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How many more elite specs to come?


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Hmm, well as an outsider, this game has a huge lead in time to be able to actually enjoy it. This mmo was made in the days when it was cool for devs to dangle carrots and make people chase how they someday may be able to play a class. I started the game with 5 friends, I am the only 1 left and barely. There is massive amounts of content, nobody should have to day dream about an "elite spec" they may never live to actually play lol.


So I sure hope they knock off that non-sense. No wonder I don't know anyone who plays it.

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> @"AzureTerra.1642" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > NONE because they said no expansion ...


> Just because the first two were tied to a Expac doesn't mean that they all have to be


Could also be possible that we discover new powers in the next living world season.


And to be honest, that would be amazing!



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