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Level 80 boost blahs...

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Dont get me wrong! I ever so happy I was able to aquire my stellar raptor stead (I named him Beeve) BUT I still feel a bit of regret.


I feel like I cheated myself out of all of the climbing, struggling, thought provoking, confusing wonder and new experience that comes from the ground up.


Its like reading the ending of a book first. You can go back to the beginning but you know whats coming.


I don’t think I will ever boost again.



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I started a few months ago and had mounts from the beginning. What I did was if getting to a Vista wasn’t obvious, I’d get off my mount and try to ge there without mounts.


I also started a character and planned to go the entirety of core to end of LWS3 without mounts on a single character. I didn’t last one whole map. I just can’t stand how slow the game is without mounts. To me, the game feels much more natural with mounts than without.


As for boosting to level 80, I already knew not to use that on my first few characters. ^^

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Look at the bright side, having mounts can be very enjoyable when going through core Tyria.


Be glad you noticed yourself what boosting did. It's the reason why veterans explicitly tell people not to boost. Lucky enough you are enjoying the game to give a new character a try. Boosting makes sense for a third or more character or a class which has a hard time leveling.

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