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Let's imagine GW2 had more than 5 races. What would your characters be named?


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I like the names either heroic or silly. Sadly I have the best ideas hen I have all my slots already filled, and I am too lazy to write them down then...


I would probably use:

Duff McShark(what can go wrong with a drunken shark)

Terrorlake Homer

Blackhawk Sama(you can´t use - if I remember well)


Buderace(a mixture of Liberace and Bud Bundy)

Black Crowe(Russel, the tribe and the bird for a tengu)



Oh, and Griff X. A guy made so poor by his ex-wife that she even got his name in the divorce.

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I would name my first Tengu after my Aaracokra Fighter: Duane "the Roc" Jonsson, or some anime-sounding fake Japanese name, like "Imhakaru Shinjigumi" or "Fujimora Pantsu"

My first Kodan would be "Moon Over Mountain", or "Garden of Sounds"

My first Skritt would be "Shicktakk", or "Shinee Mkuffin"

I would name my first Largos something like "Benthis Mantine", or "Marianos Na'mor"

If I could play as a Quaggan, I'd name it something like "Cooloo Luloo Balu"

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