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Would you like a better Lore Book system?


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In Path of Fire, the devs went farther than they did in Heart of Thorns when it comes to delivering a "lore book" system, which has been appreciated by many throughout the community. However, I do not feel they took it far enough. The Guild Wars universe has such a rich and expansive history, but much of that lore is easier to find on a wiki than within the actual game. I would love to see an addition tab added to the Hero panel in game that could serve as a lore book collection system. The plethora of collectible pages throughout GW2 would unlock in the panel, and be easier to access by all characters on an account without having to deal with clunky lore-book items that clog inventory/bank space, which are easily lost or accidentally deleted within Inventory Wars 2. Please vote if you're passionate about this topic!



A yes vote just means that you want a better lore book system, whether its a bookshelf, library, or hero panel tab. :smile:

Also a no vote doesn't mean you just want to grind, that was just a joke :sweat_smile:

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Please, please, PLEASE may I have like, a series of bookshelves in my home instance or something so that I can put all of the books that I've collected over time into them and thereby clean up a lot of space in my bank and also have a record of the lore books and scrolls that I've collected for achievements and story steps? Please?

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I would love it, if ANet would redesign everythign what has to do with Books in any form in GW2, like the Books in GW1, which really looked like Books, that you opened up to actually read them, where you were able to flip the book pages, givign you even more the impression of really holinding the book in your hands and readign it, where you had also additionally PICTURES in the books to show you the lore you read about too, or where the boon gave you through pictures also instructions, like showing you plans of something, how you create something and so on..


the Bonus Mission Pack was also very nice, where you replayed the lore, to fill up lore entries in the book, using the completed book then as a currency to receive rewards based on the amount of completed entries.

Thats why I keep on proposing that anet should improve Fractals of the Mist with more additional Fractal Types, so that anet makes finalyl usage of the huge potential of this game mode, cause it seems Anet isn#t realizign yet for 4 years, how much potential they have with Fractals to add great different gameplay content to the Game, where they have with Fractals per see complete design freedom over the normal game world, where they are much more restricted on what they can do, do to being limited to the present date, wherre Fractals does allow them to show us so much more of the PAST from Tyria


I'd so freaking love it, if ANet would implement as a new feature "Heroic Fractals", which would work basically like Bonus mission packs from GW1, that are Solo Player Content, or Group Content for 5 players based on the Mission of the Story Chapter you play.

That would allow them to make for example finally the Novelle Books from GW1 playable content ingame - Ghosts of Ascalon, Destinys Edge and Sea of Sorrows would be such fantastic candidates for such Heroic Fractals, so that we can play as Dougal Keane, Rytlock/Logan and Cobiah Marrinereir past and see what actually happened in their histories from their own eyes.


If their woudl be then alo in the game for our home some kind of accessible Bibliothecary, where we can place the Lore Books like Trophies, that owudl be also nice and then this would remove also some item clutter from our inventories, or as alternative, the menu should receive a "Lore" Point, where when we use up the lore book like a consumeable, the Lore Entries get then unlocked for our Accoiunt in that "Lore Section", where we can read it then whenever we want like readign the book, but we don#t need to have then eanymore the items in our inventory ...

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The only game i know where there is such a thing as a lore collection in the form of a readable library is SWOTOR. The bits of lore you gain while playing are collected in a readable/searchable database in the UI


Ive never understood why that is such a massively underdeveloped area in MMORPG's. Considering that those games are usually about story and history of the gameworld.


So a big fat thumbs up for this :+1:

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Yes, but for books only I don't want another tab in hero panel, that's lame.

I want bookshelf in my home instance where I could put scrolls and books and maybe some gizmos.

It could be more of a cabinet.

But if we go UI road, give us please full lore book system with beastiary, manuscripts with GW1 lore etc.

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> @Pixlboy.5296 said:

> Yes, but for books only I don't want another tab in hero panel, that's lame.

> I want bookshelf in my home instance where I could put scrolls and books and maybe some gizmos.

> It could be more of a cabinet.

> But if we go UI road, give us please full lore book system if beastiary, manuscripts with GW1 lore etc.


I agree that having physical bookshelves would be pretty awesome, but knowing how ANET likes convenience over immersion, I think we would be more likely to get a hero panel lore system.

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> The only game i know where there is such a thing as a lore collection in the form of a readable library is SWOTOR. The bits of lore you gain while playing are collected in a readable/searchable database in the UI


> Ive never understood why that is such a massively underdeveloped area in MMORPG's. Considering that those games are usually about story and history of the gameworld.


> So a big fat thumbs up for this :+1:


Elder Scrolls Online has a lot of books you can find out in the world and read which give you bits of lore or stories and since they added player housing you can buy copies of those books to put in your house, and bookshelves to put them on. The downside is there's a limit on how many items you can place in a house and every book counts as a separate item, so you can easily fill a small or medium house with books and have no room for anything else. (But then I've got that problem in real life, so I guess you could claim it's realistic.)


Ultima Online also had readable books (even ones you could write in) but I can't remember now if you could take the pre-written lore books.


GW2 has the first part of the system in place - various books we can find and keep, but it would be great to have somewhere other than the bank/inventory to keep them. I don't actually mind if it's a hero panel tab or the home instance or what, it would just be nice to have them.


Especially since then they could add more readable, collectable books. Who wouldn't want their own copy of Koss on Koss, or a readable Mad Memories. Or if they wanted to be really ambitious a complete version of [Wikki's Official Guide to Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wikki%27s_Official_Guide_to_Tyria "Wikki's Official Guide to Tyria") (which actually could be done - the TP uses a built in web browser with a dedicated website, I'm sure there would be a way to do a similar thing with the wiki).

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The books are a mess. They use inventory space, their UI is just painfull to use. Every time I get one of those I just google them on wiki and read it there, and delete the book. That is how unconvinient and bad they are.

We need an in-game codex on the level of Mass Effect 1 at least, not just a bookshelf. The bookshelf fixes the inventory space only.

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> @Pixlboy.5296 said:

> Yes, but for books only I don't want another tab in hero panel, that's lame.

> I want bookshelf in my home instance where I could put scrolls and books and maybe some gizmos.

> It could be more of a cabinet.

> But if we go UI road, give us please full lore book system with beastiary, manuscripts with GW1 lore etc.


nah, home instances are used only by a share of players. I would hate the need to go back to my instance every time I want to read about some mob, some place, some npc etc.


specific tab is probably the best solution as it has the highest QoL from all options

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