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Request/Suggestion: change Light of Deldrimor buff to expire in 24h instead of 30 minutes


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I think this would fix the issue everyone's having with getting the plate from the Graveling at one of the Hammer's Hoard rooms since it takes such a long time to finally get one dropped. Yes, there will still be afk farmers in this room but still that the buff expires is the biggest issue here for the majority, I think.

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I'd welcome even extending it to 60, 90, or 120 minutes. I don't think it has to last until reset. For people unfamiliar with the area and/or bad at jumping, 30 minutes is tight to complete the puzzles and continue exploring for potential treasures (especially without a guide, since the locations aren't obvious for many).


I agree with @"Gop.8713" that the priority should be fixing the appearance of the plates, so it doesn't bug out sometimes, but only for some people.


And as an FYI: right now, we can't start the hunt 30 minutes before reset, to avoid bugging out the daily account limit. If the duration was extended, even to just 60 minutes, I imagine that "blackout" period would also be increased, so it might be better to extend it modestly, rather than extensively.

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60 minutes would sound enough for some while for others not. That's why I suggested more than that. Today it took me over an hour and there was still no plate in sight at all. Yesterday it went without problems and I got it on the first kill within a whole group of people so I hadn't thought about this issue before. I restarted the story 4 days ago after I finished it for that last achievement in the last instance if that information helps. I thought the information about where we're at the story step is important for the issue as I've seen it posted somewhere else. Listen, I never had any luck based issues like this in the whole time playing the game (In fact I got quite a few precursors dropped in WvW when I was mainly active in that content than PvE/plus Mystic Forge drops) but this stupid plate really IS crazy. Sure a 100% drop chance would be nice too but since it's obviously not a bug and luck based I think the devs should focus more on the expiration of the buff than than the plate drop chance.

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Update for more information perhaps: Today went perfectly fine and I didn't even have to trigger or kill the veteran as there was someone else who already killed it, obtained their plate and exited just when I entered and strange thing was there was a blue plate on the ground without even any trigger or kill (and the other one got their plate already as I saw on the back). The same happened two days ago where I had no problems with the plate under the same circumstances: I already obtained a plate for the Crystal Room before and got the plate for purple there. Two days ago I got a plate at first for the room with the fire (no, not the Sauna) and the purple one was second. That let me come to the conclusion that the chance may be higher if you've gone to one room before the purple one.

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I think an increase in the duration of the buff would be wonderful. Between the time it takes to get the plates (bugs or not) and finish the rooms, and a personal issue I've been having where the orbs that point in the direction of the chests aren't visible for me no matter my graphics settings for upwards of 5+ minutes*, having the buff last even 10 more minutes would be so helpful.


*I don't know if the chest locations are set or random, and if the former I haven't yet seen a guide otherwise I would use that. Would save a lot of frustration on my end. ^^;

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