especially in PvP.

Whilst I don't think having something similar as adrenaline would be healthy for every profession or spec (weaver doesn't need to become even more complicated), I think some classes that have fewer buttons could totally use such a gameplay alternative (again : as an option through an elite spec, not as a mandatory overhaul of the class)

I really want to enjoy my warrior but the gameplay feels sooo slow compared to the other professsions I play, and I think this could be one great way to speed things up and make it more interesting.

Alternatively, they could just create a whole new energy-based class.

Thoughts ?

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I'd love to see something like this. I think it is most likely to work with a profession that does not have weapon swap mechanics for obvious balancing difficulties, ie, engineer and elementalist, or to remove weapon swap ability in exchange for initiative. I personally think Revenant would work better with Initiative in general.


And I'd love to see some similar things like this such as increased base health to a profession like Elementalist in exchange for 1 or 2 attunements being dropped or some other mechanical change.


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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> And I'd love to see some similar things like this such as increased base health to a profession like Elementalist in exchange for 1 or 2 attunements being dropped or some other mechanical change.


I'd rather have 11,645 HP than lose my four attunements as an Ele main.


That said, I would like to see something like an Elementalist elite spec that deals with Energy. Energy Storage was the Elementalist's unique attribute in GW1, and I really like mana mechanics.

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They've been moving toward that with the ammo system, where you get short cooldowns between uses, but a longer cooldown to build up reserve.


As a lame-o who likes elementalist thematically, but would rather just camp whatever attunement suits me tactically at the time (DPS, support, control, or tank), I think it would be interesting to have an e-spec with a mechanic more like berserker rage or death shroud or celestial avatar. When you switch attunements, you start filling up a bar with each weapon skill (it resets to 0 after each switch). Once it fills up, you can trigger an elemental transformation mode that provides boons and aura (and maybe barrier for earth) while active, and which sacrifices its own duration to cancel the cooldowns on weapon skills, with the downside that you can't change attunement while transformed.

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