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Why Take A Game Mode (WvW) Seriously... When It Is So Casual?


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > Why get srsbsns about any video game?

> > > It's a tremendous waste of time and effort.

> > > Your mom isn't going to be any more impressed if it's got an Esports presence.

> >

> > If you read the wall of text again, the OP is essentially stating WvW is not as fun because you don't actually have to try that hard. It's turned into a causal play mode which requires almost no skill. When the OP does win, it doesn't feel rewarding.

> >

> > At least that's how I read it lol... which means I'm probably butchered it horribly.


> I see that as self-aggrandizement

> If it were really that easy there'd be far less skill gap than there is

> He also said this


> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > GW2 is about as good as it get's IMO still.


> I've played full-loot PvP games before, also paid dearly for getting far, faaaarrr too into ladder rankings in other games.

> Rewards are for things that are actually rewarding.. Like a job

> Games are for fun



I have a job and I have hobbies and I play games. I would also like my games to not being dumb down into oblivion, they feel like watching a horrible soap tv show. I like my brain cells to work, that makes it fun for me. Just breathing and existing is totally not attractive to me, I put all my talent, effort, the need to progress and be a better version in anything I do, that makes my life fulfilled. Just because I want to play good, want things to matter, does not mean I do not have fun, because that exactly is the definition of fun to me.

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I really don't think we need WvW to be any more "serious" than it currently is, at least when I look at the common attitude of guilds, their commanders and the team chat. The toxicity is really driving the fun out of it for me, despite still loving the game mode. Being told to "f... off" in an open world game mode, just because some guilds think themselves supperior and feel like they own the right to play alone just doesn't feel like it fits the idea of what this game mode was all about. (If you really care only about GvG, why not go to OS or such?)

Not to mention the amount of stacking that is already going on, people are looking for "good fights", but then they all just stack on one server...


Imagine how this all would work out, if "winning actually meant something" - this would at best be possible with the new alliance system, but even then I don't think "transferring" to the winning side could be fully avoided. And people just playing the game mode for fun would be even more discriminated against by elitists who forgot what "fun in games" means, or who want everything to be dead serious.


I'm sorry, but the game mode is at a low already when it comes to likeability community wise, don't make it even more toxic by putting pressure on people to "actually win".


What might be nice would be a GvG (10v10, 20v20 and more) game mode.

Considering the numbers of people still playing, that would kill WvW though.



Mind you, I'm a more serious player myself, I don't just run in, derping around, I want to win.

But people seem to forget they are playing a game it seems.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> I put all my talent, effort, the need to progress and be a better version in anything I do, that makes my life fulfilled. Just because I want to play good, want things to matter, does not mean I do not have fun, because that exactly is the definition of fun to me.


Hey, if spending half a week gathering and crafting for one fight is your thing those games exist. After a few years you'll realize how very little of the time spent is actually challenging or even entertaining.

Not to mention those type always, always have one side so bloated they make BG look balanced.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > Why get srsbsns about any video game?

> > > It's a tremendous waste of time and effort.

> > > Your mom isn't going to be any more impressed if it's got an Esports presence.

> >

> > If you read the wall of text again, the OP is essentially stating WvW is not as fun because you don't actually have to try that hard. It's turned into a causal play mode which requires almost no skill. When the OP does win, it doesn't feel rewarding.

> >

> > At least that's how I read it lol... which means I'm probably butchered it horribly.


> I see that as self-aggrandizement

> If it were really that easy there'd be far less skill gap than there is

> He also said this


> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > GW2 is about as good as it get's IMO still.


> I've played full-loot PvP games before, also paid dearly for getting far, faaaarrr too into ladder rankings in other games.

> Rewards are for things that are actually rewarding.. Like a job

> Games are for fun



The reason I like to play more seriously overall... is because otherwise, as a Casual player, I would feel like "I'm shooting myself in the foot". And that's no offense to someone who prefers to play Casually. Though, I feel that way because instead I'm actually trying to win/help my team win... as a more Serious player. That is by putting forth the reasonable effort it would take in achieving that goal... to win. As that would _also_ seem to be the Primary Goal of WvW ultimately... for one team to ultimately dominate the other(s) to equal a Win. Though, as I stated in the OP... It Does Not feel like a Meaningful Win at all. Now... "Why do I feel I am shooting myself in the foot?' you might ask still.


Well, because I too play games for fun ultimately. And for me too have "fun" I will have to experience some variety of Emotions to some degree depending on said activity and my relation to it; on said game involved. In order for me **to have the right** to say... "Hey, I had/am having fun". And expect it to hold meaning when I do say or at least think it. I would not say "Hey I had fun on this game I never played" for instance. It would be meaningless... And I would be lying to myself on top of that to make it worse. And... I too rather not experience a "tremendous waste of time and effort" in a game; or for pretty much anything in life, in general. All things considered. So that is firstly why I prefer to have _my emotions_ be more easily perceived as Genuine Emotions; at least for myself. Though, if I am in fact having meaningful fun. Then it was not a "tremendous waste of time and effort" for myself considering that... as that is the initial purpose. Though, you know what is ironically enough IMO?... These forums. However, I can happily say I'm rarely active here still personally despite this... because far too often it's just not worth really IMO.


Anyways, if I'm gonna complain, credit or talk about said game _with meaning_ to whatever degree I can, given all that... I better first have tried to have made that experience the one I was looking for... a positive one. Or else otherwise... I have nothing/no one to blame besides myself for not really trying in the first place. And that is why I lean more Serious personally.


Aside from that... to cut it short. If intended Rewards are not "actually rewarding" for you. Then I'll gladly take your gold for starters... joking.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> Sorry, I'm still trying to wrap my head around 'serious' and 'video game' being in the same sentence. All games are frivolous and a way to have some fun and pass some time. "Serious" may mean you spend more time being efficient at it, but at the end of the day, its a bunch of pixels on a screen.


Well, I can try to explain, but I'm making no promises in terms of comprehension mind you. When I talk Serious, I'm **Not** talking playing like your life depends on it (In probably it's most ridiculous state)... I'm talking playing like your _experience_ depends on it. As I said before "I lean more Serious"... I Never said for instance... "I play Serious to the point where it affects me in various ways negatively IRL" LOL. So there was a reason I added the word "lean" there. Rather than saying "I am completely Serious". Having said that, I hope that clears up the difference for you and maybe others? As I realize being Serious, as well as being Casual, lie on some kind of spectrum in respect to the two. I would like to think other people realize that as well... At least all I can do is hope.


If you wish to see why I take a video game that interest me more seriously... I would see the above post if you haven't read already. Though, the conclusion still remains this...

> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> Anyways, if I'm gonna complain, credit or talk about said game _with meaning_ to whatever degree I can, given all that... I better first have tried to have made that experience the one I was looking for... a positive one. Or else otherwise... I have nothing/no one to blame besides myself for not really trying in the first place. And that is why I lean more Serious personally.


So to re-clarify... It's a matter of having valid/genuine emotions... and emotions are important because I prefer to play games that make me happy. Those I can consider fun... as that is why I'm there for to begin with. Like I would think the vast majority of people playing are as well. Though, if I'm not trying to make myself happy... then that issue is with me firstly before I can take genuine issue's with said game. In order to hold more meaning behind those issue's. And therefore that is why I "lean" more Serious then Casual. Thankfully (for me) I'm talking about a mode... WvW. And not the game in it's entirety. Hope that helps :)

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