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Are the raids worth trying out?

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I am recently getting back into GW2 after a bit of a hiatus, and I was wondering if the raids in this game are worth trying to find a party for. I'm still pretty new to the game (just trying to finish up my druid build) and was thinking of finding a group next week. Compared to both WoW and FF14, which are games I previously and currently raid on, what is the draw to GW2 raids? Just interesting fights and mechanics or something else? And which raid should I start with first? I was looking at Mythwright Gambit since it might be easier to find a group for it.

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Gw2 raids in general revolve a lot around mechanics, as you might expect. As neither I nor anyone else can tell you whether or not you will enjoy them, the best I can say is that I find them very enjoyable and the best thing for you to do would be to jump in and try one. I would go with wing 1 (Spirit Vale) or wing 4 (Bastion of the Penitent) to start with as they are widely seen as the easiest. Good luck! :D

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It is challenging content that needs homework and working with others. If that is sth you would enjoy it might be worth for you.

Get yourself into a training group/guild and try them out to see for yourself: https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/

Also use that site to do some homework.


As content goes it is really high quality but only you can tell whether you will enjoy them.

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The gear drive is pretty minimal since they dont give stronger gear. You can aquire several items of legendary quality which are qol items but the main drive is the income as well as the cosmetics and the said legendary gear.


Its really up to you if you like the game and want to do more in it raids are a good way to do so.


Compaired to wow raids gw2 are kinda middle of the road. Notjing close to mythic id say but around heroic wow dificulty (maybe higher or lower depending the encounter).


It is my understanding that mythwright gambit is one of the easier so starting on it might be a good idea. Also id suggest u dont get into raiding through pugs, try and find a guild or a training group that will et up and running.


Gw2 are fine, fun even bit they dont come out nearly enough imo to where ud would exclusively raid in gw2 as main mmo. U might for abit but after u got what u want raids dont come as fast to justify spamming them.


Still worth exoeriencing at least imho.

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> @"You got that wrong.6582" said:

> I am recently getting back into GW2 after a bit of a hiatus, and I was wondering if the raids in this game are worth trying to find a party for. I'm still pretty new to the game (just trying to finish up my druid build) and was thinking of finding a group next week. Compared to both WoW and FF14, which are games I previously and currently raid on, what is the draw to GW2 raids? Just interesting fights and mechanics or something else? And which raid should I start with first? I was looking at Mythwright Gambit since it might be easier to find a group for it.


GW2 raiding experience is a mix of stunning graphics, interesting mechanics and the best combat system Ive ever had the pleasure to enjoy in an mmo, packed together in neat little encounters that make raiding possible without huge effort - timewise and skillwise.


Dont let the community fool you, raids in gw2 dont need an easy mode and they arent boring copy&paste.


To smooth your entry into raiding as a supporter, Id suggest for you to make a 2nd healer variant to druid. LFG squads love to run with 2 druids, but only because they are used to it, its actually quite inferior and makes raiding unnecessarily difficult (hence why said people also whine for an easy mode ;) ). So if you can always offer another healer if theres a druid already in the squad and your commander wants to run with 2 healers, you get way smoother runs.

Non druid healers also dont need ascended btw, exotic is fine. Just use brandspark trinkets, a cleric backpack with brandspark jewel, a harrier weaponset (can be bought for around 2g per weapon) with transference+concentration sigil, and either cleric (on renegade) or magi (healfb, tempest) armor with water runes. Healscourge I wouldnt suggest, not because its bad - it isnt ;) - but because its not suited for raid beginners. For healscourge to not troll your squad and for it to really shine, you have to really know every boss encounter to predict dmg/mechanics properly. Its a build that really shines in the hands of very experienced raiders, but is detrimental in the hands of an unexperienced one.

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