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Mount Suggestions

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OOk, so I LOVE the mounts, so far there are 5 I'm aware of but we know anet. They love showing their creativeness to their fans. I don't want to create this thread, and get backlash about me not being thankful for what we already have, I am truly. I think anet hit this latest expansion out of the park. One of the most incredible pieces of art I've ever seen.


While riding for the first couple days, some of the different mounts, I was thinking of what could come next, and if Anet possibly has more in the works. One mount that popped into my head was Snow White Unicorns, just like Dreamer shoots, that leave a trail of rainbow dust. Its a horse, yet flies, so its fast on the ground, and fast in the air I hope lol.


Secondly I was thinking of a Dragon. There are a ton of dragon models in the game. I like dragons, I know many other people do, and I'm sure many people would agree, dragons would rock as a mount.


Also I'm a HUUUUUUGE Crazy fan of SAB (Super Adventure Box) and id love to see some kind of wild and crazy SAB Mount lol. Something people will notice whizzing by their heads and just look and laugh.

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I don't think you seem ungrateful at all, so there shouldn't be any backlash I'd hope.


While I'm not up to par with most people that are now doing PoF content (I've only played casually for a couple years and I'm just now really getting into it), I like Arena Net's concept of mounts; the ones they've released so far are neat as you've said.


I'm kinda eh on Unicorns, but Dragons are pretty awesome... maybe a type of Eastern style Dragon? Either way, even if I don't like Unicorns I'm sure there are a lot of people that do. New on the forums, so I'm not sure how much attention Arena Net pays to threads and whether or not we just voice our support. Either way, you have mine. Whether Unicorns, Dragons or Kangaroos lol.

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I admit I was worried about anet introducing mounts to the gw universe. But am I glad what they did with it, the animations are incredible, I love it.


The mount I would like.......... its actually the horse. Yep, a common, simple, normal horse.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Forget other mounts just add skins to current 1's.


If you want skins, go play WoW, mount veriety is where its at. I dream of the day when Anet introduces a Pegasus flying Unicorn.


So for a list of new Mounts

#1 Pegasus Flying Unicorn (white)

#2 Eastern Style Dragons

#3 Flying Monkeys (from Wizard of Oz)

#4 Normal Horse

#5 Golems

#6 Luxon Siege Turtles

#7 Ghost Banshees

#8 Older version of Aurene Dragon

#9 Big Fluffy Dolyak




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I don't know if they'll do another mount, only way I could see that happening is with underwater combat getting a refresh. Though from what I've seen of the elites almost all skill are not usable underwater? So if they do fix underwater combat and character skill to match they could do an underwater zone where we'll need something like a shark, whale, or seahorse. As for new skins for current mounts yes they could do a lot, armor skins for them would be a nice start.

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I'm fine with a SAB mount for within SAB, but please, no more SAB graphics in the open world, the styles don't mix and they're an eyesore to look at.


But I suppose I'm not allowed to complain without bringing suggestions:

Yes mounts:

- Underwater Mount (shark-like creature, attack: dash through enemies, bleeding them heavily // mobility: hold space to dash straight ahead, can dash through currents.)

- skin: The cavalier raptors from HoT

- skin: Sylvan Hound (for the Jackal)

- Climbing Mount: Arachnid (attack: AoE cripple web shot // mobility: can walk up walls as long as energy is there, at the end, spider can either drop back down and or jump-leap away)

- skin: forgotten mechanism skimmer

- Tunneling Mount: Junundu Wurm (attack, one target knockdown, becomes aoe knockdown with mastery // mobility: can survive in sulphur like the skimmer, and can tunnel to avoid combat, and get through low passages)

- skin: Marrow Leaper > a skeletal/zombie version of the Springer (preferably a necromancer themed collection reward)


NO mounts << these mounts will either not fit the game, or ruin it's immersion / lore-integrity

- SAB: their styles do not fit the open world. They're fine for within SAB, but we can tell from experience the SAB gliders and wvw sounds were a HUGE mistake.

- Dragons, these include any kind, and all kinds, dragons are supposed to be rare and mystical in the GW universe, Aurene is fine as a mount _for story instances_ but no dragon or dragonic creature should ever be an open world mount.

- Dragon minion themed mounts, while destroyer mounts, icebrood mounts, whatever else, would look very cool, they would also break immersion, as no dragon minion is gonna let itself by ridden by anything not another dragon minion. That said, elemental skins could be nice, as long as they're clearly elemental, and not dragon corruption.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> I'm fine with a SAB mount for within SAB, but please, no more SAB graphics in the open world, the styles don't mix and they're an eyesore to look at.


> But I suppose I'm not allowed to complain without bringing suggestions:

> Yes mounts:

> - Underwater Mount (shark-like creature, attack: dash through enemies, bleeding them heavily // mobility: hold space to dash straight ahead, can dash through currents.)

> - skin: The cavalier raptors from HoT

> - skin: Sylvan Hound (for the Jackal)

> - Climbing Mount: Arachnid (attack: AoE cripple web shot // mobility: can walk up walls as long as energy is there, at the end, spider can either drop back down and or jump-leap away)

> - skin: forgotten mechanism skimmer

> - Tunneling Mount: Junundu Wurm (attack, one target knockdown, becomes aoe knockdown with mastery // mobility: can survive in sulphur like the skimmer, and can tunnel to avoid combat, and get through low passages)

> - skin: Marrow Leaper > a skeletal/zombie version of the Springer (preferably a necromancer themed collection reward)


> NO mounts << these mounts will either not fit the game, or ruin it's immersion / lore-integrity

> - SAB: their styles do not fit the open world. They're fine for within SAB, but we can tell from experience the SAB gliders and wvw sounds were a HUGE mistake.

> - Dragons, these include any kind, and all kinds, dragons are supposed to be rare and mystical in the GW universe, Aurene is fine as a mount _for story instances_ but no dragon or dragonic creature should ever be an open world mount.

> - Dragon minion themed mounts, while destroyer mounts, icebrood mounts, whatever else, would look very cool, they would also break immersion, as no dragon minion is gonna let itself by ridden by anything not another dragon minion. That said, elemental skins could be nice, as long as they're clearly elemental, and not dragon corrupt


Undead dragons are seen flying everywhere in Orr, and in HoT maps, dragons are everywhere, even the Wyvern are everywhere which are mini dragons. Guild Wars 2 is built on dragons.


The dragon I would LOVE to see as a mount is the famous "ROTSCALE BONE DRAGON" from gw1, which would be incredibly awesome.

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Dragons are seen throughout Orr, yes, that's because Orr tends to have risen dragons. I'm not saying there are no dragons, I'm saying they're rare, and having them as a mount would devalue them. Ancient maguuma had a few. And there were still a few left in Cantha, so non-elder dragons do exist. But they're not common, nor should they even be.


And that's another conundrum. A mount should never EVER be based on a named creature. Why? Because there's only one rotscale.


And what do wyverns have to do with dragons?

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