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A thank you note to the design team on the new longbow skins.


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When the talk started about the new legendary bow coming out, one of my wishes was a toned down version that wasn't too over the top in its design. I criticized the design of longbows in general because they were often ridiculously bulky or flashy.


Having seen Pharus and the Exitus skin as well as the new Dragonsblood longbow, I feel I would be remiss if I didn't comment on how pleasantly surprised I am with these new skin additions. To me the restraint shown in the designs of these bows makes them much better skin designs in my opinion.


So thank you guys for bringing in these new longbow skins. I really like them and even though I get that a lot of people like the more flashy stuff it's great to see that other tastes are represented as well :)

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> To be honest I'm quite underwhelmed by it. But I do adore extravagant and very detailed skins (which is why I absolutely love Kudzu), so that may be the reason why I feel like Pharus is too basic and boring to justify it's price.

Well that's the difference isn't it? I don't like any of the previous ones. Maybe Nevermore but that's it. The rest is just way over the top for me. But now I have a bow to work towards too :)

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I agree with OP. I quite like the skin, though I would struggle to fit that on a Ranger, it would be perfect for a DH. Sadly I don't play any spec that uses a LB so no point in crafting it for me.

Yeah I do open world mostly so it's always good to have a ranged weapon along, so my dragon hunter, warrior and ranger all have use for a longbow.

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