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Getting kicked from instance when edging into red zone

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> There are a lot of instances where the red zone moves and can kick you if you accidentally went the wrong way. Mounts makes it way too easy. I remember doing that in the beginning of PoF inside the mines where you kill the spiders, jumped onto an area and was kicked out faster than I can count to 1. Had to do THE WHOLE BEGINNING over again.


It seems that if you move quickly into a red zone - or maybe if you move a long way into a red zone - that you only get the warning message for a split second before it kicks you. I had this problem in the Beastmarshal section of [Enemy Of My Enemy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enemy_of_My_Enemy#The_Beastmarshal "Enemy Of My Enemy"): if you're not the instance owner, rather than using a mount you get transformed so that you can run at raptor speed (or maybe even faster?), but your acceleration is pretty much instant. So I just accidentally ran way out into a red zone and was kicked before I'd really taken in what happened.

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I can live with the red zones, but I do not like the fact it boots you one bit. People say they use this as a "quick escape." For those people, a hot tip: The "Log to character screen" is faster.


I agree with the others here that there is no good reason for it to boot you as opposed to simply placing you back. They already use that mechanic at the edges of water areas, "A strong current pushes you back!" That same mechanic would work perfectly (though obviously not called a current, if anything). If they want to include a fast way for people to exit the instance, then Anet should do what ought to have been done ages ago and just enable the "exit" button constantly for the main player instead of just for your party members.


Remove the Boot!

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The insta-kick is absolutely ridiculous. I just came back to the game after years of being away... was soloing an instance and had nearly completed it, and mistakenly wandered into the red zone after falling from a plateau and was almost immediately booted. Now, as many have said, the relatively difficult tasks must be repeated before advancing the story. Why hasn't this been resolved after years of complaints? It's buggy behavior that's incredibly inconvenient for your users, so please fix it!

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