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Command line option changes [not a bug]

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> I use that program but the autologin is not working anymore with that either.


Don't use the "automatically login to character select" option, which is what they specifically disabled today. Use the Local.dat option. It's no longer possible to login directly to character select, so the best you can do currently is use the "automatically login when remembered" option (-autologin) and check auto play on the launcher. If you were previously using the "automatically login to character select" option, you'll need to uncheck it.

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MM. I do not think I understand. Do I have to make a separate local.dat file for each account then? And will Gw2launcher then be able to start up several accounts at the same time again? I never really understood all the local.dat options of the program, I was happy I got it working as it is. :) Unfortunately there is no forum or something where this particular program is being discussed.

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> @"Aberdeen.6792" said:

> So does this launcher allow for storing of login credentials for multiple accounts and also multiboxing? What is the difference between how it functions and how Launchbuddy does?


Gw2Launcher is my personal multi-client launcher that was developed long before LaunchBuddy; I just don't advertise it, except for in these situations. Its primary method for managing multiple accounts is to use multiple Local.dat files, which is where GW2 stores your email/password, as well as the hardware-related settings and patch manifests. Simply put, it doesn't need to know your email/password at all. It does however offer the now-defunct option to login, which does store your email/password, which is of course encrypted to your user's account. Being specifically built for the Local.dat method of logging in, it also contains its own patch server, so that it only has to download the files once, as each Local.dat file is partially updated (~30 MB) with every patch, since it contains the list of all files.


LaunchBuddy wasn't originally intended for multi-boxing (it was just a command line helper) and relies on the now-defunct method of logging in, though they could patch in exactly what I do. They will probably never offer the options I do however.


> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> MM. I do not think I understand. Do I have to make a separate local.dat file for each account then? And will Gw2launcher then be able to start up several accounts at the same time again? I never really understood all the local.dat options of the program, I was happy I got it working as it is. :) Unfortunately there is no forum or something where this particular program is being discussed.


Select an account you're using the -nopatchui method on and disable that option, then enable the "automatically login on the launcher" below it. Under the Local.dat tab, click the "..." button and choose to copy a Local.dat file from your main/other account (or create a new one or whatever), assuming it doesn't already have its own Local.dat file. Once this is done, you can ok out of the account.


Once that's done, right click the account > selected > launch (normal), which should bring you to the launcher where you can enter your email/password (it may automatically login if you had your email/password remembered in the copied Local.dat file, in which case logout). If you want this account to automatically login to character select, check the auto play box on the launcher, though it's unfortunately on a 5s delay. Enter this account's email/password, choosing to remember them, then login to save them. You can now either continue to character select to change any of the in-game hardware-related settings (that were stored in Local.dat), or exit the launcher and repeat for the next account.


If you want to save having to download ~30 MB per Local.dat file, enable the asset server proxy tool, which can be found under right click > tools. For a bonus, you can also enable pre-downloading patches (under settings > updates), which allows it to download patches outside of the game (intended for those with slow connections so they can download while they're still playing).

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> @"Aberdeen.6792" said:

> @"Healix.5819" - is there a way with your program to have different graphics settings for each acct? Also, i just wanted to make sure, but a patch will not break anything correct?


You can have different or shared graphics settings for each account. Under an account's settings (right click an account > edit), select the Local.dat tab and Graphics under it. Here you can choose which GFXSettings.xml file you want to use and also edit it.


A patch for GW2? It won't break anything, unless it also breaks it for everyone. When there's a patch, it'll just automatically update each account.

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> @"Vash.2386" said:

> Where do i find the local.dat file?


You can find Local.dat under (enter it into the address bar of a folder):

%appdata%/Guild Wars 2


Alternatively, it may also be found under Documents/Guild Wars 2/, which acts as an override if the first path fails.



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> @"fatihso.7258" said:

> Hello Healix, I've tried your program to login 3 accounts at once and fps is terribly low compared to Launchbuddy.


You're likely launching all 3 accounts with high graphics settings or whatever your default was. Right click the account > Edit > select the Local.dat tab, then Graphics under it. If you never changed this, it's using GW2's default settings, so you'll want to click the "..." button and create a new file or copy it. Scroll down and you can select one of the graphics presets to use.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"fatihso.7258" said:

> > Hello Healix, I've tried your program to login 3 accounts at once and fps is terribly low compared to Launchbuddy.


> You're likely launching all 3 accounts with high graphics settings or whatever your default was. Right click the account > Edit > select the Local.dat tab, then Graphics under it. If you never changed this, it's using GW2's default settings, so you'll want to click the "..." button and create a new file or copy it. Scroll down and you can select one of the graphics presets to use.


I thought the GFX settings was saved under GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xml in the appdata folder?

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> @"fatihso.7258" said:

> > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > For an app-solution, see:

> > https://github.com/Healix/Gw2Launcher


> Hello Healix, I've tried your program to login 3 accounts at once and fps is terribly low compared to Launchbuddy.

> Is this because of .local dat method instead of using the now defunct arguments?


> Thanks in advance if you would like to reply.


Try using LB to load one account with low GFX. After that close out and trying using this app and see if they all login with low gfx.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> I thought the GFX settings was saved under GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xml in the appdata folder?


That would be your default GFXSettings file, the one that GW2 will use if you simply launch Gw2-64.exe. Gw2Launcher changes the location of where these files are located, since it virtualizes the user profile; the other notable change being the option to modify where your screenshots are stored. I know LaunchBuddy supports changing the file per account, but I'm guessing they simply overwrite it on launch, so whatever they used last is what they would be launching with.

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I really don't understand this move, but then, I'm a simple woman...



How can I run multiple accounts using your tool? I used to run two different clients (two different windows accounts), using the mutex-killing process. Using that method, I could have a full-bodies client (max settings etc) on my main windows account and a low-settings client at the same time at the second windows account (also, the client started from my main windows account opened on one monitor automatically, the second on the other monitor). From what I see on your tool, I must select a Windows account per gw2 account, is that correct?

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Thanks for the replies, I haven't changed any graphics settings which are still same as how I set them while were using the disabled method. Fps difference is like day and night which is making me even more miserable after what already happened.


Anet totally got me down finally. I m out of words. 23 fps in DR while I was having nearly 60 on same spot on all 3 before. Still feel it must be something related to .dat method.


Anyhow, people with 10-20 accounts will surely bring it on if that's the case.

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> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> From what I see on your tool, I must select a Windows account per gw2 account, is that correct?


Using a different Windows account is only an option; it's not required. For a 2 account setup with 1 as your primary account, simply add an account, give it a name and that one's done; it'll use the default files. For the second one, give it a name, select the Local.dat tab, choose to create a new file, select Graphics under Local.dat, choose to create a new file, scroll down, select the preset lowest, and you're done.




> @"fatihso.7258" said:

> I haven't changed any graphics settings which are still same as how I set them while were using the disabled method


Are you getting your expected FPS when playing a single account? Were you ever logging in through GW2's launcher before or always going directly to character select? If this is the case, I know that some graphics mods don't play nice as they assume the game starts on launch and if you have a integrated and dedicated GPU, it may auto select which one to use based on how the program starts. If you were using any other mods you put into GW2's bin folders, try removing them.


If you're getting your expected FPS on a single account, the Local.dat method really shouldn't have an impact on performance, though the file can bloat and impact load times. If you copied the Local.dat file for each account, try creating new ones, or verify that the copies are not larger files (a clean one is only around 20 MB whereas bloated ones can go upwards of 100 MB).


The old method still works, you just can't bypass the launcher anymore. You can test if you're still getting your expected FPS with LaunchBuddy. Alternatively, Gw2Launcher can do the same thing by selecting to share the Local.dat file which each account.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > From what I see on your tool, I must select a Windows account per gw2 account, is that correct?


> Using a different Windows account is only an option; it's not required. For a 2 account setup with 1 as your primary account, simply add an account, give it a name and that one's done; it'll use the default files. For the second one, give it a name, select the Local.dat tab, choose to create a new file, select Graphics under Local.dat, choose to create a new file, scroll down, select the preset lowest, and you're done.


> https://github.com/Healix/Gw2Launcher/wiki/Getting-Started

yes, I had that working, but I really like the multiple accounts on multiple windows approach I had. I finally got it working (forgot to run the second account as "stand-alone" the first time, so it wouldn't remember my password...)


Thanks for the tool, it works nicely.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Gw2Launcher is my personal multi-client launcher that was developed


Thanks again for all the info Helix. I have been a long timer user of your launcher and love it. Thankfully most of the setup I already had (multiple windows accounts and so on), it took me a while to figure out but now I am back to somewhat normal. It really sucks that now we have to wait that extra 5 seconds for each account, are now forced to see the patch UI launcher, and it is way more of a pain to configure but at least it is possible. This change still makes no sense to me.



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  • ArenaNet Staff



I think it would be really good to have one consolidated conversation on the topic of changes to command line options. Because this is not a bug -- and has been so noted in the title -- and because we have an existing thread in the GW2 Discussion subforum, I'd like to invite you to join that thread to discuss this subject. Here's [the link](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66634/discussion-command-line-option-changes-merged "the link"). You're welcome to post comments in this thread into that one, if they are not already present. I'll close this thread to keep the conversation focused.

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