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Veteran Reward System


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> @"Kamikae.9536" said:

> Yeah Sorry if that felt aggressive, I wasn't trying to call you out in any way. I suppose as a mostly casual player I blow away all of your original requirements, but have nowhere near the resources or gold to purchase your suggested high tier rewards. So perhaps my view of the difficulty to meet those requirements is skewed, since in my mind I easily meet them. At any rate wasn't meant as a dig at you, more so, that I don't see Anet releasing the majority of the rewards you suggested from a vendor in this way. Did you feel that my suggestions were a valid compromise?


No worries, I didn’t take it in any negative way, was just clarifying.


I’ll read more clearly after I get some sleep. I’ll chat more about it tomorrow. Thanks!

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Some coins would get rewarded waaay too easily. First of all, IMO you could only get a coin from a specific source only once, by that i mean "Champion Risen Noble" would drop you a coin only once, doing vinewratch event would give you a coin only once etc.. (per year). This way people couldnt grind the same thing over and over, and would rather be rewarded for doing all kinds of events/content.


Secondly, the amound of coins required for a reward should be increased ALOT. 1000 coins is nothing, it should be increased at least by 10x - 50x. It would require some testing how many coins can a person get per day, and its definetly more than hundred, more like around 500 (that is, if you nolife it, all day every day). Speaking of which, due to that there should also be a daily cap how many coins one can recieve per day, 50-100 would be a good number.

Main point is that, those contracts and infusions would be otherwise WAAAAAAAAAY too easy obtainable. If you dont get them through RNG or TP, it should imo be a 1/2 to 1 year of work to get one.


Some of those coin to reward ratios would need more tweaking, since 1 magnetite shard and 1 wvw infusion definetly aint worth the same (you get that 1 magnetite shard to just viping to VG in few seconds), but ofc numbers can always be easily balanced.

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First of all, as someone playing since launch day (and the beta weekends before that, and GW1 since Prophecies before that), why add a new reward system just for "Veterans" with some arbitrary requirements?

If you were to add a new reward system, make it available to everybody.


Veterans are already generally at an advantage in terms of what content they have access to and or the tools to overcome it efficiently.

That's the benefit of playing and being dedicated to an MMO for years, eventually gearing and mastering a wide variety of professions and builds as well as unlocking all the content.

I don't see the need to what would feel like essentially punishing new players by making them earn less rewards in comparison all across the game, without requiring massive investment in some specific area of the game, as Anet has already been doing to reward veterans.

If you are dedicated to WvW, you will be at a high rank, rewarding you with more Pips per tick, giving you access to rewards faster.

If you are dedicated to Fractals, you will have the Mist Attunements, increasing damage, survivability and rewards for Fractals.


These systems are already in the game, along with better rewards from character birthdays, the older your characters get etc.


In addition, since you bothered to put numbers to your imagined rewards, I have to say that they are completely out of whack.

Why get 1 Fractal Relic per Coin when you can get 1 Pristine (can be converted to 15 Relics) for 10 Coins?

Badges of Honor are far below Value of anything else in that list, but essentially equates 1000 of them to a permanent Contract.

Two Glyphs of Industry do not compare to 1 Ghostly etc.

It feels more like a wishlist with some filler.


In addition to that, these rewards invalidate some content exclusive rewards, which is already bad enough with some gemstore items out of gambling lootboxes, and we really don't need more of that.

If anything, that prevents Veterans from being introduced to new content they have never really given a shot, because they can just grind those rewards out and or buy lootboxes, instead of getting hooked on some content like Fractals, WvW etc., which could keep them playing again for many months for rewards offered there, instead of new shinies for grinding the same old thing they have always done, burning out.


While Rewards are important to retain players, they have to come hand in hand with content. Or put another way, Rewards are a good tool to attract players to content, but content is what keeps people around.

Just accumulating these Coins won't prevent WvW veterans, Raiders, Fractal Players, Dungeon enthusiasts and such from leaving due to lack of content they enjoy.


The only way I could see a system like this not being a disaster is if it was incredibly inefficient to get rewards this way, especially content exclusive ones, but just acted like a little cherry on top for everything you did as player, eventually accumulating over months or years to get some of the rare things like permanent contracts.

Scale up the proposed prices by 10-100 Times, and maybe add a daily cap on the coins you can earn, as well as making the system available to everyone, would sound a lot better to me.

But even then, I don't really see the point over just developing new rewards for Fractals, Raids, WvW etc., giving those rewards an identity with where they are coming from, motivating players to try out or get back into that content, as well as providing currency sinks for Veterans already engaged with that content.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.


Yes player retention is important. If they made completing a raid wing a requirement for being a veteran player, after the first raid didn't even appear for 3.5 years after launch, I'd feel completely disenfranchised. That's the kind of thing that drives people away from games.


The small percentage of people that enjoy or are okay with raiding would possibly be okay with it. I strongly suspect you'd piss off more people than help retain player.


I've done almost everything on that list except complete a raid wing. So no, that wouldn't retain me. It would do more to drive me away.

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Another vet here been playing almost since launch. There is no additional system that would entice me to stay if I didn't already like what I was doing. While I appreciate the effort you put into this OP, none of this would keep me playing longer. If fact if anything, it would be just as likely to drive me away depending on how restrictive the requirements for entry are (like adding in raid or PvP requirements).

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.


> Yes player retention is important. If they made completing a raid wing a requirement for being a veteran player, after the first raid didn't even appear for 3.5 years after launch, I'd feel completely disenfranchised. That's the kind of thing that drives people away from games.


> The small percentage of people that enjoy or are okay with raiding would possibly be okay with it. I strongly suspect you'd kitten off more people than help retain player.


> I've done almost everything on that list except complete a raid wing. So no, that wouldn't retain me. It would do more to drive me away.


I have great news for you my friend! Read and be absolutely amazed AND astonished!


"Alternative milestones based off of feedback...


Base requirements that need to be met to unlock the veteran reward system AND a core item vendor...

15k AP

Core Map Completion

Core Personal Story Completion

Participated in all Core Map Meta Events


To unlock SPvP items from vendor

Rank 80



To unlock WvW Items from vendor

Rank 500 in WvW




To unlock Dungeon items from vendor

Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)


To unlock Raid Items from vendor

Complete each Raid Wing


To unlock Fractal items from vendor

Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.)

Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)

Fractal Expert (Complete each fractal scale from 51 to 75.)

Fractal Master (Complete each fractal scale from 76 to 100.)


To unlock HoT items from vendor

Full Map Completion

HoT personal story completion

Complete all Meta Events


To unlock PoF items from vendor

Full Map Completion

PoF personal story completion




And there ya have it!

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> While Rewards are important to retain players, they have to come hand in hand with content. Or put another way, Rewards are a good tool to attract players to content, but content is what keeps people around.


Great post all over, but just wanted to highlight this part specifically. This is the crux of the matter.


Personally I'm completely burned out of the game right now, and been for about half a year, no amount of rewards is going to get me back. (For me to come back, I either have to have had enough of a break that I miss the combat system which I consider better than most other games out there, or some kind of new content that interest me: hint, not LS, possibly Alliance mode).




I've played since launch, and still likely wouldn't qualify for those requirements. And I probably never will, since I'm not really interested in doing the things I'd need, including bothering to hit 15k AP in the alternative variant. Because all of this just feels like a titanic grind, and I hate grinding, I'm allergic to it.

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What, exactly, are Core Map Meta Events? What's the Meta Event for Queensdale or Brisban Wildlands, for example? (Sorry if that's an ignorant question; I just can't place the 'Meta' for some of the maps. For Queensdale, is it just killing off those few Tamini?) Must one do every part of it in order, or can the separate events that make up the Meta be done at any time; alternatively, does just part of it suffice?

What qualifies as Core Maps? Only those required for World Map Completion, or does it include Season 1 and Season 2 maps?


Do these proposed Vendors for any of the separate areas of play all offer the same wares? Or would one be required to unlock each one separately to access their particular wares?

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > While Rewards are important to retain players, they have to come hand in hand with content. Or put another way, Rewards are a good tool to attract players to content, but content is what keeps people around.


> Great post all over, but just wanted to highlight this part specifically. This is the crux of the matter.


> Personally I'm completely burned out of the game right now, and been for about half a year, no amount of rewards is going to get me back. (For me to come back, I either have to have had enough of a break that I miss the combat system which I consider better than most other games out there, or some kind of new content that interest me: hint, not LS, possibly Alliance mode).


> ---


> I've played since launch, and still likely wouldn't qualify for those requirements. And I probably never will, since I'm not really interested in doing the things I'd need, including bothering to hit 15k AP in the alternative variant. Because all of this just feels like a titanic grind, and I hate grinding, I'm allergic to it.


Everyone wants new “content”. It’s kind of a given. Content takes time to develop though, so we are not getting new content shinies each week or month unfortunately...


You do realize that the devs created a reward structure to encourage players to keep playing, participating and to keep content more relevant? The suggestion falls right in line with that, and clearly someone like you would benefit from a veteran reward idea like this...

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Interesting concept, at this point its clearly a spit ball suggestion. A fairly well thought out spitball but probably needs meta data refinement that only Anet actually has. Kudos to the effort and at having a constructive suggestion that isn't a total gimme. Though I might suggest that instead of getting stuff that's already out there that these "prestige coins" (need a less in ones face name) get you a (few)unique skins. Lots of skins are locked behind specific modes of game play, you need do do fractals to get fractal skins. You need to do wvw (though not much) and PVE to get legendary weapons, Raids to Get legendary armor, etc. If you had veteran sets of armor (not outfit) per type and a set weapons that were achieved through this method that were, um unique enough to warrant the grind and goal to get that level and have those already there something to do this could fly and give some long time players reason to play some of the stuff that was fun but now unrewarding otherwise with newer players. The skins would maybe need to be Black lion level but certainly NOT legendary level art and effects. Almost like those fan made weapons. I thought they were fantastic but easy to obtain. If they required this method to obtain them I'd most definitely have set a goal to obtain them.


So ya to summarize, make the purchasable items skins unique to this reward system that are uniquely great but not awesome. The "Guild" in Guild Wars got replaced with "Gear" looooong ago; that's the reality. Also make sure its for vets not elites.

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> @"Hazteur.8165" said:

> Interesting concept, at this point its clearly a spit ball suggestion. A fairly well thought out spitball but probably needs meta data refinement that only Anet actually has. Kudos to the effort and at having a constructive suggestion that isn't a total gimme. Though I might suggest that instead of getting stuff that's already out there that these "prestige coins" (need a less in ones face name) get you a (few)unique skins. Lots of skins are locked behind specific modes of game play, you need do do fractals to get fractal skins. You need to do wvw (though not much) and PVE to get legendary weapons, Raids to Get legendary armor, etc. If you had veteran sets of armor (not outfit) per type and a set weapons that were achieved through this method that were, um unique enough to warrant the grind and goal to get that level and have those already there something to do this could fly and give some long time players reason to play some of the stuff that was fun but now unrewarding otherwise with newer players. The skins would maybe need to be Black lion level but certainly NOT legendary level art and effects. Almost like those fan made weapons. I thought they were fantastic but easy to obtain. If they required this method to obtain them I'd most definitely have set a goal to obtain them.


> So ya to summarize, make the purchasable items skins unique to this reward system that are uniquely great but not awesome. The "Guild" in Guild Wars got replaced with "Gear" looooong ago; that's the reality. Also make sure its for vets not elites.


I’m sure things like unique skins can be added to vendors too.

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I'm not really suggesting adding the skins but Im more suggesting only that be it. I would be concerned for the concept to be dead on arrival from Anet otherwise. As I said I think the meta info that Anet has could sway it one way or the other but I think its in their interest to have these things that are out there only obtainable by rng or the gold/gem/cash synergy, cash being the key one. If there is an alternative way to get the items other than the trio it will reduce the value significantly therefore the desire to buy gems and turn them into gold which is probably a decent percentage of the use of gems and cash, while though I concede the actual gem store only items are probably the majority of their cash infusion. That's my concern of include access to some of those other nice things. Where as vet skins might retain the player base which is also very important aspect of the industry. Its a good idea just need to make sure its healthy for all.

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> @"Hazteur.8165" said:

> I'm not really suggesting adding the skins but Im more suggesting only that be it. I would be concerned for the concept to be dead on arrival from Anet otherwise. As I said I think the meta info that Anet has could sway it one way or the other but I think its in their interest to have these things that are out there only obtainable by rng or the gold/gem/cash synergy, cash being the key one. If there is an alternative way to get the items other than the trio it will reduce the value significantly therefore the desire to buy gems and turn them into gold which is probably a decent percentage of the use of gems and cash, while though I concede the actual gem store only items are probably the majority of their cash infusion. That's my concern of include access to some of those other nice things. Where as vet skins might retain the player base which is also very important aspect of the industry. Its a good idea just need to make sure its healthy for all.


Reward options and diversity attracts more players so we have to keep that in mind.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.

> >

> > Yes player retention is important. If they made completing a raid wing a requirement for being a veteran player, after the first raid didn't even appear for 3.5 years after launch, I'd feel completely disenfranchised. That's the kind of thing that drives people away from games.

> >

> > The small percentage of people that enjoy or are okay with raiding would possibly be okay with it. I strongly suspect you'd kitten off more people than help retain player.

> >

> > I've done almost everything on that list except complete a raid wing. So no, that wouldn't retain me. It would do more to drive me away.


> I have great news for you my friend! Read and be absolutely amazed AND astonished!


> "Alternative milestones based off of feedback...


> Base requirements that need to be met to unlock the veteran reward system AND a core item vendor...

> 15k AP

> Core Map Completion

> Core Personal Story Completion

> Participated in all Core Map Meta Events


> To unlock SPvP items from vendor

> Rank 80

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ascension


> To unlock WvW Items from vendor

> Rank 500 in WvW

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Battle

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warbringer


> To unlock Dungeon items from vendor

> Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)


> To unlock Raid Items from vendor

> Complete each Raid Wing


> To unlock Fractal items from vendor

> Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.)

> Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)

> Fractal Expert (Complete each fractal scale from 51 to 75.)

> Fractal Master (Complete each fractal scale from 76 to 100.)


> To unlock HoT items from vendor

> Full Map Completion

> HoT personal story completion

> Complete all Meta Events


> To unlock PoF items from vendor

> Full Map Completion

> PoF personal story completion

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)"



> And there ya have it!


This would be better for sure. Every time a reward is locked behind raids, it still annoys me, because I don't enjoy raiding. I could raid. I'm perfectly capable. I just don't enjoy coordinating with 9 people. That is my casual guild mostly isn't interested in it, and I'm not a huge fan of pugging anything.


One other thing. There are tons of rewards in this game for people who want to do specific content anyway. You can get really cool ascended armor sets from PvP for example, by PvPing. You can get specific ascended jewelry from completing dungeon weapons and armor collections. You can get specific armor skins unlocked by getting achievement points.


Seems to me what you're asking for is already in the game, all over the place.


So how is what you're asking for different from what's already there?

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Face it: retaining veterans in any game is always a lot more expensive than attracting new players. New players have a wealth of stuff ahead of them, while veterans have "been there, done that". As such, giving veterans an extra bonus that is kept from new players who participate in the same content is a very dangerous thing, as it'll likely do a lot more damage to new player retention (who end up feeling second class for not being rewarded the same when doing the same) than it helps with veteran player retention (who likely already have more stuff than they know what to do with).


A continuous reward system with at best a slight increase for experienced players (e.g. more pips for higher wvw rank or buffs from omni potion for fractal veterans) is really the most balanced way to reward veterans while not making newer/less experienced players feel like 2nd class citizens at the same time. Anything more than that will quickly backfire in a way that is neither healthy for the game nor for its players.


Additionally, a lot of the rewards you propose are restricted to specific content for the very purpose of incentivicing players to play that content, not to short-cut to the rewardes by grinding generic event a, b, and c. It's in nobody's best interest to have people grind Silverwastes RIBA or Istan farm trains even more because it turns out doing those events and killing the champs that turn up not only already gives the best gold to time ration but also showers people in prestige coins on top of it. There's no way that would make the game feel more alive or "veterans" feel more inclined to spend money on this game. It would on the other hand take a way a lot of incentive of dabbling in different areas of the game. Why should I try to look for a raid group if I could get all of the raid rewards I'd ever want from gathering prestige coins while doing other stuff? Why ever set a foot into pvp again if I could get all of my pvp rewards from prestige coins I picked up in pve?



a 6-year 30k ap veteran with most stuff on your list already checked and enough resources stored to get the rest (mainly the legendary backpieces, why get them when I don't even use my Ad Infinitum?) done on a moment's notice

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > So apparently I'm not a veteran because I'm not an AP hunter, although I've been playing nearly every single day since release. Ok.


> I’m not an AP hunter either. Just playing the game brings AP over time.


But not 15 THOUSAND AP. 15.000. Do you realize how much that is?

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > So apparently I'm not a veteran because I'm not an AP hunter, although I've been playing nearly every single day since release. Ok.

> >

> > I’m not an AP hunter either. Just playing the game brings AP over time.


> But not 15 THOUSAND AP. 15.000. Do you realize how much that is?


Title states "Veteran Reward System".


I don't chase achievement. I play the game, and after 6 years I have like 24k just for participating. It's doable, just takes time.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > > So apparently I'm not a veteran because I'm not an AP hunter, although I've been playing nearly every single day since release. Ok.

> > >

> > > I’m not an AP hunter either. Just playing the game brings AP over time.

> >

> > But not 15 THOUSAND AP. 15.000. Do you realize how much that is?


> Title states "Veteran Reward System".


> I don't chase achievement. I play the game, and after 6 years I have like 24k just for participating. It's doable, just takes time.


Then you most likely play the game differently than most other players. I've been playing for 6 years as well, and I just recently reached the 9.000 AP mark.

You have a pretty weird understanding of "veteran player".

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > Veteran player retention is important folks. I can guarantee there is a decent sized drop off of older players, and incentives to keep those players logging in are important from many different angles.

> > >

> > > Yes player retention is important. If they made completing a raid wing a requirement for being a veteran player, after the first raid didn't even appear for 3.5 years after launch, I'd feel completely disenfranchised. That's the kind of thing that drives people away from games.

> > >

> > > The small percentage of people that enjoy or are okay with raiding would possibly be okay with it. I strongly suspect you'd kitten off more people than help retain player.

> > >

> > > I've done almost everything on that list except complete a raid wing. So no, that wouldn't retain me. It would do more to drive me away.

> >

> > I have great news for you my friend! Read and be absolutely amazed AND astonished!

> >

> > "Alternative milestones based off of feedback...

> >

> > Base requirements that need to be met to unlock the veteran reward system AND a core item vendor...

> > 15k AP

> > Core Map Completion

> > Core Personal Story Completion

> > Participated in all Core Map Meta Events

> >

> > To unlock SPvP items from vendor

> > Rank 80

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ascension

> >

> > To unlock WvW Items from vendor

> > Rank 500 in WvW

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Battle

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warbringer

> >

> > To unlock Dungeon items from vendor

> > Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)

> >

> > To unlock Raid Items from vendor

> > Complete each Raid Wing

> >

> > To unlock Fractal items from vendor

> > Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.)

> > Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)

> > Fractal Expert (Complete each fractal scale from 51 to 75.)

> > Fractal Master (Complete each fractal scale from 76 to 100.)

> >

> > To unlock HoT items from vendor

> > Full Map Completion

> > HoT personal story completion

> > Complete all Meta Events

> >

> > To unlock PoF items from vendor

> > Full Map Completion

> > PoF personal story completion

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)"

> >

> >

> > And there ya have it!


> This would be better for sure. Every time a reward is locked behind raids, it still annoys me, because I don't enjoy raiding. I could raid. I'm perfectly capable. I just don't enjoy coordinating with 9 people. That is my casual guild mostly isn't interested in it, and I'm not a huge fan of pugging anything.


> One other thing. There are tons of rewards in this game for people who want to do specific content anyway. You can get really cool ascended armor sets from PvP for example, by PvPing. You can get specific ascended jewelry from completing dungeon weapons and armor collections. You can get specific armor skins unlocked by getting achievement points.


> Seems to me what you're asking for is already in the game, all over the place.


> So how is what you're asking for different from what's already there?


I agree about the raid stuff.


The suggestion tackles a number of different things...

- It adds more reward hook incentives to play the game for the veteran class, that has already been there and done that many times over.

- This can be another tool in the dev toolbox to increase retention, content replayability and provide more value to veterans for participating.

- It provides dedicated veterans an alternative path to earn "stuff" that is "locked behind" X, and an optional path to earning supplemental currency if the veteran chooses.

- Chasing, and grinding out, specific currencies can be fatiguing at times and not really fun (the devs were aware of this and made improvements to HoT rewards as a result. A video statement following the increased rewards was something like this... "improved the rewards to value player time"... So it wouldn't be out of that line of thinking to toss a bone to veterans by letting them play more of what they like while lessening similar thoughts and feelings to this... "Every time a reward is locked behind" (----------) ", it still annoys me"

- The reward design provides veterans a cleaner, and sensible, way to exchange one currency for another. Similar to these really neat QoL items the devs created for us... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Converter. This was also a really awesome and fun reward feature from black lion chests... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette

- "There are tons of rewards in this game for people who want to do specific content anyway"... That is correct, but let's think about it from a different angle... I’m sure there are a lot of veterans who say this at various times… "Every time a" (currency or item) "is locked behind" (----------), it still annoys me". Especially when those veterans may be logging in the game daily and dread the thought of having to repeat the same content they may not like over and over and over… while they are sitting on tons of X currency but not enough of Y currency to get Z item. Again, these were really super QoL items https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Converter and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette, and the idea just expands on those by providing a means for veterans to earn a universal currency that can be exchanged or traded in for something…


… I've merely been looking at ways to enhance the experience of veterans who have remained dedicated to the game. Veterans are very important, not only as new player helpers, but as community leaders and customers who contribute to the overall health of the game. The reward designs are constantly encouraging players to repeat content so it's easy for veteran players to suffer from a shattered morale... I know Anet is always looking for different methods to keep the game exciting for us long term dedicated players too, and I don't see anything wrong with a reward boost aimed at players who have stuck with the game... Ill-conceived scheme this was not. Nor a plan to get "free stuff" as I was accused of earlier. It's about looking at ways to improve the experience for a class of players and to keep them happily logging in and happily participating.


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> Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?


Retaining committed players is not and has not been a problem for Anet. They would focus far more on getting new players and keeping new players interested for more than a few hours. MMOs in general tend to attract a new player who tries it out for a few levels, then quits. I guarantee they are losing FAR more new players than 'veterans'. So why should they even worry about this?


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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > Do you have a better idea in mind to increase retention for veteran players?

> >

> Retaining committed players is not and has not been a problem for Anet. They would focus far more on getting new players and keeping new players interested for more than a few hours. MMOs in general tend to attract a new player who tries it out for a few levels, then quits. I guarantee they are losing FAR more new players than 'veterans'. So why should they even worry about this?





“We’re honored to share this journey with over 11 million players”


... There were over 11,000,000 accounts created since launch. There are not 11,000,000 players currently playing. I don’t know the monthly concurrency numbers, but I know for a fact that a mmo business looks for ideas to increase concurrency numbers, and somewhere in that 11,000,000 are gw2 vets...


Yes, a business looks to add new customers, but they also work to keep current customers too... that’s how businesses operate, pay the employees and stay in business. Keep that in mind.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > > > So apparently I'm not a veteran because I'm not an AP hunter, although I've been playing nearly every single day since release. Ok.

> > > >

> > > > I’m not an AP hunter either. Just playing the game brings AP over time.

> > >

> > > But not 15 THOUSAND AP. 15.000. Do you realize how much that is?

> >

> > Title states "Veteran Reward System".

> >

> > I don't chase achievement. I play the game, and after 6 years I have like 24k just for participating. It's doable, just takes time.


> Then you most likely play the game differently than most other players. I've been playing for 6 years as well, and I just recently reached the 9.000 AP mark.

> You have a pretty weird understanding of "veteran player".


I play the game and that's it... hardly consider that weird...


I created achievement "milestones" for the purpose of this suggestion. I needed a clear way to differentiate between new players, ultra casual players and veteran players.

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