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The Future of Tyrian Lore

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Hi there. Thanks for the AFC! This is my first time posting to one, so I apologize if I make any mistakes.


First, I want to give a bit of a background story for myself with this franchise.

I started playing Guild Wars Prophecies back in ‘05 around launch. I was a kid at the time, and it was actually my first MMO, AND, my first real gaming experience. Because of this, I have a lot of love and nostalgia for Tyria.

Back then, I LOOOVED Tyria. It was my favorite world. From Tyria, to Cantha, to Elona, to the Far North and beyond, I loved the rich lore and history that you all at ArenaNet built into the game. The Fissure of Woe was one of my favorite places in all of this franchise. The gods and the interesting religion they introduced was another favorite part of the world for me. But honestly, I simply love Tyria so much. If you published 100 books in this world, I’d read them all.

When I heard about Guild Wars 2, and later, when I learned about the setting and the Elder Dragons, I was once again fascinated and in love with Tyria all over again!

As people, we live short lives in the grand scheme of the world, so we pretty much only experience one significant chunk of time in our world, which is something that saddens me greatly. But in a fictional universe, you can show us periods of time centuries apart, so, for me, going back through into areas I know from GW1 in GW2, is one of the most amazing experiences. Visiting old LA underwater, or the Crystal Desert in PoF, or even Ascalon as it slowly returns to its Pre-Searing state, all are some of my favorite experiences in any game I’ve ever played.

Some of this will be related to my questions below, but mostly, I just want to say thank you to all of you at ArenaNet, and to everyone that has worked at ArenaNet in the past, for making such an amazing world for us players to enjoy. I have so many fond memories in Tyria, and I have you to thank for all of them.


So I have a few questions. I’ll try to condense them into 3, but I may need a second thread. Anyways...


1. Can you shed ANY light on plans you may have for the Deep Sea Dragon, Cantha, or perhaps most interestingly to me, brand new parts of Tyria shown in the global Tyria map found in the Durmand Priory and GW2 wikI at all?


I think a ton of players are most excited to see Cantha, as well as Primodus and/or Jormag, and while those things do excite me, I am SOOO ready to experience new parts of Tyria, completely separate from the original game. There is still so much world left for us to explore.

As for the DSD, I find him (or her) particularly fascinating. I think the ocean is by far, the scariest concept and place in the world, to me. It’s so beautiful, yet so mysterious at the same time. I think of the ocean as our outer space on Earth. So, the whole idea of an elder dragon hiding deep within the depths of the ocean is both exhilarating and horrific to me. I am so very excited to finally encounter this particular dragon.

This question is mostly because I want to know if I should keep hoping for this things to come in the immediate future, or if they’re a few years off.


2. Will we ever get to experience modern-day Fissure of Woe firsthand? Is this even a consideration you all are contemplating?




I would LOVE to see FoW. It’s my favorite content in GW1, and even if it is drastically altered, due to the Eternals becoming Forged, and the death of Balthazar, I would absolutely love getting to see how this area has changed over time. I don’t care if this content comes in a raid, fractal, story, a pvp map, or a novel, I just want to learn about FoW in the modern day.


3. Will you ever touch back on Balthazar or the other Gods, or is that chapter of Tyria really closed for good?


I ask this because the Gods in this franchise are so unique and interesting to me. I always find myself wanting to know more about them. If we got a spin off game devoted to them and their history, I would play the crap out of that. I’d even pay a few hundred bucks for the base game if need be.

But since that is so put there, I’d just like to learn more about the gods in GW2. It’d be amazing if we could meet any of the four gods we didn’t speak with in person in PoF.

But more importantly, Balthazar was easily my favorite god, largely in part due to my love of FoW, fire ekes, and pvp in the battle isles. I was originally troubled to learn he would be the next big villain when PoF was announced, and I ended up being pretty happy with his story in the expansion, except I still feel like he was uncharacteristacally evil and narrow-minded. Isn’t there SOMETHING else we could learn about him to make GW1 fans, like myself, feel more accepting of his story and eventual demise in Path of Fire.

I just had a hard time swallowing all of this, and I really hope this isn’t the last we see of Balthazar.


Finally, thanks again for taking time to do this panel, and I’m sorry my post was so long and in-depth. I really appreciate you dedicating time to reading all of our questions, especially this thread.


Thanks again for everything!

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Just so you are aware, the devs will never answer questions on potential storylines or hints as to what may be down the line and they adhere to that very strictly. All your questions are relevant to what potentially could happen (although Fissure of Woe feels like the chance has gone), but they fall under possible plot future plot threads, so don't take it personally when your post doesn't get a single answer to your questions. Believe me, we have all tried over the years!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Just so you are aware, the devs will never answer questions on potential storylines or hints as to what may be down the line and they adhere to that very strictly. All your questions are relevant to what potentially could happen (although Fissure of Woe feels like the chance has gone), but they fall under possible plot future plot threads, so don't take it personally when your post doesn't get a single answer to your questions. Believe me, we have all tried over the years!


This is correct. We just can't go down the path of confirming or denying any possible story paths, character development, zone names, and so forth. The devs are interacting in this AFC really well, and I think that's wonderful. But I believe they will need to give this thread -- with its forward-looking questions -- a very wide berth simply because well... spoilers spoil and none of us -- player or dev -- *really* wants that! :)


Questions, comments, and feedback about where we are right now is great, but all we can say about the future is "The Magic 8 Ball Says: Reply Hazy " or even "Better not tell you now." :D

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