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i like how bunch of new fractal instabilities are about boonstrip/stability/cc


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all of which elementalists are terrible at doing.


let's just get more chronos/guardians/holos in the game and delete ele. Warriors can banner/boonstrip/cc. Rangers can still be broken druid to heal/cc/provide spirit, one of which pulse stab. Revs can be dps or support and boonstrip. Thieves can dps and cc without much dps loss and boonstrip with some dps loss if they really wanted to. Necros can be the hybrid heal scourge that also boonstrips.


what can trash eles do? be some subpar healer that doesnt do anything other than heal or give might (slowly through blasting immovable fields lol) but doesnt heal? It has literally 0 boonstrips, terrible access to stability, and cant even cc well without sacrificing dps. Useless class.

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I switched to holo + warrior for DPS and I've also considered firebrand/DH guardian after chrono nerf, as running chrono for retesting post Dec 11 patch is unpleasant to babysit people in wells. Thief / ranger I am not as proficient at and ascended harrier's is going to be painful to make in a full set because I have berserker and marauder (WvW set). I don't generally play necro or rev in PvE although I'd just need to swap WvW infusions out for +9 ones on them.


I still think sword and staff weaver is superior to tempest in most fractal situations due to ranged cleave (both fire via fireball's splash + lava font and the air bouncing auto). There's no group bonuses generally unless you're running arcane. The changes to air traitline combined with the nerf to chronos makes air traitline a decent choice. However going with air traitline eliminates the ability to carry final shielding which means dying is extremely easy especially on full berserker.


Ele tempest scepter+ warhorn is really annoying to me due to how there's a massive delay on fire auto , fire 2 (dragon's tooth), air 5 (lightning orb) , as well as the single target nature of lightning strike (air 2). The air auto is alright if it's not trash mobs but it has a ramp up and it has random collision "obstructed" problems. Maybe if air overload hit 5 targets in PvE or had its PvE damage increased to 1.0 coefficient it wouldn't be as bad , or if the damage bonus from overload was higher. Heat sync is pretty underwhelming too since it's might+fury.

The only other way it would gain high adoption is if powerful aura trait didn't require the water traitline but the tempest traitline instead (then you could run fire + air+ tempest with fresh air as opposed to air+water+tempest). Imbued Melodies makes it such that Tempest is favorable to boon generation, but the end result is you need dagger or scepter mainhand.


Scepter still needs work I think.


The diviner's set could see some use if tempest gave out more boons, but as it is now the important fury boon isn't easily attained with scepter without relying on the massive delayed blasts in conjunction with the Persisting Flames trait. Wildfire's 30 base cooldown prevents Persisting Flames from triggering as often as staff with blast on lava fonts. On dagger you can obtain fury with lightning touch.


As far as party damage boosting utilities go the only standout is the mediocre Arcane Power .


For fractals:

* Druids are sought after due to damage bonuses from glyph of empowerment , might from celestial avatar ,and spirits , soulbeasts do high damage and can bring stanceshare (Leader of the pack + dolyak stance for party stability , damage from One Wolf Pack) or spirits if they opt to

* Warrior banner + Empower Allies is still sought after, No Pain No Gain instability tends to benefit spellbreaker

--> last patch increased might generation for core warrior running strength traitline (Forceful greatsword) so you can run the might sharing Phalanx Strength trait too

* Chronos still have alacrity, portal/invis , boon rip on auto , can have party stability with mantra of concentration

* Guardian doesn't have boon rip but quickness/aegis output can be quite strong

* Holos are among the highest burst DPS , bomb kit fills in easily for people running rifle (as opposed to sword) that are on cooldown of Photon Forge

--> been using Hard Light Arena for short party Fury and toolbelt pull, personal fury is easy with No Scope. You could use rifle turrets for fury,

* Rev can put out permafury boons via Herald , buff with assassins presence, or heal/boon rip ; Renegade can put out alacrity + might + protection

* Necros can boon rip deeply , apply barrier, and do decent DPS in realistic scenarios

* Thieves can do decent DPS (and have boon rip with Bountiful Theft) and stealth for skipping through, but cleave isn't great unless on staff

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > Ele has elementals and conjures!

> >

> > And FB has mantras that hits 3 times that are stronger alone then every thing ele has as a class combined.


> In case it wasn't obvious enough, I was being sarcastic.


I know i hope the other do too. I just cant miss a movement to point out how weak tempest is and just how silly strong one skill on FB is.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > > Ele has elementals and conjures!

> > >

> > > And FB has mantras that hits 3 times that are stronger alone then every thing ele has as a class combined.

> >

> > In case it wasn't obvious enough, I was being sarcastic.


> I know i hope the other do too. I just cant miss a movement to point out how weak tempest is and just how silly strong one skill on FB is.


Well I don't know how it crossed any mind that the squishiest class with poor stab access could have a nice mechanic requiring a 5s no swapping + 5s "plz interrupt me" channel to get a 5s aura every 20s or so...

To be fair it was fine for some time, when damage/interrupt/boon corrupts weren't that trivial. Global powercreep+Ele/Tempest nerfs sure didn't help.

Ele is just too 2012. It tries so much to survive in present days that its entire gameplay has become a survivalist. Not really the image of the mage archetype.

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Conjured weapons need to be reworked into something similar to the engi's kits. All elite skills need to be updated so we don't feel like we don't have any (and globally, more elite skills to fit the utility categories that don't have any (arcane and glyph for the ele) would be nice).


On the DPS side of things, I found my build but I wish there were more options to chose from. Right now most builds need to make a ton of calculated moves in order to be on par with very simple classes like sniper. The Tempest spec needs to change in a way that gives us more DPS options than just "spam Overload Air with the Fresh Air talent".


Core ele needs buffs. Elite specs are fine in term of power, even though there are some clunky mechanics here and there. Don't buff a niche talent, buff the very basic of elementalist.

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