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Graveling in Catacombs Violet Room doesn't drop any plate. [Merged]

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I got the plate after a long long wait and long time killing and killing the graveling over and over. I finally got to the last room only to have my light special action run out before i could get all my hidden chests and now i can't get my FINAL large hidden chest in the treasure room ._. ....... I waited ALL that time and did ALL that for nothing. Wasted my time doing the meta, wasted my time killing the graveling over and over, wasted my time looking for the hidden chests.

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I'm finished with the story, and have had runs where I got the plate on the first or second try and others where it took several tries to get the plate. IIRC I completed the story before I did the LoD rooms for the first time, so all of my varied experiences should be post-story . . .

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I just did this with a friend.

* She hadn't started story; I had finished it.

* She gave the (ghost) dwarf a plate; I did not.

* We killed the Graveling 8, maybe 10 times.


When I participated _at all_ (even for negligible DPS or heals), the plate dropped **for me**. When I didn't participate, no plate dropped for her. When someone else joined in, either I got the plate, the "PUG" got it, or no one did. My friend never got it.


So I picked up the plate (which happened to be blue) and opened the blue room. Ported her in, at the end, and we both had access to the plate. We both picked it up, went to the next room, and we both ended up with the green plate. We both got credit for the daily (Tomb Raider), even though I hadn't handed an LoD plate into the NPC and she hadn't picked up the plate in the purple room. She got credit for some LoD treasures; I did not (as I hadn't turned in plaything to the NPC). She got her Grand Prize incremented by one; I did not (since I couldn't get that LoD chest in the treasure/green room).



Left to try: if I have time tomorrow, before reset, I'll see if (a) the dwarf will take my LoD plate and (b) if I'm able to use it to move through the puzzle rooms.



My conclusion: I really hope this isn't anywhere close to working as intended, because I can see no pattern to guarantee successful completion, and it feels random as to what counts and what doesn't. These do seem like the sort of bugs that ANet couldn't possibly foresee. (They are incredibly frustrating, of course, but the circumstances in which they appear seem to be unusual.)



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I just did this with a friend.

> * She hadn't started story; I had finished it.

> * She gave the (ghost) dwarf a plate; I did not.

> * We killed the Graveling 8, maybe 10 times.


> When I participated _at all_ (even for negligible DPS or heals), the plate dropped **for me**. When I didn't participate, no plate dropped for her. When someone else joined in, either I got the plate, the "PUG" got it, or no one did. My friend never got it.


> So I picked up the plate (which happened to be blue) and opened the blue room. Ported her in, at the end, and we both had access to the plate. We both picked it up, went to the next room, and we both ended up with the green plate. We both got credit for the daily (Tomb Raider), even though I hadn't handed an LoD plate into the NPC and she hadn't picked up the plate in the purple room. She got credit for some LoD treasures; I did not (as I hadn't turned in plaything to the NPC). She got her Grand Prize incremented by one; I did not (since I couldn't get that LoD chest in the treasure/green room).


> ****

> Left to try: if I have time tomorrow, before reset, I'll see if (a) the dwarf will take my LoD plate and (b) if I'm able to use it to move through the puzzle rooms.


> ****

> My conclusion: I really hope this isn't anywhere close to working as intended, because I can see no pattern to guarantee successful completion, and it feels random as to what counts and what doesn't. These do seem like the sort of bugs that ANet couldn't possibly foresee. (They are incredibly frustrating, of course, but the circumstances in which they appear seem to be unusual.)




Is this inconsistent with what you experienced earlier, soloing the graveling nine times and not getting the plate? Or had you not finished the story at that point? I'd also like to see if leaving the room and coming back in gives better results than going straight back to the sarcophagus after a failed attempt . . .


EDIT: Idk if you're still thinking the drop rate may be affected by story completion, but it occurred to me that though I had finished the story before my first attempt, between my most recent attempt (where I had the most trouble) and the ones before it where I didn't have trouble I replayed the story for cheeves and ofc did not finish again once I was done with the cheeves. So while it is not currently active, it is 'in progress' though I have finished it . . .

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Had the same issue right now: Spent 20 minutes in the purple room for the plate, nothing happend except that the light of deldrimor ran out, great: 2 days in a row that i did not get the guaranteed 3 serpintine jewels from the treasure room. Naturally everyone had the same problem, at some point we have been around 15 players in that room. So we couldn't teleport to the next room/treasure room because literally everyone(!) was in that room trying to get that plate

Changing the map was one thing someone recommended, iirc that just resets everything and takes away all your plates, meaning that you still get nothing from it


Why cannot drop the plate to 100% from the vet, or just let it lie around and activate the vet after taking it? You can do it, thats the mechanic you used in elon-riverlands at the first heart vendor. Or make it an instance and let it drop then. But for fucks sake: fix it, you make the same mistakes over and over again: way to easy events that need to fail for achievements or random drops in open world that are not working correctly.


Oh and regarding the story: The last time i entered the room with my mesmer who hasn't played any part of the season 4 story i got the plate after the second try so finishing the story doesn't seem like a condition for it.

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> @"Dark Rider.2839" said:

> Changing the map was one thing someone recommended, iirc that just resets everything and takes away all your plates, meaning that you still get nothing from it


Nope! I tested this yesterday and it worked like a charm! I can 100% confirm that the plates do not resett when you switch maps via the LFG tool


If you find yourself stuck, try to run the other rune puzzles again, as they will drop another (random) rune at the end. After re-running all the puzzle rooms on different maps on the LFG multiple times, I finally got the blue rune (after previously only getting purple, red, orange and green). Sadly at this point my light ran out so I didn't manage to get the last rune that I was missing (yellow).


This also works if you get the rune for the trasure room before getting the runes to the other rooms. Repeat the puzzles, switch maps via LFG, and eventually you'll find the runes you need to unlock every room.


As for the purple room vet, I didn't try the map switching here, because I got the rune from it after killing it 3~ times (two days in a row)


/EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that if you switch the map, you will be able to track and reveal the hidden chests with the light again, but you will NOT be able to open them again (same goes for the big treasure chests in the treasure room)

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If you find yourself stuck, try to run the other rune puzzles again, as they will drop another (random) rune at the end. After re-running all the puzzle rooms on different maps on the LFG multiple times, I finally got the blue rune (after previously only getting purple, red, orange and green). Sadly at this point my light ran out so I didn't manage to get the last rune that I was missing (yellow).


This also works if you get the rune for the trasure room before getting the runes to the other rooms. Repeat the puzzles, switch maps via LFG, and eventually you'll find the runes you need to unlock every room.


For me, the vet in the purple room dropped different runes twice, so it has no fixed color that it has to drop as far as I can tell

(maybe I'm wrong - so far I only did the rune puzzle on three days and the order of the runes was always completely random)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> > Just happened to me too killed it over and over and over and over and over and over until my deldrimor light expired then left


> Yup. Still not getting any plate from the Graveling. And I've now killed it _solo_ (with no one in the room) at least 9 times. I've used the LoD and my interact key everywhere, even if I couldn't see a prompt; no luck.


> I wonder if it has to do with where one is in the story:

> * Those who **are** getting a plate from the graveling, are you mid-story? (if so, which part of the episode?) finished the story? haven't started it?

> * Those who **are not** getting a plate, same questions.


Not getting the plate; completed story.

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I think entering rooms via mesmers without the light of deldrimor may influence this bug. Yesterday I went in rooms without the light (via mesmers), got some plates (rooms did not count for achievements) and graveling didn't drop anything at all nor plate showing on my back.... Later on I used my light of deldrimor and opened the rooms i got plates from (room with them torches, was it red, refused to have any plates and did not see any mobs either). Went to graveling room (had this open as i had plate earlier), suddenly had a green plate on my back (not sure if graveling can auto put it on your back instead of drop or if i got it somewhere miriculously) and could go to last room. Only rooms I haven't been able to enter for achieves are Sauna and Gauntlet. Others I entered yesterday 1st time (if this may help).

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> @"Gop.8713" said:


> Is this inconsistent with what you experienced earlier, soloing the graveling nine times and not getting the plate? Or had you not finished the story at that point?

It's consistent; I hadn't completed the story earlier on either of the two characters attempting.


> I'd also like to see if leaving the room and coming back in gives better results than going straight back to the sarcophagus after a failed attempt . . .

I tried this in my "haven't completed the story" set of attempts. I think I left twice.



> EDIT: Idk if you're still thinking the drop rate may be affected by story completion, but it occurred to me that though I had finished the story before my first attempt, between my most recent attempt (where I had the most trouble) and the ones before it where I didn't have trouble I replayed the story for cheeves and ofc did not finish again once I was done with the cheeves. So while it is not currently active, it is 'in progress' though I have finished it . . .

I was "in progress" on all my failed attempts. My friend was "pre-story" (hadn't triggered the initial dialogue with a certain sylvari) for her failed attempts.


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If I've understood all the comments from people (and perhaps I haven't because the circumstances are confusing):

* Post-story characters: no examples of trouble.

* Pre-story characters: no examples of success. (These toons used teleport-to-friend or the portal scroll to reach the map.)

* Mid-story characters: examples of success-with-difficulty, examples of no-successes.

* Post-story characters who restarted story for chieves (and left it 'mid story'): examples of success-with-difficulty.


Is this correct? If you have a counter example, could you share it?


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I had completed the story with the character this happened to, and had got the plate from the grave thing on a previous run with that same character. This was on my alt account, btw. I'll try it again with my main account today, with another character that has completed the story. Provided I get the purple plate again, of course.


No purple plate this time. Got red, orange (fire), blue, and green.

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My character doesn't have the story step completed. She was in a squad, killing the vet for 20 minutes without any success. Someone told me to leave the squad, I did so and spent another 10 minutes. I finally found the plates dropped on the floor, under the vet's body after no one else stayed in the room. It seems being in the squad triggers the vet to drop the plate to someone else.

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