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Conspiracy Theory: Dwayna's Duo's Returning This Tuesday?


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![](https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/5237aPvP_2v2.jpg "")


So the promotional image for Season 15 on the [news page](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pvp-league-season-15-begins-next-week/ "news page") is very clearly one of the 2v2 arenas and very clearly two players vs two other players. For over a year now this is always the banner they use for standard League Season announcements:


![](https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/8221cgw2-pvp-league-backdrop.jpg "")


So there's a sudden change. Is Dwayna's Duo making a surprise come back on a more regular rotation? Probably just wishful thinking on my part, but dang I would love to see Duo's back in the game.



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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Yeah, I asked Ben the other day. "We have no plans on adding 2v2 to either the regular queue or as an AT anytime soon."


> Well they should clearly revise those plans.The Duos were the best thing to happen in PvP since AT's came out.


Yeah. It was the same thing with WvW and the No Downstate weekend. Like they have these super fun events that the community loves once and then never again because I guess too much fun was had?

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That page was depressing to look at, a picture and two sentences, wow...thanks for the exciting new info a-net. The pvp scene is so deprived that that they could literally throw out a few crumbs and some people would actually get excited because that's literally what they're used to getting. What baffles me the most is that I know for a fact that if they released 2v2 for people to play at their leisure then the population will grow. No experiments, no special tournaments, No At's, just release it and see what happens. You literally have nothing to lose at this point.


The majority of the pvp community, myself included has left because it's beyond stagnant, and nobody in their right mind wants to wait to have fun regarding the whole AT debacle, their "no offense" sorry excuse to make everyone happy. And people probably wont come back myself included until there's changes regarding it. That being said they don't have long, by the time they're done using the community as their science project there's already going to be something else bigger and better which is going to be the final nail in the coffin for this game ever getting a healthy and consistent playerbase for good.

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> @"Trigr.6481" said:

> That page was depressing to look at, a picture and two sentences, wow...thanks for the exciting new info a-net. The pvp scene is so deprived that that they could literally throw out a few crumbs and some people would actually get excited because that's literally what they're used to getting. What baffles me the most is that I know for a fact that if they released 2v2 for people to play at their leisure then the population will grow. No experiments, no special tournaments, No At's, just release it and see what happens. You literally have nothing to lose at this point.


> The majority of the pvp community, myself included has left because it's beyond stagnant, and nobody in their right mind wants to wait to have fun regarding the whole AT debacle, their "no offense" sorry excuse to make everyone happy. And people probably wont come back myself included until there's changes regarding it. That being said they don't have long, by the time they're done using the community as their science project there's already going to be something else bigger and better which is going to be the final nail in the coffin for this game ever getting a healthy and consistent playerbase for good.


What baffles me is that the infrastructure is already there for 2v2 ATs even as a casual side thing to standard ATs, each AT literally had HUNDREDS of players and over a hundred teams playing at populated hours which dwarfs full 5v5 ATs. And unlike Stronghold there's nothing about the game mode that outright fails like how Stronghold was supposed to be a longer MOBA style match but devolved into everyone zerging the lord because the map design and balance don't reward anything else. And also unlike Stronghold it generated more hype, buzz, discussion, excitement and enjoyment in that one week than I've seen in the SPvP community since Path of Fire released and everyone was scrambling to come up with cool combos for Elite Specializations.


Just like with No Downstate weekend in WvW making WvW's combat feel more fun exciting and snappy and garnering huge attention and love. Like throwing out a no downstate week once a month would be huge for generating a bit of excitement in the game mode.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Yeah, I asked Ben the other day. "We have no plans on adding 2v2 to either the regular queue or as an AT anytime soon."


> Well they should clearly revise those plans.The Duos were the best thing to happen in PvP since AT's came out.


Indeed. Maybe not adding it to regular queue, but having AT's was pretty fun. Having these would be cool while waiting for the forever taking swiss round tournaments.

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2v2s are the carrot stringed on a stick being perpetually dangled infront of this donkey community. The real problem isn't mirage, de or soulbeast. It has nothing at all to do with class balance or lack of game modes. **The problem lies with the individuals that comprise the PvP development team and their lack of courage to stand up to the PvE focused Dev Lead and force a change in attitude.**

Wow is basically dead. BDO PC has a massive hacker infestation. Whoever is in the team needs to present the business opportunity for Anet to capitalize on for Q2-4 of 2019. But they lack the courage to take a risk, not knowing how impressive an addition to their resume it would be to achieve steering a dying competitive community into relevance. Come a year from now, read the same forum titles. It will be the same content

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