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Getting kicked from instance when edging into red zone

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I agree, sometimes you may accidentally exit and it doesn't even give you time to get back as you are kicked split second after seeing a message. Sometimes you may also get stuck in a crevice (like sliding off a mountain due to misstep) and not even be given a chance to get out as you are kicked and have to restart. I get it's pretty much always been there, but after five years it still is frustrating.

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While I am not a big fan of those, they are there to keep you constrained in a certain area so you can't walk around the script trigger points. They are also there to prevent trivialization of some content (hey lets bypass all the fights in the instance by going waaaay around!). You also get a sufficiently generous amount of time to get back into the area after the notification.

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There should be no red areas in my opinion at all in story instances.. or at least should these red borders be of much wider area, to have more space for movement, without fearign to get kicked out of the instance..


So in this point I agree, the kick mechanic shoudl just get replaced with an invisible wall.. or better, our charactes shoudl just AUTOMATICALLY TURN 180° around and move for some seconds back into the other direction back, as if they literally just decided to turn around, because reasons..



example: Witcher 3... its cleverly hidden and covered there with a Return Mechanism and Voice Overs, which show you when you reached an end of a map, a borderlien that you cant cross and explore further, by geralt just startign to talk something and you get after a few seconds turned around back into the other direction.

Now surely, this can be done more smoothly for GW2, by our charascters not beign just forcefulyl turned around, but by actually just a moment animation, that lets our charactrs turn around automatically in a normal looking ways, just so as if we woudl have turned ariound them manually by ourself.

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Red zones ought to just load you back into then instance where you left off. Where they don't, they must. I was in Orr doing an instance where the group is trying to learn how the priests of Orr did things, and I got booted off the edge about 90% of the way through the instance. Dropped out of the instance completely, and had to redo the whole thing over. That is wrong design. It needs fixed.


Enter a red zone by any circumstance? Reloads you into the instance automatically right where you left off. That's what would show us that devs understand they ought to get out of the player's way of getting shit done.

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If an instance is too difficult, or it bugs out and you can't continue the story, the red boundary gives you a way to leave the instance since there's no door icon to click on until the instance is complete. Unfortunately, the boundary isn't always accessible due to it being outside mountains and such. In such cases you'd have to go to your guild hall or exit to the character select screen to get out.

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> @Charrbeque.8729 said:

> If an instance is too difficult, or it bugs out and you can't continue the story, the red boundary gives you a way to leave the instance since there's no door icon to click on until the instance is complete. Unfortunately, the boundary isn't always accessible due to it being outside mountains and such. In such cases you'd have to go to your guild hall or exit to the character select screen to get out.


I was about to mention this but I figured the character screen exit trick was the easy way around it if the red area got inviso-walled. I can see one issue with putting up a wall, though -- given my experience in a PoF story instance with a boss that got stuck in a rock so I could not kite him as the mechanics required, what happens if a mob gets stuck in the wall and you can't attack it? I'd find that far more frustrating than making my own error of going too far into the red to turn back before the boot. At least I have control over getting too close to the red, and have learned from years of playing story instances that I don't want to go near it unless deliberately canceling the instance. It's second nature now, I don't even remember the last accidental red-boot. Other than in LS2, the first time playing where we have to chase Taimi out of Omadd's cave, I didn't get walled off like happens now and I chased her right out of the instance. Had to redo it all, but thereafter I warned everyone I helped with that instance not to chase her no matter how the adrenaline was pounding.

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Maybe I've missed something, but how exactly are people 'accidently' leaving the bounds of the instances? I haven't come across any instances in core, LS, HoT or PoF where you could get confused about which way you're meant to be going, or where the bounds of a combat area are. As the topic title says, they are "red zones", on the mini map the out of bounds/leave instance area is a massive batch of red lines making it pretty obvious where the instance bounds are. Very basic map and positional awareness is all it takes to avoid getting kicked from the instance.

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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> Maybe I've missed something, but how exactly are people 'accidently' leaving the bounds of the instances? I haven't come across any instances in core, LS, HoT or PoF where you could get confused about which way you're meant to be going, or where the bounds of a combat area are. As the topic title says, they are "red zones", on the mini map the out of bounds/leave instance area is a massive batch of red lines making it pretty obvious where the instance bounds are. Very basic map and positional awareness is all it takes to avoid getting kicked from the instance.


Paying attention to the game screen and not the mini map. Exploring the map for possible hidden content like achievements. Following roads in the maps that may go nowhere other than into red screen of doom of "redo mission from start now sucker". I personally like to immerse myself in the game, even to the point of playing it in the lack-luster first person mode, to the point of "zoning out" the mini map and UI in general. It's just my play style but it can sometimes cause that. I have friends who completely hide their UI and only use Discord to communicate (and they hate red zones more than I do for obvious reasons, lol).

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Not all quests and maps are perfectly designed. sometimes roads lead you to red zones, you get lost, and you're ousted before you know what happened. there are a myriad ways of unintentionally entering the red zones. including in middle of a fight, teleporting, shadowstep, leaping attacks, etc.


regardless, you're inside an instance and immersed into the story. THERE IS NO REASON TO OUST YOU FROM STORY MODE INSTANCE. THIS IS SUPER ANNOYING. if you don't want players to roam, put up invisible walls, and have proper exits.

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> I agree, sometimes you may accidentally exit and it doesn't even give you time to get back as you are kicked split second after seeing a message. Sometimes you may also get stuck in a crevice (like sliding off a mountain due to misstep) and not even be given a chance to get out as you are kicked and have to restart. I get it's pretty much always been there, but after five years it still is frustrating.


I never slid off a mountain and have been kicked and I am pretty sure you would not want to do acrobatics next to the borders of the instance zone.

In Borderlands there were guns that killed you when you ignored the warning message. I rather being removed :-)

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The most recent time I was unfairly kicked out of story instance was PoF intro mission, near the very end. After the spider cave, you can go east or south. I didn't know which way go, due to another huge problem of the UI is the tiny font on 4k monitor because they don't scale up to higher resolutions. So I don't bother reading anything on the screen, and will miss a lot of the text and directions. Anyway, got lost, reached a red zone, got ousted before I even knew what happened. The last step before the mission would have finished; but no, stupid game kicked me out of the instance with no time to react, and have to redo the whole mission.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > I agree, sometimes you may accidentally exit and it doesn't even give you time to get back as you are kicked split second after seeing a message. Sometimes you may also get stuck in a crevice (like sliding off a mountain due to misstep) and not even be given a chance to get out as you are kicked and have to restart. I get it's pretty much always been there, but after five years it still is frustrating.


> I never slid off a mountain and have been kicked and I am pretty sure you would not want to do acrobatics next to the borders of the instance zone.

> In Borderlands there were guns that killed you when you ignored the warning message. I rather being removed :-)


If that never happened to you, that's great. Don't assume everyone plays the game same way you do. And this isn't Borderlands. Besides, in this game, getting killed and having to restart from a checkpoint would often be much less debilitating than having to start entire instance from scratch is.

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