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Fashion is nice but what about your naming skills?

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Huge list incoming. And they all got some thought behind the name and looks but I dont think I am going to comment much on all of them. Feel free to ask more though!


**Decimus Frostpyre** - Charr male elementalist. Decimus means "ten" and Frostpyre seemed like a fun idea when we first heard about the weaver's dual attuning.

**Ignis Ashenheart** - Charr male elementalist. Ignis means fire. This charr is heavily flame legion -inspired.

**Gaheron Burntsoul** - Charr male elementalist. Also flame legion inspired.

**Rikki The Conjurer** - Asura male elementalist. Rikki can either mean "sulfur" or "broken" in Finnish.

**Almira Earthrender** - Charr female elementalist.

**Gallus Stormbound** - Charr male elementalist. Fresh Air specific builds only.


**Conri Voidsphere** - Charr male mesmer. Corni means "wolf king" and this charr is very ferocious indeed. He dislikes everything and everyone.

**Adina Soulecho** - Charr female mesmer.

**Portal Hate** - Human female mesmer. She is my pack mule and bag opener.

**Lycan Truesight** - Charr male mesmer.

**Gothicus Riftblade** - Charr male mesmer.

**Carthus Ghostwalker** - Charr male mesmer.


**Eidhnean Nimhe** - Sylvari female necromancer. Means poison ivy.

**Harbinger of Raven** - Norn male necromancer.

**Morag Nightshade** - Charr female necromaner. My main WvW toon.

**Cyrian Abysswalker** - Charr male necromancer. My power reaper, and very precious to me.

**Cerioth Soulrender** - Charr male necromancer.

**Azaloth Doomhowl** - Charr male necromancer.

**Barghest of Ascalon** - Charr male necromancer. My PVP blood scourge. Barghest is a reference to a demonic mythological dog in the british folklore, and it can also mean a demon bear. I thought felines could use a Barghest of their own as well.


**Valon Lightsbane** - Charr male ranger. My Soulbeast and story main.

**Caelus Feralheart** - Charr male ranger.

**Darach Cridhe** - Sylvari male ranger. Name means oakheart.

**Maeva The Ferocious** - Norn female ranger. She follows the bear.

**Gareth Soulpurge** - Charr male ranger. Support druid.

**Beastlord Champion** - Charr male ranger. I shouldve reversed the name order, but it sounded like a mob name to me in my head.

**Malignus Sourfang** - Charr male ranger. Boonbeast in PVP.


**La Za R Us** - Asura female thief. This name has a more or less inside joke origin - when we were speculating about the identity of Lazarus, my friend was like "what if he is two asura sisters named La and Za" so ... yeah. I had to act on it.

**Lyanna The Dubious** - Human female thief.

**Corvus Shadowfiend** - Charr male thief. Corvus refers to corvidae - a family of birds, such as ravens and crows.

**Cionwir Griefblade** - Charr male thief. My main D/D deadeye.

**Malice Shadowmane** - Charr female thief.

**Varlam Doomguard** - Charr male thief.

**Amarok Ruinbringer** - Charr male thief.


**Sciath Stormcaller** - Charr female engineer. Sciath is pronounced like "scythe". Stormcaller, as in, she calls the shots.

**Ember Shatterstorm** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys smashing things. My main holosmith.

**Scar Blazepaw** - Charr male engineer.

**Caranthir Emberfall** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys forging things.

**Invictus Rageheart** - Charr male engineer.


**Balerion Heartrend** - Charr male warrior.

**Caoilleanach** - Sylvari female warrior.

**Alduin Woebringer** - Charr male warrior.

**Therion Bloodfyre** - Charr male warrior.

**Gaerwen Hopecrusher** - Charr female warrior.


**Balrog Shadowflame** - Charr male guardian. I made him balrog-inspired.

**Cerioth Wolfheart** - Norn male guardian. Follower of the wolf.

**Khazz The Sovereign** - Asura male guardian.

**Caius Lightforge** - Charr male guardian.

**Cirdan Drakesbane** - Charr male guardian.

**Cedrik Hopewarden** - Charr male guardian.

**Cyrus Frostmane** - Charr male guardian.


**Cain Obsidianheart** - Human male revenant.

**Scatha Fluffbringer** - Charr female revenant

**Morghul Cindersoul** - Charr male revenant, a different kind of spelling to "morgul".

**Avidus Soulcaller** - Charr male revenant.

**Cayn Doomrend** - Charr male revenant.

**Callan Cruelblade** - Charr male revenant.


I mightve forgotten someone...

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I really only play two characters and they're both twins, might I add.

**Haizinn**: This guy went through a good chunk of changes and back stories, including names. First, it was Hazel, a female Sylvari, then changed to Haze for a male Sylvari (named after that one Zephyrite in Dry Top you have to escort). However, the name seemed so bland to me that I made it- gave it a more fancy look? So this is how we ended up for Haizinn or Haiz for short.

**Airennor**: At the time of this Sylvari's creation, I loved the name "Lenore". I heard of the name from an Edgar Allen Poe poem, and loved the sound of the name for, honestly, no specific reason. Anyway, I continued to craft a name from these origins and here we are, Airennor or Air for short.

The names aren't celtic or fit the theme for Sylvari names in lore, but I guess they still work. At least, I say they do.

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I don't have any back stories on my character names. I just made them up as what I felt that sounded right for the character I was creating. The only exception to this rule was pet names, as I tried to name them based on the pet characteristics.


**Jake Orion** Human male Dragonhunter


**Alyssa Noin** Human female Soulbeast

PETS: **Camosabe** Tiger, **Smokicius Ninja** Smokescale, **Barney the Owl** White Owl, **Jiggly Jelly** Jellyfish, **Jawpedo** Shark


Wow, I can't even remember my other characters' names right now.

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I’m an entomologist irl, so I named all of my characters spider species; Phidippus audax, Argiope aurantia, Dysdera crocata, etc. Have considered branching out into other Orders (Diptera/Hymenoptera offer some v cool species names) but digging the spider theme atm.


Actually recently met an arachnologist in-game and was able to chat about spider taxonomy for bit as a result!


sidenote: s/o to whoever snagged Misumena vatia, Phidippus regius & Loxosceles reclusa before I could

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Posts like these that decry other players customization choices as drivel are absolutely as toxic as people who call other players "noobs" or "trash" for their PVP performance.


Only really difference is their name means even less in the overall.

Talk about all the "cool names" you want. But your divisive superior attitude doesnt contribute anything meaningful.

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> @"notstephcooper.9852" said:

> I’m an entomologist irl, so I named all of my characters spider species; Phidippus audax, Argiope aurantia, Dysdera crocata, etc. Have considered branching out into other Orders (Diptera/Hymenoptera offer some v cool species names) but digging the spider theme atm.


> Actually recently met an arachnologist in-game and was able to chat about spider taxonomy for bit as a result!


> sidenote: s/o to whoever snagged Misumena vatia, Phidippus regius & Loxosceles reclusa before I could


Very interesting idea. If I may ask, do you select the names randomly or do you also select it based on behaviours and/or habitats of a specific species?

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> Huge list incoming. And they all got some thought behind the name and looks but I dont think I am going to comment much on all of them. Feel free to ask more though!


> **Decimus Frostpyre** - Charr male elementalist. Decimus means "ten" and Frostpyre seemed like a fun idea when we first heard about the weaver's dual attuning.

> **Ignis Ashenheart** - Charr male elementalist. Ignis means fire. This charr is heavily flame legion -inspired.

> **Gaheron Burntsoul** - Charr male elementalist. Also flame legion inspired.

> **Rikki The Conjurer** - Asura male elementalist. Rikki can either mean "sulfur" or "broken" in Finnish.

> **Almira Earthrender** - Charr female elementalist.

> **Gallus Stormbound** - Charr male elementalist. Fresh Air specific builds only.


> **Conri Voidsphere** - Charr male mesmer. Corni means "wolf king" and this charr is very ferocious indeed. He dislikes everything and everyone.

> **Adina Soulecho** - Charr female mesmer.

> **Portal Hate** - Human female mesmer. She is my pack mule and bag opener.

> **Lycan Truesight** - Charr male mesmer.

> **Gothicus Riftblade** - Charr male mesmer.

> **Carthus Ghostwalker** - Charr male mesmer.


> **Eidhnean Nimhe** - Sylvari female necromancer. Means poison ivy.

> **Harbinger of Raven** - Norn male necromancer.

> **Morag Nightshade** - Charr female necromaner. My main WvW toon.

> **Cyrian Abysswalker** - Charr male necromancer. My power reaper, and very precious to me.

> **Cerioth Soulrender** - Charr male necromancer.

> **Azaloth Doomhowl** - Charr male necromancer.

> **Barghest of Ascalon** - Charr male necromancer. My PVP blood scourge. Barghest is a reference to a demonic mythological dog in the british folklore, and it can also mean a demon bear. I thought felines could use a Barghest of their own as well.


> **Valon Lightsbane** - Charr male ranger. My Soulbeast and story main.

> **Caelus Feralheart** - Charr male ranger.

> **Darach Cridhe** - Sylvari male ranger. Name means oakheart.

> **Maeva The Ferocious** - Norn female ranger. She follows the bear.

> **Gareth Soulpurge** - Charr male ranger. Support druid.

> **Beastlord Champion** - Charr male ranger. I shouldve reversed the name order, but it sounded like a mob name to me in my head.

> **Malignus Sourfang** - Charr male ranger. Boonbeast in PVP.


> **La Za R Us** - Asura female thief. This name has a more or less inside joke origin - when we were speculating about the identity of Lazarus, my friend was like "what if he is two asura sisters named La and Za" so ... yeah. I had to act on it.

> **Lyanna The Dubious** - Human female thief.

> **Corvus Shadowfiend** - Charr male thief. Corvus refers to corvidae - a family of birds, such as ravens and crows.

> **Cionwir Griefblade** - Charr male thief. My main D/D deadeye.

> **Malice Shadowmane** - Charr female thief.

> **Varlam Doomguard** - Charr male thief.

> **Amarok Ruinbringer** - Charr male thief.


> **Sciath Stormcaller** - Charr female engineer. Sciath is pronounced like "scythe". Stormcaller, as in, she calls the shots.

> **Ember Shatterstorm** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys smashing things. My main holosmith.

> **Scar Blazepaw** - Charr male engineer.

> **Caranthir Emberfall** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys forging things.

> **Invictus Rageheart** - Charr male engineer.


> **Balerion Heartrend** - Charr male warrior.

> **Caoilleanach** - Sylvari female warrior.

> **Alduin Woebringer** - Charr male warrior.

> **Therion Bloodfyre** - Charr male warrior.

> **Gaerwen Hopecrusher** - Charr female warrior.


> **Balrog Shadowflame** - Charr male guardian. I made him balrog-inspired.

> **Cerioth Wolfheart** - Norn male guardian. Follower of the wolf.

> **Khazz The Sovereign** - Asura male guardian.

> **Caius Lightforge** - Charr male guardian.

> **Cirdan Drakesbane** - Charr male guardian.

> **Cedrik Hopewarden** - Charr male guardian.

> **Cyrus Frostmane** - Charr male guardian.


> **Cain Obsidianheart** - Human male revenant.

> **Scatha Fluffbringer** - Charr female revenant

> **Morghul Cindersoul** - Charr male revenant, a different kind of spelling to "morgul".

> **Avidus Soulcaller** - Charr male revenant.

> **Cayn Doomrend** - Charr male revenant.

> **Callan Cruelblade** - Charr male revenant.


> I mightve forgotten someone...


Wow that's a loot of names, nice going.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"notstephcooper.9852" said:

> > I’m an entomologist irl, so I named all of my characters spider species; Phidippus audax, Argiope aurantia, Dysdera crocata, etc. Have considered branching out into other Orders (Diptera/Hymenoptera offer some v cool species names) but digging the spider theme atm.

> >

> > Actually recently met an arachnologist in-game and was able to chat about spider taxonomy for bit as a result!

> >

> > sidenote: s/o to whoever snagged Misumena vatia, Phidippus regius & Loxosceles reclusa before I could


> Very interesting idea. If I may ask, do you select the names randomly or do you also select it based on behaviours and/or habitats of a specific species?


Somewhat random. At times it will be related to specific color-scheme I plan to make use of in Fashion Wars. Other times, such as with P. audax, I just like the species and want to use the name. :tongue:


Edit: I’ve also considered using names for certain proteins relevant to specific pathways I study (my work is biochem/molecular bio of venom mechanics) because some proteins have really funny names (looking at you Drosophila Toll Signaling Pathway)

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prefer names that match the char's looks and race/class in my mind.


all females except for the charr:


**furries** ( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

Grumpa Grizzles: CharrWarrior: went for the grizzly grandpa charr look

Roedremm Ardentwink CharrRevenant: from Mordrem + VerdantBrink, cos rytlock's entrance into the 1st part of HOT story inspired his birth. and cos the idea of a charr with an ardent wink

Kai Bloodreaver CharrWarrior: Alt-acc spam-phase char. blood-river/reaver


**Drunks** ( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

Irudi Tessellae NornEngineer: (image) + tessellations holosmith. was meant to be an asura but i couldnt settle on a look

Zarya Soulforge NornEngineer: Sol-forge

Veshoyar NornElementalist: my first char when i wasnt serious abt the game, and a free-player. went for the tribalish 6-pack mage look


**Veggies **( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

Titiura Oakshield SylvariGuardian: a veggie guardian

Mesmeeri Dreamsong SylvariMesmer: looks-based

Borealia Harpweaver SylvariRanger: was meant to be a longbow boreals veggie druid. but i cant play druids. she was meant to be my 2nd storage char

Cerulei Whisperwind SylvariMesmer: Blue-themed. Alt-acc spam-phase character



Sithiche Tashara AsuraRevenant: went for a playful fairy-look

Munchi Cerealkiller AsuraGuardian: well.... she's an asura.

The Echo of Silence AsuraThief: was intended to be an asura deadeye (but i dont enjoy deadeye, so now she's a staff daredevil)

Lorelei Lops Ears AsuraNecro: a lop-earred asura, but the true meaning is one who lops off people's ears. comes with deranged ratty look

Peurile Dysfunction AsuraMesmer: asura mirage. the basis of the name shld be obvious

Ashari Sevenfeet AsuraGuardian: cos asura have this line that sounds like "i am 6-foot tall" on might. Alt-acc.

Tara Quiche AsuraThief: Rata Quiche. Alt-acc, spam-phase character



**Vanilla Humans**

Vesorin HumanRanger: my second char when i wasnt serious abt the game, and a free-player

Syeni Dawnstar: HumanWarrior: divinity's reach. then i saw 2 other dawnstar's running arnd.

Sessa the Unslaked HumanNecro: an innocent-looking lady (with off-kilter eyes if you look closely), a reaper of life force

Lyra Iceheart HumanWarrior: looks-based. im actually very happy that i had a char that can wear that freebie sunspear outfit

Requiem of the Veil HumanRevenant: inspire by the veil piercer skin, and requiem of souls

Erimentha Silverfal HumanGuardian: (determined protector) + silvered rain. was meant to be a norn, but couldnt find a look i liked

Sarissa Silverfal HumanGuardian: Alt-acc, no meaning

Veiled Adder Verosa HumanThief: VeilAdder is an anagram for daredevil. she is a viper-geared twin-dagger daredevil

Lyrika Wovenheart HumanElementalist: 4-stringed Lyre + Weaver + captain planet

Phases of the Moon HumanThief: looks-based (surreal porcelain-look), spam-phase character

Velvetia Windloft HumanElementalist: no meaning, spam-phase character

Aira Springleaf HumanRanger: no meaning, spam-phase character

Miria Dreamwaltz HumanMesmer: no meaning, spam-phase character

Ysil Skydance HumanRevenant: Alt-acc, no meaning

Sareitha Chilling HumanNecro: Alt-acc. cos necros have chill attacks




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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I may be misinterpreting it but your first paragraph comes across as very condescending - reducing any name which does not fit your personal standards to "random drivel" or a stupid name copied from somewhere else. It almost put me off replying at all. Firstly because its insulting to a lot of people, including some of my friends, who like using 'stupid' (or as they'd call them 'fun') names for their characters. I may not do that myself but I like seeing them and I think as long as they're not breaking the rules they can call their characters whatever they like. But also because it makes me feel like you're sitting there ready to judge anything we do post and declare it acceptable or not and I'm not sure I want that kind of judgement over what I choose to call my fictional characters in a game.


> Especially because it can be extremely difficult to tell what's a meaningful name and what's just a collection of sounds which look good together unless someone explains the meaning. For example if I tell you I have three female sylvari, a blue one called Astrilaria, a white, black and pale green one called Bethe Arian, a grey one called Lyolyok can you tell me which of them is meaningful and which is "random drivel"?


> But at the risk of being declared unacceptable here's my permanent characters. (I'm not going to go through all the temporary character names I've used because I'm not sure I could remember them all, and even with the ones I can it would be a very long list.) My first priority is always to pick something I think looks good, but I like it to at least appear lore appropriate and it often describes something about the character to me, even if it's just their colour scheme.


> **Danielle Aurorel** - Human ranger - Danielle is just a name I like. Aurorel is a combination of the Latin aurora and Quenya elen, so it means 'dawn star'. (It could also be star light, but I prefer dawn star.) She almost always uses the A Light in the Darkness title. I've used this name in most western RPGs, and occasionally in other forms of role-playing for about 15 years now.


> **Alleria Wildrunner** - Sylvari elementalist - Yeah, this one I stole. But I stole in back in GW1 and now I'm quite attached to it. Alleria Windrunner was one of my favourite characters in Warcraft 2, for some reason I was still surprised that the name was taken, I thought a minor character from an expansion pack to an old RTS would be relatively obscure, I didn't know The Other MMO had loads of references to her. (And yes I know she should really be a ranger, but I wanted to use the name and wanted Dani to be my ranger.)


> **Ilex Hedera** - Norn engineer - its the genus names for holly and ivy. I've always liked the word Ilex and I thought it'd make a good character name, but I first used it in GW1 so I needed a surname and thought Hedera - ivy - was a logical addition. And yes, she does wear a lot of green.


> **Wraith Darkblade** - Charr thief - This one is pretty self-explanatory. A wraith is a kind of ghost or spirit and Darkblade is a fairly typical charr name. Blade is the warband name (they all use bladed weapons), dark is either because of his black fur or because he tends to sneak up on his target from the shadows.


> **Xexxi** - Asuran guardian - Just something I came up with which sounds like a lore appropriate asuran name. I originally wanted Xixxi but it was taken so I changed a letter, and now honestly I don't think I'd change it back even if I could.


> **Bethe Arian** - Sylvari mesmer - She's white with black markings and a pale green glow, so I named her after the [silver birch tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betula_pendula "silver birch tree"). Arian means silver in Welsh and Bethe is an old Irish Gaelic word for birch.


> **Vanirar Corvusson** - Norn Necromancer - Vanir are Earth or nature gods in Norse mythology, rar is a name suffix I found on a site about Norse names which apparently means 'warrior', Corvus is the genus name for ravens, crows, magpies and numerous other birds and son is, well, son of. So it's 'Earth-spirit warrior raven son'. He's an orphan taken in by the Raven lodge in Hoelbrak and trained by them, but he chose to be a fighter rather than a sharman.


> **Aurhedyn** - Sylvari warrior - It's slightly mangled Welsh for gold seed (or shrub) - named after his colour scheme, which is all golds, oranges, yellows and a bit of red.


> **Uncia Snowfur** - Charr revenant - uncia is the species name for snow leopards (Panthera uncia) which is the cat her fur pattern and colour is based on. Snowfur is therefore somewhat redundant, but I like it and it fits the charr naming scheme.


> **Ambage** - Asuran engineer - It's an archaic word meaning an unnecessarily long-winded or complicated explanation. Which is _perfect_ for an old asuran professor.


> **Akkedis De Rinkhal** - Human elementalist - His story is that his family were among the last to escape from Istan before Joko took over. I wanted to call him Rinkhal Stormbringer in honour of two of the distinctive characters from the island in GW1...but that's 20 characters and the limit is 19. Rinkhal was always going to be a nickname, not his real name, so I shifted it to the end and went looking for a first name. I can't remember how I even know Akkedis, which is the Afrikaans word for lizard, but I like it and it suited him and it's kind of appropriate because unlike the real-life cobra GW1's rinkhal monitors have legs, so they appear to be a kind of lizard. (Technically it should be Akkedis die Rinkhal, but I thought that would be misread as the verb form of dead.)


Yeah nice going, you have original ideas.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> **Randulf Rawhide (norn warrior)**

> Used in all my fantasy games from video games to tabletop rpg. Wanted something for my Lotro Dwarf that also fitted a macho theme for another toon in Anarchy Online. Randulf is almost always a warrior, barbarian or dwarf (he has been a Luchador and a Big Game Hunter with an elephant gun in the past too)


> **Goliath Bill (noble human ele)**

> This name I use widely too and have done for 10 years or so. I have no idea how it popped into my head, but it sounded cool so i ran with it. He exists as an ele in gw1 too. He is neither big nor is my name Bill (nor do I know anyone called Bill). Why the name popped into my head is a mystery


> **Orpheus Argonaut (human guardian)**

> A meshing of mythological sources


> **Prothero Dragonhide (sylvari berserker)**

> I wanted something to fit a fire and dragon knight theme. I forget where Prothero came from. I remember looking up myths/dragons but that is all


> **Latronius Wolfe (sylvari daredevil)**

> Inspired by an excellent book - Latro in the Mist by Gene Wolfe.


> **Voice of Heston (human reaper)**

> Originally my dervish in gw1, i use a similar look and hack n slash style so reused the name. Yes I like Charlton Heston films, esp his Moses portrayal. Being in the desert, my char being in Elona/crystal desert resonated thematically there.


> **Viktor Belmont (asura engineer)**

> Castlevania inspired, albeit in name only. I should have use it for a diff class tbh


> **Dr Gregor Buckaroo (norn engineer)**

> Surname taken from Buckaroo Banzai. Somehow Gregor fitted the giant, moustachioed macho norn look. Dr was just flavouring


> **Oliver Rawhide (human ranger)**

> He was originally a riff on Oliver Queen/Green Arrow as i was enjoying the tv series when i made him. I reused my mains surname as it fitted nicely


> **Titus Augustine (noble human mirage)**

> Titus taken from one of my favourite books (Gormenghast). Think i even gave him the purple eyes to match his namesake. Augustine popped into my head as something that complimented well with what i imagined his bsckground to be


> **Eddie Gold (human ele)**

> This came out of nowhere. The Ballad of Eddie Gold was an in-joke in an old guild based on a misheard name pronunciation in real life. I forget the full background, but regardless, the name seemed cool enough to use.



Yeah nice

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Slightly off-topic, but here's some of my favourite silly names:


> Carrymeimsmall - asuran thief

> Colin When Its Rdy (bit out of date now, but still funny)

> Daenerys Chargaryen - charr revenant

> Loyal Salad - sylvari, with the loyal title

> I Am Mr Fabulous - huge, pink norn

> Nuke the Fridge

> Sir George Clooney

> It Was Not A Dream - another huge, pink norn

> Dont Notice Me Pls - human thief (with an interesting approach to stealth)

> Themissinglynx - lynx themed charr

> Suid Afrikaner

> Minsk And Boo

> Theinternet

> Win Rar


I think I met **I Am Mr Fabulous** and quite honestly I don't like it when players decide to look like stereotypes.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The main thing I like about @"Rikimaru.7890"'s names is that they are evocative. I wouldn't know the context of any of the names without the scorecard (so generously provided above). And many of the names make me wonder about the backstory of the name (if not of the character) and how they came to be called that.


> I also like people with non-canon names, including the obvious ("Who" "What"), the anachronistic ("Bob From Accounting", "Sad Panda Hero"), the punny ("Winston Charrchill"), the meme'd ("Not So Much" for an asura), songs ("All About The Boons"), and so on. (None of those are my names, by the way; just names I like.)


> My own toon names are a mix. I have plenty of silly ones. For canon names, Sylvari are translations of phrases/words into Welsh, Scots, or Irish. Asura are likewise (but other languages). Humans tend to get names from fiction (books, movies, etc). Norn & Charr... well, I love the idea of playing those races, I just don't like fashion for charr or voices for Norn, so I don't have enough that I worry about names.


Thank you

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> From a realist's PoV: No one is going to know anything about or care about even half those name, only if it's difficult to spell or remember or if it's of topical relevance.


> From a personal PoV: I hope more people utilize the naming system to make the usage of titles in names less scoffed at and allow people to use more common names (because common names are common for a reason) rather than feeling obligated to drag as much obscurity from the dredges of the internet to feign depth in naming conventions.


> For transparency: I'm actually quite terrible at naming characters (in games and past created works). It's fine. Some people have a nack for making even non-names into cool usage too which is less of a talent for naming but a product of ingenuity and charisma.


> EDIT: I'd applaud you for your capable names (as they certainly are very creative) but you seemed to have done that enough yourself. I personally have less patience in trying to create names and likely will come up with better names long after initial creation.


Yeah I agree having a system where a name can only be used by 1 person makes it difficult.

Anyway thanks for the recognition.


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These are some of my 25 characters:



Skadi Rabenschwinge (Ravenwing): female warrior

Sigrynn: female ranger



Bekka Nebelfell (Mistfur): female revenant

Reya Feuerklaue (Fireclaw): female engineer

Samyra Sturmklinge (Stormblade): female guard



Sionnachan (gaelic for will-o’-the-wisp or bioluminescence): female ele

Araichd (gaelic for boon or godsend): female chrono

Fáillidh (gaelic for furtive or unseen): female thief



Békka: female necro (my wvw main)

Xiima: female ranger

Rhivaa: female warrior

Rhiqqa: female necro

Riaa die Flinke (the swift): female thief

Riakk: male guard

Friedenstifter Rakk (Peacekeeper Rakk): male warrior

Riaqq: male revenant


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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Huge list incoming. And they all got some thought behind the name and looks but I dont think I am going to comment much on all of them. Feel free to ask more though!

> >

> > **Decimus Frostpyre** - Charr male elementalist. Decimus means "ten" and Frostpyre seemed like a fun idea when we first heard about the weaver's dual attuning.

> > **Ignis Ashenheart** - Charr male elementalist. Ignis means fire. This charr is heavily flame legion -inspired.

> > **Gaheron Burntsoul** - Charr male elementalist. Also flame legion inspired.

> > **Rikki The Conjurer** - Asura male elementalist. Rikki can either mean "sulfur" or "broken" in Finnish.

> > **Almira Earthrender** - Charr female elementalist.

> > **Gallus Stormbound** - Charr male elementalist. Fresh Air specific builds only.

> >

> > **Conri Voidsphere** - Charr male mesmer. Corni means "wolf king" and this charr is very ferocious indeed. He dislikes everything and everyone.

> > **Adina Soulecho** - Charr female mesmer.

> > **Portal Hate** - Human female mesmer. She is my pack mule and bag opener.

> > **Lycan Truesight** - Charr male mesmer.

> > **Gothicus Riftblade** - Charr male mesmer.

> > **Carthus Ghostwalker** - Charr male mesmer.

> >

> > **Eidhnean Nimhe** - Sylvari female necromancer. Means poison ivy.

> > **Harbinger of Raven** - Norn male necromancer.

> > **Morag Nightshade** - Charr female necromaner. My main WvW toon.

> > **Cyrian Abysswalker** - Charr male necromancer. My power reaper, and very precious to me.

> > **Cerioth Soulrender** - Charr male necromancer.

> > **Azaloth Doomhowl** - Charr male necromancer.

> > **Barghest of Ascalon** - Charr male necromancer. My PVP blood scourge. Barghest is a reference to a demonic mythological dog in the british folklore, and it can also mean a demon bear. I thought felines could use a Barghest of their own as well.

> >

> > **Valon Lightsbane** - Charr male ranger. My Soulbeast and story main.

> > **Caelus Feralheart** - Charr male ranger.

> > **Darach Cridhe** - Sylvari male ranger. Name means oakheart.

> > **Maeva The Ferocious** - Norn female ranger. She follows the bear.

> > **Gareth Soulpurge** - Charr male ranger. Support druid.

> > **Beastlord Champion** - Charr male ranger. I shouldve reversed the name order, but it sounded like a mob name to me in my head.

> > **Malignus Sourfang** - Charr male ranger. Boonbeast in PVP.

> >

> > **La Za R Us** - Asura female thief. This name has a more or less inside joke origin - when we were speculating about the identity of Lazarus, my friend was like "what if he is two asura sisters named La and Za" so ... yeah. I had to act on it.

> > **Lyanna The Dubious** - Human female thief.

> > **Corvus Shadowfiend** - Charr male thief. Corvus refers to corvidae - a family of birds, such as ravens and crows.

> > **Cionwir Griefblade** - Charr male thief. My main D/D deadeye.

> > **Malice Shadowmane** - Charr female thief.

> > **Varlam Doomguard** - Charr male thief.

> > **Amarok Ruinbringer** - Charr male thief.

> >

> > **Sciath Stormcaller** - Charr female engineer. Sciath is pronounced like "scythe". Stormcaller, as in, she calls the shots.

> > **Ember Shatterstorm** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys smashing things. My main holosmith.

> > **Scar Blazepaw** - Charr male engineer.

> > **Caranthir Emberfall** - Charr male engineer. He enjoys forging things.

> > **Invictus Rageheart** - Charr male engineer.

> >

> > **Balerion Heartrend** - Charr male warrior.

> > **Caoilleanach** - Sylvari female warrior.

> > **Alduin Woebringer** - Charr male warrior.

> > **Therion Bloodfyre** - Charr male warrior.

> > **Gaerwen Hopecrusher** - Charr female warrior.

> >

> > **Balrog Shadowflame** - Charr male guardian. I made him balrog-inspired.

> > **Cerioth Wolfheart** - Norn male guardian. Follower of the wolf.

> > **Khazz The Sovereign** - Asura male guardian.

> > **Caius Lightforge** - Charr male guardian.

> > **Cirdan Drakesbane** - Charr male guardian.

> > **Cedrik Hopewarden** - Charr male guardian.

> > **Cyrus Frostmane** - Charr male guardian.

> >

> > **Cain Obsidianheart** - Human male revenant.

> > **Scatha Fluffbringer** - Charr female revenant

> > **Morghul Cindersoul** - Charr male revenant, a different kind of spelling to "morgul".

> > **Avidus Soulcaller** - Charr male revenant.

> > **Cayn Doomrend** - Charr male revenant.

> > **Callan Cruelblade** - Charr male revenant.

> >

> > I mightve forgotten someone...


> Wow that's a loot of names, nice going.


Thanks! I spend a long while thinking about my character names.

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**Cragga Woodwise**: My first character, attempting to pick something that fit what I knew of Asura naming, but just 'Cragga' was taken, and she was a ranger, so I gave her a last name and a backstory to explain it. I'm toying with the idea of writing up the full backstory and posting in community creations.

**Mayhem Slashtooth**: Second character, first charr. Engineer. Created her because I needed a weaponsmith to make Astralaria for Cragga, after about 8 months of saying I didn't ever need any alts.

**Queshia**: Sylvari mesmer, meant to invoke the sound of rushing water (because my initial name attempts were all taken. Sylvari seem harder to name than any other race.) Created because I had an 80-level boost taking up a bank slot and porting seemed useful.

**Svenjja Iceborn**: Norn guardian. Created to rank up the crafting discplines not already covered by previous characters. Jeweler and krewe cook.

**Prajix**: Staff elementalist pyromaniac asura, almost everything about him fire-themed. Keyfarmer so fun to play that I named him an official member of Cragga's Krewe...after calling all the other alts my flunkies and telling my guild they were working off their student crafting loans to Cragga. (Eventually, the previous characters were made full krewe members as well.)

**Packer Backer**: Revenant Norn wearing green and gold armor and green face paint. Originally a key farmer (and ranger) but one of my guildies found the Packer fan parody so hilarious I decided to being him back as a different profession and keep him.

**Chen Brekkar**: Jedi thief with a lightsaber and dagger and laser pistols. (HOPE) Part of my Star Wars head canon, also played a version of her in KOTOR 2. My only wish is that thief could do double swords, she needs two sabers.

**Kitkat McScratch**: Charr warrior: a keyfarmer I kept because I loved his look and name.

**Briaroot**: I was kind of surprised that nobody had taken such a basic Sylvari name, plus he got a key on every map complete he did during ranking up (Three!) so when his key-farming week was over, I recreated him as a necromancer, the only profession Cragga's Krewe was lacking.

**Acen Rawl**: Human guardian, another character from my Star Wars head canon. After Acen, I had a male and female of each race, more in the interest of fashion wars than anything else.

**Archivist Kita**: Originally Librarian Kita/warrior (because I wanted an asura who wore heavy armor), but decided to recreate her as an elementalist, partly because I hope to craft the book-themed Binding of Ipos for her, partly because the acquisition of a set of low-level rare heavy armor meant most of my new key-farmers were starting out as warriors and guardians, leading to an excess of those professions. She was created to stay around the level 50ish to be a bag opener, but I rarely bother with saving bags to open, so she will probably end up ranking up, too.

**Lil Red Ranger Hood**: Promoted key farmer. After I took her to the mists to get the wolf, so she could have wolves equipped in both slots (Big Bad Wolf and Bad Bad Wolf) I knew I had to keep her.

**Tree Saa**: Sylvari thief. Liked her looks too much to delete her after key farming week.

**Quust**: Pronounced Kwust. Guardian who took on the task of being my Asura Heavy Armor wearer so Librarian Kita could be a scholar profession.

**Chis Sweet Charr**: Making a key farmer, I discovered a Charr fur pattern that looked a lot like the kitten protagonist of Chi's Sweet Home. Made her look as much like a Chi charr as possible. Gave her a stable of black-and-white striped mounts to match her fur. Could not bear to delete her. Warrior.

**The Mighty X**: Asura necromancer. Somehow, as soon as the game accepted the name, I knew I would be keeping this guy.

**Trixie Beldame**: Current key farmer/temp krewe assistant. Expendable.

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Oh, I name characters, pets, mounts, _everything,_ but let's stick to characters. Most of these guys exist more than once on my account for different looks, but the names are chosen with the in-character concept in mind.

Let's see...

**Lothyr Scareclaw** - That's a charr necromancer. The first name is a play on the name of one of my sith from SW:TOR and with it sounding a bit like "loather" it's quite suitable for this guy. The warband surname adds to the necromanc-y feel of the name.

**Lokke Staalravn** - Norn dragonhunter and raven shaman with a first name derived from my nickname and a surname... well, he _is_ a heavily armoured raven shaman, so "steel raven" fits the bill.

**Skretch** - This short, consonant-y name can only belong to an asura, and in this case it is an asura mesmer and holomancer. Seeing the little fellow with a sword will probably reveal the stupid pun behind the name. ;)

**Sléibhín** - Gaelic names are apparently the rule for sylvari, and this happens to be one of my favourite gaelic names. It reminds me of Lucky Number Slevin and sounds almost a bit similar to my real name.

**Lando Stark** - My human engineer borrows his first name from a certain Star Wars scoundrel and his surname from the Iron Man himself. Seemed like a good mix for his character.

**Layth Al Sarab** - This proud elonian mesmer might be a bit too on the nose with his surname of "the mirage", but I just could not resist.

**Shen Li Loong** - This seafaring canthan elementalist owes his name to his GW1 ancestor and the Shenlong, a weather-manipulating mythical dragon.

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My nick & characters names have no special meaning, it is just a word that came to my mind in a random moment of my life when i started playing MMOs and i liked its spelling and uniqueness as i rarely found someone with a name related or similar to it. In no time everyone i got along on MMOs was calling me "Nax", that is a very common name but i like too, so i kept using those names for the majority of games i play, GW2 would not be different.

I believe that more important than having a meaning behind a name is leaving a mark that let people recognize you easier wherever you go. B)


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I currently have 18 Charrs, 1 of each gender and 2 in each profession. I try to use roman/latin/greek names.



**Tiberius Darkmane** : Male Warrior Spellbreaker. First character. Like the Roman name Tiberius. Darkmane named after his black mane.

**Zira SImbaslayer** : Female Warrior Spellbreaker. Lion king 2 reference.

**Requiem Mistfire** : Male Revenant Herald. Requiem as in the remembrance service.

**Malice Mistfire**: Female Revenant Renegade. Big and angry looking. Both Mistfire after the mists/mistfire Wolf.

**Curatrix Standfast**: Male Guardian Firebrand. Stands his ground.

**Karina Softheart**: Female Guardian Dragonhunter. Big softy, big eyes, pink armour.

**Brutus Gunfire**: Male Engineer Scrapper. Brutus is Latin for heavy so his name is 'heavy gunfire'. Very suitable for a iron legion charr.

**Jacinta Supernova**: Female engineer Holosmith. Likes explosives.

**Seneca Wiseshot**: Male Ranger Soulbeast. Old and 'wise' appearance.

**Elixia Fireheart**: Female ranger Soulbeast. Small and scrawny looking but tries her best.

**Tenebris Sneakthief**: Male Thief Daredevil.

**Tenebra Shadowcreep**: Female Thief. Deadeye. Creeps about a lot.

**Mortem Deathclaw**: Male Necromancer.

**Nox Souldark**: Female Necromancer.

**Ignatius Pyrecaster**: Male Elementalist. Specialises in fire, but hates the flame legion and being associated with them.

**Electra Fangdazzle**: Female Elementalist. Air element, often uses daggers 'fangs'.

**Mystico Foolstrike**: Male Mesmer.

**Mystica Foolstrike**: Female Mesmer. Both foolstrike to refer to the clones and striking the wrong person.



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Well, with 70 characters I have several different ways of naming them. Originally I based my names off of fictional detectives. Some have a back story that explains their names and relations with other characters. But my favorites all have a bit of a pun, twist or joke to them:


Bêtty Noire - thief. From the literary device "bête noire"

The Furry Godfather - Charr Ele who dresses in pink regency clothes with a white wig

Peter Pandemoniac

Tavern Wench Barbie

Fleanardo Da Vinci

Olive R Twisted

Melissa Forethought

Sister Mercy Galore

Timmy the Barbarian

Princess Persimon

Kublai Khan Ur

Boris the Elf is probably my most played character at the moment


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