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This phrase... [SPOILERS]


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After Aurene and I completed the trials, we were brought to different rooms to be told something important. Before Aurene entered hers, Glint's message said "Some things can only be understood between dragons." Now I know I might be taking a shot in the dark here, but I this may have something to do with Aurene's visions of her death by Kralk.


...Or I could just be grasping at straws here, I don't know. That phrase just started bugging me for some reason

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(copy from another thread)

> Glint: Scion, my beloved child, there are things about Ascension that can onnly be expressed between dragons.

> Glint: Champion, come forward and learn how this long journey began.

Maybe Aurene's visions were controlled by Glint to make our little dragon prepared for the future. We gave her trust in us, we made a strong connection with her that she loves us too and loves so much that was able to sacrifice herself and start her "journey" to be Ascended. Is there any harder choice that anyone may accept and strongest one to show the love and true light soul? Someone can do it only if has another one to fight for and who loves us.

> Glint, once known as Glaust, was a champion and scion of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik. After the Forgotten had purified her from Kralkatorrik's corruption, she began empathizing with other races and turned against her master, devising a complex plan to preserve Tyria's magical balance by replacing Elder Dragons with equally powerful but less predatory entities, a plan in which her children Vlast and Aurene were intended to play a large role. (wiki)

I really hope that everything is going as she planned and her children dead not for nothing but it's just a way for dragons to be Ascended and to replace another ones.


The same thing that Dumbledore made with Harry Potter to kill Lord Voldemort.

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