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Race Proficiency for Professions (Fluff)


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First time post, long time vet.


How would you scale each race towards each profession? A = Excellent, B = Great and C = Average. Obviously each race can play every class so no matter what profession they all at least have to scale to C. I'm biased towards humans since I began in prophecies and Ascalonian humans are my favorite. Also I want to exclude the exceptions to each race such as Rytlock, and try and look at the society/culture as a whole. Revenant is a tricky class to scale but I feel like Human and Norn edge out ahead of the rest since they have strong ties to the mists.




Warrior: B

Guardian: A

Revenant: A

Thief: A

Ranger: B

Engineer: B

Elementalist: A

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: A


Short Summary: Magic, the mists, and everything in between. The humans have every profession covered with schools/academies and rich history.


=Charr (counting the Flame Legion)=


Warrior: A

Guardian: B

Revenant: C

Thief: A

Ranger: B

Engineer: A

Elementalist: A

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: C


Short Summary: War, war and war. The charr are conquerors.




Warrior: C

Guardian: B

Revenant: B

Thief: A

Ranger: C

Engineer: A

Elementalist: A

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: B


Short Summary: Overall excel with anything involving magic but lack a real front-line buffer. They obliviously make up for this deficiency with golems and is why the asura, if left uncheck, will rule the world.





Warrior: B

Guardian: C

Revenant: C

Thief: A

Ranger: A

Engineer: B

Elementalist: B

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: C


Short Summary: New to the world but seem to cover most professions pretty well. Given time to develop and expand they could rival that of even the charr.




Warrior: A

Guardian: A

Revenant: A

Thief: C

Ranger: A

Engineer: C

Elementalist: C

Necromancer: B

Mesmer: C


Short Summary: Individualism at its height, enough said.



These are just my options for a bit of fun, share yours here!

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Your idea is cute, but:

a. Min/Max-Players would take that concept as another stone, to throw after everyone, who isn`t playing according to their "standarts".

b. why trying to introduce that kind of restriction that every other MMORPG already has? From my viewpoint, it would only make Guild Wars2 more the same, like the (uneccessary) introduction of the trinity-roles via Specialization.

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Warrior: A

Guardian: A

Revenant: C

Thief: A

Ranger: B

Engineer: B

Elementalist: B

Necromancer: C

Mesmer: B


Short Summary: I see the humans as old-fashioned, non magic race.


=Charr (counting the Flame Legion)=


Warrior: A

Guardian: A

Revenant: B

Thief: C

Ranger: B

Engineer: A

Elementalist: C

Necromancer: C

Mesmer: C


Short Summary: Charr are warriors, and great engineers, but no magic, and no sneaky thieves.




Warrior: C

Guardian: B

Revenant: B

Thief: A

Ranger: C

Engineer: A

Elementalist: A

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: A


Short Summary: Magic and science, but also good warrior, and asuras in heavy armor are so cute.




Warrior: C

Guardian: C

Revenant: A

Thief: A

Ranger: A

Engineer: C

Elementalist: B

Necromancer: C

Mesmer: A


Short Summary: Strong connection with the nature and the mists.




Warrior: A

Guardian: A

Revenant: A

Thief: C

Ranger: A

Engineer: C

Elementalist: C

Necromancer: A

Mesmer: C


Short Summary: Strong soldiers, with a good relationship with the nature and the spirits.

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> @"DamiVlad.2689" said:

> =Humans=


> Warrior: A

> Guardian: A

> Revenant: C

> Thief: A

> Ranger: B

> Engineer: B

> Elementalist: B

> Necromancer: C

> Mesmer: B


> Short Summary: I see the humans as old-fashioned, non magic race.


> =Charr (counting the Flame Legion)=


> Warrior: A

> Guardian: A

> Revenant: B

> Thief: C

> Ranger: B

> Engineer: A

> Elementalist: C

> Necromancer: C

> Mesmer: C


> Short Summary: Charr are warriors, and great engineers, but no magic, and no sneaky thieves.


> =Asura=


> Warrior: C

> Guardian: B

> Revenant: B

> Thief: A

> Ranger: C

> Engineer: A

> Elementalist: A

> Necromancer: A

> Mesmer: A


> Short Summary: Magic and science, but also good warrior, and asuras in heavy armor are so cute.


> =Sylvari=


> Warrior: C

> Guardian: C

> Revenant: A

> Thief: A

> Ranger: A

> Engineer: C

> Elementalist: B

> Necromancer: C

> Mesmer: A


> Short Summary: Strong connection with the nature and the mists.


> =Norn=


> Warrior: A

> Guardian: A

> Revenant: A

> Thief: C

> Ranger: A

> Engineer: C

> Elementalist: C

> Necromancer: A

> Mesmer: C


> Short Summary: Strong soldiers, with a good relationship with the nature and the spirits.


The Ash legion would love to have a word with you about sneaky thieves, and don't forget we Charr have the Olmakhan now ;)

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> @"DamiVlad.2689" said:

> =Charr (counting the Flame Legion)=


> Elementalist: C

> Necromancer: C

> Mesmer: C


> Short Summary: Charr are warriors, and great engineers, but no magic, and no sneaky thieves.

So, how do you explain Flame Legion? They have their own teleports, levitating wagons, shamans pulling off lava summoning and their acolyte rituals? Not to mention Gaheron Baelfire, who had a quite impressive grasp on magic. In fact, a flame effigy doesn't have to hide behind asuran golems. Unless you meant NOT counting Flame Legion.


Same with the humans. In my opinion humans have some of the most capable mages, putting the asura to shame when it comes to casting magic directly, while asura need their gizmos as a crutch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's pretty clear they are all good at all professions, otherwise there would be racial imbalances built into the game. In terms of how COMMON each profession probably would be amongst each race given their culture, I'd just say there'd probably be an unusually high engineer count among Charr and Asura, because their cultures would value those skills more, and maybe Norn would have unusually high Ranger and Revenant numbers due to their affinity with the mists and nature. Asuran ranger would probably be the least common combination.

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Not to start another new race topic, but... I've always liked the idea of 9 races, with each one having a profession that matches them best, like:


Elementalist: Tengu

Mesmer: Human

Necromancer: Sylvari

Engineer: Asura

Thief: Largos

Ranger: Dwarf

Warrior: Charr

Guardian: Kodan

Revenant: Norn


Not perfect but something like that would be really cool, if only in my imagination.

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My own spin on the subject. Arranged from <-Strongest to Weakest->, slash "/" denoting a tie.



Norn/Charr, Human, Sylvari, Asura


Summary - It's obvious that the Norn are the embodiment of in-your-face ferocity only matched by the visible characteristics of the same in Charr plus their pension to fight in packs. Humans are in the middle because, from my non-GW1 perspective, humans are more aimed to be the jack-of-all-trades which is usually the most popular in MMOs. Sylvari and Asura seem more quiet/persevering and small/calculating respectively that are not the strongest aspects of a warrior...fyi, I made an Asura warrior particularly because he's out of the ordinary, theme-wise.


Bonus - Ettin/Jotun because they are non-magic types but Kodan and Tengu also feel like they would be their own brand of warrior, like a whole other elite spec.



Norn/Human, Sylvari/Charr, Asura


Summary - For Norn, it's all about the reverence to the animal spirits. For Human, it just feels more iconic for them as humans have been the type to train and domesticate animals and internalizing nature and spirituality. Sylvari aren't far off from the previous two with the whole aspect of being a literal part of nature but I still end up getting the vibe they would kind of compete for being the bottom of the food chain. Asura, I feel, would just build their pet rather than tame one but that's just me.


Bonus - Ogre obviously, by a country mile. It almost feels like that race is only ever meant to be rangers. Centaurs are also great rangers and feel like they have a good command of their rock dogs. I think you could also squeeze in Quaggan for those aquatic creatures that seem neglected and fill in that Aquaman niche. Hylek also feel like they would be the type to tame huge beasts and ride them...beast-riders, if you will.



Human, Asura/Charr, Sylvari, Norn


Summary - It just feels right to have a human elementalist with the whole aspect of clerics and gods having elements attached. A good argument could be made for Charr fire elementalist being first though. For my Asura elementalist, I always assumed he used the magic for experiments or even building devices that straight up augment these things which could be devastatingly efficient. There isn't really a bad argument for Sylvari or Norn in this department, I just feel the other races have their own niche that fits with ele.


Bonus - Grawl, for sure (not going to include the Djinn). I'd almost say their blind faith in nature and superstition could be a powerful tool to evoke a different type of elemental tool/power beyond the standard level. Something primal that a more knowledgeable elementalist might not consider or refuse to use based on ethics.



Human/Sylvari, Norn/Asura/Charr


Summary - I feel this one's very close. The nature of Humans and Sylvari feel to embody aspects of faith and purity, with the latter seeming more ignorant and innocent which could be a trade-off if you consider their origins. The other races feel rather based in other faculties like pride, knowledge and wrath but these could just be vices that the individual has to work past which makes for a richer character.


Bonus - Probably off base here, but the Dwarf seems like very noble and selfless types which fit perfectly for a Guardian. Another easy fit are Kodan as they seem very spiritual and their strive for balance could be a virtue right alongside justice.



Charr/Human, Asura/Sylvari, Norn


Summary - What can I say, I dig the whole predator stalking and pouncing in. Really apt for Charr. Humans embody the tricky pickpocket type that gives the profession its name (not sure how Charr pick pockets with those long claws). Asura seem like they can easily hide and move in unpredictable ways and fit well with the sniper theme. Sylvari practically have built in camo and seem most llthe and agile. Norn feel rather counter to all these aspects, however.


Bonus - Skritt all the way. I mean, come on...Also Largos because they are bloody assassins, and Hylek because of their crafty archery and poisons.



Asura, Sylvari/Human, Charr/Norn


Summary - Necro always felt more surgical and objective when it came to the subject of death and that just fits Asura to a tee. Their flesh minions are merely golems, after all. Sylvari and Human feel like a good fit too, particularly Sylvari since they wouldn't have any aversions to dead flesh (no bark off their backs). Not sure about Charr or Norn, really. I've never actually played Necro but when I do, I want to make a Tengu necro...


Bonus - Hmmm, Krait? Not sure but I always got the vibe they'd take the crueler aspects of death and weaponize it.



Norn, Human, Charr/Sylvari/Asura


Summary - Considering how Norn value legendary feats and making historical waves, it seems logical them to idealize and weaponize this fixation. Humans, seem like they are great recorders/studyers of history. The others...I dunno. I only had a good consideration for Norn Revenant, really.


Bonus - Hmmm, Tengu maybe? I suppose you could put in an elder race but why would they revere or seek knowledge from some guy who lived but a fraction of their own existence?



Charr/Asura, Norn/Human, Sylvari


Summary - Unpopular, but I think the Engineer fits Asura the worst...BUT the Holosmith does fit them the best. A lot about the Engineer fits well with the steampunk nature of the Charr and almost as close to the Norn, who I feel would have some cunning inventor-type that would make such contraptions and machinations. Humans as well but their angle seems more aimed at magic and religion rather than technology and science. There are no plant machines, which is what Sylvari build things from and so, seems odd that a Sylvari would build machines from metal and chemicals rather than natural materials.


Bonus - Easily the Dredge and the Skritt. Dredge have their whole steampunk geothermal drilling tech which could be its own type of engineer spec. Skritt are all about the scrap-works, figuring out how junk works and piecing it together which is what Engineer stuff looks like.



Human, Sylvari, Asura/Charr/Norn


Summary - Human because Human. Sylvari because butterflies. The other 3 have their own flavors but I'm not sure it meshes quite seamlessly with the fabulous-ness of a mesmer.


Bonus - Hmm, I'm not sure. But I could picture a Harpy using illusions to lure males to them, use misdirection with clones, etc. I don't think it exists but I can certainly picture it. Perhaps the Krait if you take the whole snake-charm vibe. I dunno.

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