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Are there any Tempests in the top 100 for Ranked PvP in the NA ladders for the current season?

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> @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> They need to revert the nerfs to Tempests!


The best nerf by anet : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Shielding

" we want to give players a window of opportunity to attack the ele which seems to be too hard to kill"


A year later they release PoF with boonbeast -holosmith and most of all **fierebrand** farting protection and stability.....

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> > They need to revert the nerfs to Tempests!


> The best nerf by anet : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Shielding

> " we want to give players a window of opportunity to attack the ele which seems to be too hard to kill"


> A year later they release PoF with boonbeast -holosmith and most of all **fierebrand** farting protection and stability.....



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All I want is to play dagger/dagger again without having to fart out healing. Like I don't want this crappy weaver,dancey Healey build.


I want a bruiser build like warrior or Holo or offensive FB. ANET WE WANT DAMAGE PLS. Balance out our damage AND sustain, not to just lean to one side damage and then the next season lean towards only heals. Like damn.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> LOL.


> All I want is to play dagger/dagger again without having to fart out healing. Like I don't want this crappy weaver,dancey Healey build.


> I want a bruiser build like warrior or Holo or offensive FB. ANET WE WANT DAMAGE PLS. Balance out our damage AND sustain, not to just lean to one side damage and then the next season lean towards only heals. Like kitten.


Use Celestial Fire/Air...

Otherwise Sage is okaaaaaaay...

The Arcane build is good for condi too but tricky to pull off for some


Sadly all of our sustain is built on having healing power

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > LOL.

> >

> > All I want is to play dagger/dagger again without having to fart out healing. Like I don't want this crappy weaver,dancey Healey build.

> >

> > I want a bruiser build like warrior or Holo or offensive FB. ANET WE WANT DAMAGE PLS. Balance out our damage AND sustain, not to just lean to one side damage and then the next season lean towards only heals. Like kitten.


> Use Celestial Fire/Air...

> Otherwise Sage is okaaaaaaay...

> The Arcane build is good for condi too but tricky to pull off for some


> Sadly all of our sustain is built on having healing power


I don't get WHY either.

You think since we have the lowest health pool right next to guardian and thief, we could get compensated somehow?


Nerf our healing but give us more ways to access protection? Or invuls (balanced ones), more ACTIVE defenses since we clearly can't have any passive defenses with the community btching somehow. Promote eles players to play strategically offensive instead of the passive, defensive style.


It just seems like we've been robbed of our identity because everyone seems to justify those rapid nerfs with: "Well your guy's class HAS been the strongest PVE class". And even NOW with Weaver only being semi-meta people are still vouching for Weaver's nerfs.


I am seriously flabberghasted and confused when this class has been nothing but a mess, competitively for the last, what two and a half years now?

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I made it to rank 88 with tempest:



Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).


But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.


edit1: for those who think Im playing scrapper, read 2 comments down another of my comments as to why it "appears" as if Im playing scrapper... tl;dr screenshot shows my **OTHER** 4 teammates, and the scrapper stayed behind with me... seriously guys, 4 people show on the left, i MUST be the fifth, right?

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I did a lot of research because of the beautiful ways the elementalist dances on the field .I managed to find all kind of builds ,for example I discovered I'm good from a medium range and went with the scepter/dagger combo as a Weaver, I deal decent damage but healing is not quite on point , I'm using a full celestial set but I feel it , like I REALLY FEEL it needs those shields to last longer or to be more effective . It comes to the skill you have for sure but I think it would have been perfect with a medium armor ,it's either that or I didn't play with earth enough.

Anyway , I'm glad to see people interested in this class ,shout out to CelloFrag , the guy (and not the only one) that promoted the ele and encouraged people to play.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I made it to rank 88 with tempest:

> https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ


> Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).


> But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.

and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...

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> @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > I made it to rank 88 with tempest:

> > https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ

> >

> > Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).

> >

> > But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.

> and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...



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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I made it to rank 88 with tempest:

> https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ


> Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).


> But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.


Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.

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> @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...


I dont even have an engi....


Look at this screen shot: https://imgur.com/YqhzHwu

Here im playing guardian, (fortus aegis), yet my name does not appear on the left. Look at the killfeed on the middle right, you will see my name as the last person killed, the enemy doesnt even have a guardian, the team on the left doesnt have a guardian, I dont even appear there!


My engi games: https://imgur.com/hVLc2TY

I dont even have a single win with engi in PvP ranked **EVER**, because I do not like their class fantasy in an MMO and I have only played them to learn how they work with lvl 2 characters.


This is my ele: https://imgur.com/N1Vxbaw

My name is Fortus Phoenix, if you look to the left, you wont even see my name there, blue won, Im in blue (look at chat, fortus phoenix is me). This is a pict of me, compare it to the one in the screenshot: https://imgur.com/fMTj741 . Again, my name doesnt appear on the left, instead it is a necro, I havent played necro in 3 seasons since before reapers were buffed.


39 games all times with engi: https://imgur.com/ZwaOzYi

2591 with ele: https://imgur.com/x8o0Abh


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I actually went back to the screenshot of my rank 88, im playing an ele alt; DJ Eye, yet, on the top left it says DJ Backtrack....... Anet is trolling me..... You can look at the chat and see me typing stuff as DJ Eye: https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ


edit: Im dumb..... on the top left it shows 4 people...... im the **FIFTH** ..... so i **NEVER** show in there......




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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> Rip


> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


> Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.


I wrote a couple of comments above this one, give it a read, it explains why you misinterpreted the screenshot, give it a read if you guys care.


You will see me very active in the ele subforum since beta, I play almost nothing but ele almost every single season. I have suffered all metas and this is perhaps the worst eles have ever been on.


tl;dr the screenshot shows my **OTHER** 4 teammates, not me. This season I played eles about 85-90% of the time easily, and 10-15% on DH.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > Rip


> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


> > Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.


> I wrote a couple of comments above this one, give it a read, it explains why you misinterpreted the screenshot, give it a read if you guys care.


> You will see me very active in the ele subforum since beta, I play almost nothing but ele almost every single season. I have suffered all metas and this is perhaps the worst eles have ever been on.


> tl;dr the screenshot shows my **OTHER** 4 teammates, not me. This season I played eles about 85-90% of the time easily, and 10-15% on DH.


I apologise.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > I made it to rank 88 with tempest:

> > https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ

> >

> > Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).

> >

> > But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.


> Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.


skeptical hippo, what does it matter if he won a few games on scrapper.


I think we should hand out trophies and blowjobs to anyone who "mains" an ele. they have it rough....

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> > and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...


> I dont even have an engi....


> Look at this screen shot: https://imgur.com/YqhzHwu

> Here im playing guardian, (fortus aegis), yet my name does not appear on the left. Look at the killfeed on the middle right, you will see my name as the last person killed, the enemy doesnt even have a guardian, the team on the left doesnt have a guardian, I dont even appear there!


> My engi games: https://imgur.com/hVLc2TY

> I dont even have a single win with engi in PvP ranked **EVER**, because I do not like their class fantasy in an MMO and I have only played them to learn how they work with lvl 2 characters.


> This is my ele: https://imgur.com/N1Vxbaw

> My name is Fortus Phoenix, if you look to the left, you wont even see my name there, blue won, Im in blue (look at chat, fortus phoenix is me). This is a pict of me, compare it to the one in the screenshot: https://imgur.com/fMTj741 . Again, my name doesnt appear on the left, instead it is a necro, I havent played necro in 3 seasons since before reapers were buffed.


> 39 games all times with engi: https://imgur.com/ZwaOzYi

> 2591 with ele: https://imgur.com/x8o0Abh



Im pretty sure you are ele main... Judged off past discussions and I think you're the ele I used to roam with on GoM near game start who was in WaR, may be wrong on that one but I remember a dude with a very similar name back then.


Geez those were good days fighting with scarecrow and bandito

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> > > and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...

> >

> > I dont even have an engi....

> >

> > Look at this screen shot: https://imgur.com/YqhzHwu

> > Here im playing guardian, (fortus aegis), yet my name does not appear on the left. Look at the killfeed on the middle right, you will see my name as the last person killed, the enemy doesnt even have a guardian, the team on the left doesnt have a guardian, I dont even appear there!

> >

> > My engi games: https://imgur.com/hVLc2TY

> > I dont even have a single win with engi in PvP ranked **EVER**, because I do not like their class fantasy in an MMO and I have only played them to learn how they work with lvl 2 characters.

> >

> > This is my ele: https://imgur.com/N1Vxbaw

> > My name is Fortus Phoenix, if you look to the left, you wont even see my name there, blue won, Im in blue (look at chat, fortus phoenix is me). This is a pict of me, compare it to the one in the screenshot: https://imgur.com/fMTj741 . Again, my name doesnt appear on the left, instead it is a necro, I havent played necro in 3 seasons since before reapers were buffed.

> >

> > 39 games all times with engi: https://imgur.com/ZwaOzYi

> > 2591 with ele: https://imgur.com/x8o0Abh

> >


> Im pretty sure you are ele main... Judged off past discussions and I think you're the ele I used to roam with on GoM near game start who was in WaR, may be wrong on that one but I remember a dude with a very similar name back then.


> Geez those were good days fighting with scarecrow and bandito


Yah I used to be in WaR before one of the high ranking officers went rogue and kicked everyone and sold everything on the bank! Holy crap small world hahahahaha

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > > @"Omg its Tina.4872" said:

> > > > and yet it shows you playing Scrapper...

> > >

> > > I dont even have an engi....

> > >

> > > Look at this screen shot: https://imgur.com/YqhzHwu

> > > Here im playing guardian, (fortus aegis), yet my name does not appear on the left. Look at the killfeed on the middle right, you will see my name as the last person killed, the enemy doesnt even have a guardian, the team on the left doesnt have a guardian, I dont even appear there!

> > >

> > > My engi games: https://imgur.com/hVLc2TY

> > > I dont even have a single win with engi in PvP ranked **EVER**, because I do not like their class fantasy in an MMO and I have only played them to learn how they work with lvl 2 characters.

> > >

> > > This is my ele: https://imgur.com/N1Vxbaw

> > > My name is Fortus Phoenix, if you look to the left, you wont even see my name there, blue won, Im in blue (look at chat, fortus phoenix is me). This is a pict of me, compare it to the one in the screenshot: https://imgur.com/fMTj741 . Again, my name doesnt appear on the left, instead it is a necro, I havent played necro in 3 seasons since before reapers were buffed.

> > >

> > > 39 games all times with engi: https://imgur.com/ZwaOzYi

> > > 2591 with ele: https://imgur.com/x8o0Abh

> > >

> >

> > Im pretty sure you are ele main... Judged off past discussions and I think you're the ele I used to roam with on GoM near game start who was in WaR, may be wrong on that one but I remember a dude with a very similar name back then.

> >

> > Geez those were good days fighting with scarecrow and bandito


> Yah I used to be in WaR before one of the high ranking officers went rogue and kicked everyone and sold everything on the bank! Holy kitten small world hahahahaha


Yea I was one of the WvW commanders (knightrift) for WaR that left and took a couple of players into RUN roaming/pvp guild then shortly after that I heard what happened to WaR when a group of old WaR asked to join RUN or tell me the news...


I think we both know the plot twist to this one lol ?




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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > Rip

> >

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> >

> > > Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.

> >

> > I wrote a couple of comments above this one, give it a read, it explains why you misinterpreted the screenshot, give it a read if you guys care.

> >

> > You will see me very active in the ele subforum since beta, I play almost nothing but ele almost every single season. I have suffered all metas and this is perhaps the worst eles have ever been on.

> >

> > tl;dr the screenshot shows my **OTHER** 4 teammates, not me. This season I played eles about 85-90% of the time easily, and 10-15% on DH.


> I apologise.


its all good <3

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