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Hi all,


since i try new game, Path of Exile i wonder what do You think about new competitive gameplay in Tyria.


1. Hardcore content

2. Maps lvl's (going deeper or higher), with different mobs or instabilities (like in Fractal maybe)

3. Solo or 5 man party

4. Time period for "league" 3 months

5. Hardcore mean, if you die your character die as well. You can't use it any more. If you achive some points, and your character still alife, at the end of League all stuff you collect during league can be taken to real Tyria.

6. New features for winners: visual auras for characters, new armors, mounts (maybe :). To show all Tyria that you are a hero :)

7. Great fun.

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If you want people to make any meaningful comment about your idea, you're going to have to explain it in more detail - especially for those of us who haven't played Path of Exile (or those who, like me, played a little Path of Exile but gave up quickly because it just seemed to be a worse version of Diablo II). In particular, I'm confused because you say "competitive gameplay" but what you describe sounds like PVE.


I don't think a hardcore mode would be a good fit for GW2. It doesn't work well in any online game because of the risk of disconnects and lag. (It wasn't even a good fit for Diablo II, and as far as I know that's where it originated...)

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> If you want all those features, go play Path of Exiles.....

> Guild wars 2 doesn't not need to be Path of Exiles.


Sure i can go play PoF. But it can be great fun as well here in Tyria. I don't wont to change GW2 as a game, but just add new pve content like Fractals.

Look how Halloween farming event is popular. It could be similar to that.


- new pve endgame content. All we need is maps.

- new builds, mean more fun

- new players. New content can be interesting for players who like stuff like H&S


> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> I don't think a hardcore mode would be a good fit for GW2. It doesn't work well in any online game because of the risk of disconnects and lag. (It wasn't even a good fit for Diablo II, and as far as I know that's where it originated...)


It don't have to be hardcore content. We can have standard and hardcore mode.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> A lot of these are ideas that work well enough for the sort of game path of exiles is, but don't really fit gw2.


Sorry but i can't agree with you. The only thing you said was that won't be good. Please give me some examples.

Explain why farming Halloween content is so popular. I will tell you why. People like running, killlking mobs and opening chests.

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Hi all,


since i try new game, Pinball i wonder what do You think about new competitive gameplay in Tyria.


1. Pinball machines everywhere

2. Pinball machines in the min cities as well as in endgame areas

3. Solo or Tournament play

4. Time period for "league" 3 months

5. You get to play Pinball with GW2 assets

6. New features for winners: visual auras for characters, new armors, mounts (maybe :). To show all Tyria that you are a piball-wizard :)

7. Great fun.


(Couldn't resist, I am too weak, sry)

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:


> > (Couldn't resist, I am too weak, sry)


> Np it normal making laught at someone ideas when you have no arguments.

> If you need somethis close to paintball, join Winter events next time.


ya might wanna read his post again m80

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:


> > (Couldn't resist, I am too weak, sry)


> Np it normal making laught at someone ideas when you have no arguments.

> If you need somethis close to paintball, join Winter events next time.


The argument was: If you like something in another game, why not play that game instead? I like GW2 pretty much as the game it is and changing it to another game, be that Path to Exile, GTA or Pinball just doesn't make sense when these games are already out there for me to play. I get that different ppl like different games and that the same person can like more than one game at the time but can, for the most part, can only play one at the time. So the wish to merge everything is natural but unrealistic. That was my point, not that GW2 is not enough like Pinball. Anyway, I'm out. have fune bois/gals.

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> Hi all,


> since i try new game, Path of Exile i wonder what do You think about new competitive gameplay in Tyria.

> Basic:

> 1. Hardcore content

> 2. Maps lvl's (going deeper or higher), with different mobs or instabilities (like in Fractal maybe)

> 3. Solo or 5 man party

> 4. Time period for "league" 3 months

> 5. Hardcore mean, if you die your character die as well. You can't use it any more. If you achive some points, and your character still alife, at the end of League all stuff you collect during league can be taken to real Tyria.

> 6. New features for winners: visual auras for characters, new armors, mounts (maybe :). To show all Tyria that you are a hero :)

> 7. Great fun.


Honestly never tried Path of Exile myself, but from the list I see you touch on a few things that ANet is against.


Largely any kind of splitting maps in pve is no go, because they want to try to make people play together and not split up (Several of us been begging them for a return of the GW1 style hard-mode maps, not going to happen). So any kind of increasing difficulty on maps is also going to be out, since it would require splitting them off, thus also 5man content variants of maps.


And I just can't see ANet spending time and resources on making a system to have "rogue-like" you die you're dead mechanics, since it honestly doesn't give anything to the game as it is, you can easily enough "fake it" yourself, with just deleting your character once you die (several people already do that for self challenge).


And the reward would be too exclusive, would just end up with piles of people complaining because they couldn't get the shinies.


I'm not against this kind of content myself, but it goes pretty much against ANet's design goals/standards, and I can't really see any reason/benefit for them to change that. Similarly, I honestly don't think this would go over well with the majority of the playerbase, at this point it's just the wrong kind of content to add to the wrong game basically (which I do find sad, wish they could add more interesting challenging stuff to gw2).

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > If you want all those features, go play Path of Exiles.....

> > Guild wars 2 doesn't not need to be Path of Exiles.


> Sure i can go play PoF. But it can be great fun as well here in Tyria. I don't wont to change GW2 as a game, but just add new pve content like Fractals.

> Look how Halloween farming event is popular. It could be similar to that.

> Pros:

> - new pve endgame content. All we need is maps.

> - new builds, mean more fun

> - new players. New content can be interesting for players who like stuff like H&S


I'm still not sure what it is you're suggesting though. Is it a type of instanced dungeon with multiple levels, randomly generated maps, and random enemies? All you've said about the actual content you're proposing is that it has "Maps lvl's (going deeper or higher), with different mobs or instabilities (like in Fractal maybe)", but also that it's "competitive", so I'm having to guess here. Also, I don't know what H&S is.


I don't see what the Hallowe'en Labyrinth has to do with hardcore content. It's so unhardcore that last Hallowe'en the guides were recommending that you take some of your gear off to reduce your damage!


> @"yoni.7015" said:

> People do it because of the Loot not because it is so much fun.


Absolutely - players in this game will actively avoid fights if they think the loot won't be worth it, which is why so many people skip enemies in dungeons, and complain about aggro ranges in PoF maps.


> @"lokh.2695" said:


> Hi all,


> since i try new game, Pinball i wonder what do You think about new competitive gameplay in Tyria.

> Basic:

> 1. Pinball machines everywhere

> 2. Pinball machines in the min cities as well as in endgame areas

> 3. Solo or Tournament play

> 4. Time period for "league" 3 months

> 5. You get to play Pinball with GW2 assets

> 6. New features for winners: visual auras for characters, new armors, mounts (maybe :). To show all Tyria that you are a piball-wizard :)

> 7. Great fun.


> (Couldn't resist, I am too weak, sry)


This is great! Here, let me try:


Hi all,


since i try new game, Super Mario Bros i wonder what do You think about new competitive gameplay in Tyria.


1. Hardcore content

2. Maps lvl's (going higher or lower), with different mobs or obstacles (like in Jumping Puzzle maybe)

3. Solo or 5 man party

4. Time period for "league" 1 months

5. Hardcore mean, you can be killed instantly by: spike pits, flowers, checkpoints, etc.

6. New features for winners: new weapons skins, boom boxes, holographic super food (maybe :). To show all Tyria that you are super like the Mario Bros :)

7. Great fun.


[Hang on a minute...](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Super_Adventure_Box "Hang on a minute...")

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