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I find it interesting (Spoilers)


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As I've read through many of the discussions on the Ep 5 I find it interesting that some of the player base throwing up their arms and "walking out" on Anet. Now as I recall, Braham kind of did the same after Eir died. Braham was heavily criticize for his actions, even had his head called for. My guess is those who are done with the game because of how Ep5 ended are probably some of the same who called for Braham's head for walking away as well. A bit hypocritical if you ask me. Seems perhaps maybe. Yes Aurene "dies", but is that a reason to pull a Braham? Aurene dying really shouldn't have been a surprise. After she for saw her death many times. Did we really think an adolescent dragon was really going to beat Kralk at this point? Anyway, just some I found interesting and a bit silly.

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> @"Rogue.4756" said:

> As I've read through many of the discussions on the Ep 5 I find it interesting that some of the player base throwing up their arms and "walking out" on Anet. Now as I recall, Braham kind of did the same after Eir died. Braham was heavily criticize for his actions, even had his head called for. My guess is those who are done with the game because of how Ep5 ended are probably some of the same who called for Braham's head for walking away as well. A bit hypocritical if you ask me. Seems perhaps maybe. Yes Aurene "dies", but is that a reason to pull a Braham? Aurene dying really shouldn't have been a surprise. After she for saw her death many times. Did we really think an adolescent dragon was really going to beat Kralk at this point? Anyway, just some I found interesting and a bit silly.


Is she dead though? Maybe her body but perhaps she is apart of Caithe 2.0 now. Kinda like mordy did with trahearne except we wont be killing caithe. She did do some special as ascended dragon training with glint that wasnt expanded on. And she has zaithan and jokos death magic in her. Quitters usually comeback and if they deleted thier account they can always have support rewind the clock and fix it back to an original state.

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Braham is a fictional character that people found disagreeable. The player base is not a fictional character. If the death of an npc causes players to feel they are no longer invested or not likely to have fun, then why shouldn't they stop playing?


I personally think its yet another plot twist to bring her back Joko style. Either way i'm still hoping for the death of Braham xD

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i think it's an emotional reposonse, and most of them will be back eventually.


Basically how I feel, some people just get more emotional when it comes to story’s. I mean I felt sad over what happened but I’m not going to quit the game over it since I know there is still more story to come.


Although I have to admit those who were fantazing about murdering braham in many ways did make me pretty uncomfortable.

It was just a bit much especially over something that was more due to poor writing implementation than the actual character.



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> @"Rogue.4756" said:

> Did we really think an adolescent dragon was really going to beat Kralk at this point?


Absolutely not. And that's why I was asking myself why everyone was rushing into this during the entire episode.


I'm not mad at it, just making a point. Still love the game


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Getting attached to a character in GW2 is kinda laughable anyway. They get introduced so they can die. Fridge fuel for the Commander's ascension to heroism.

Saw it coming a long while ago when the sussed out that Kralk's weakness was his own kind.

(Note, haven't even started the story yet. Total spoilers and zero surprise. :P)

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Getting attached to a character in GW2 is kinda laughable anyway. They get introduced so they can die. Fridge fuel for the Commander's ascension to heroism.


Unpopular opinion: this is further proof that the Commander is as much a bad guy as the labeled bad guys we fight in the game.


Anywho, I agree that there are way too many people overreacting with regards to the latest story. Take a break if you need to. That's what I did after I played through Episode 1 of LWS4. However, to just leave the game altogether over just the story is silly (and this is coming from someone who's usually very critical of the story).


The people who go to the forums claiming "I'm leaving the game forever" over this remind me of general forum communities where drama would happen and people would proclaim they're leaving the internet forever. My response to that: "see you next week!"

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> Braham is a fictional character that people found disagreeable. The player base is not a fictional character. If the death of an npc causes players to feel they are no longer invested or not likely to have fun, then why shouldn't they stop playing?


I have to admit that finishing everything else on that map (achievements etc.) won't be much fun for me anymore after what happened, knowing that the map we still play on is actually supposed to be laying in ruins at this point. It took the fun out of me for doing the further exploration parts, but I won't quit over it. I will just not enjoy it as much as I could have otherwise.

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