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Dear Arenanet, how am i supposed to manage my 3 Accounts now?

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your recent Patch ruined my Expierience with the game, as a Player that owns 3 Accounts that he reguralry uses and used to easly switch between them through GW2-Launchbuddy or Shortcuts with the credentials attached to them.


I fully know as well as everyone else using the Credential CMD Arguments that it was storing my password "insecurely" on my PC, i knew what the risk is/was, but dealing with reentering my Credentials over and over again is killing my expierience with your game!


Please give us Players that own more then one Account a usefull Alternative to re-entering our Credentials over and over again, your decision is over Protective for a small portion of players that are stupid and used the option without understanding how "insecure" it is!


Best Regards


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But it has been the most simple and userfriendly one so far.

i am currently looking into the other alternatives, while still hoping A-Net just will make the Launcher Multiaccount friendly, if they really care about Userfriendlieness, Security and Accessability then they should just make it possible to save multiple Credentials (i mean if you can save one Email + Password. how much more complicated would it be for them to make it possible to save more then one?)

and if you can save one credential, then the Arguements of Security Issues if you can save more then one wouldn't be an Arguments if you already can save 1 pair of Credentials

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i will take a look into it, i tried it before, but it didn't really work! it would not save diffrent credentials even tho i set-up multiple local.dat files


Still want A-Net to fix it and not be bound to 3rd party options, that are just a matter of time until they get broken by ANet again, since they created this mess for all Muli-Account owners, they should also fix it again!

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> @"daschweizabro.1843" said:

> And having multiple Instances of GW2 Installations is not an option Harddrive Space is not something i have excess of!


I'm not sure if this can work (on windows), but it might be possible to set up 1 main installation & two side ones, that hardlink the gw2.dat file, instead of maintaining their own file?

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > @"daschweizabro.1843" said:

> > And having multiple Instances of GW2 Installations is not an option Harddrive Space is not something i have excess of!


> I'm not sure if this can work (on windows), but it might be possible to set up 1 main installation & two side ones, that hardlink the gw2.dat file, instead of maintaining their own file?


There’s really no need to have more than one installation of the game. The only thing that prevents someone from opening multiple instances of the game is a single process which can be disabled either through a program or a command.

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This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.


The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> @"Ayrilana.1396"

> This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.


> The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.


And if you followed the OP’s posts, you’ll see that multiple installations is not an option for them nor a good idea anyway.


There are ways to log into different accounts without having to log into each separately. You can have a dat file for each account and access them through a batch file. The dat file takes up like 70MB but it’s unlikely to be an issue unless someone has many accounts. I’m up to 2GB for all of mine but then I’m pretty sure I’m not typical as most who have multiple accounts likely only have a handful.


There’s also the use of a program to do this for you. I’ve never used one so I can’t really comment beyond mentioning them.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396"

> > This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.

> >

> > The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.


> And if you followed the OP’s posts, you’ll see that multiple installations is not an option for them nor a good idea anyway.


The OP said multiple installations are not a good idea for them due to the excessive storage space it would require. I was proposing a setup that would not have this particular problem.

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.


I've seen a few people confuse copying Local.dat (20 MB) for needing another copy of GW2 (40+ GB).


To clarify, Local.dat is the file that contains your local (hardware-related) settings, as well as a total list of files that GW2 may download into Gw2.dat. This file is stored in %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/ and should only be around 20 MB, though it can bloat over the years to over 100 MB (which should be deleted as it can affect performance). For the purposes of managing multiple accounts, each with their email/password remembered, this file is where it's stored, so you need 1 copy per account.


Copying Local.dat may be a problem for some, as I know some people run 50+ accounts, which is 1 GB minimum, up to around 3.5 GB. If even making copies of Local.dat is a problem, your only other option is using a macro to enter your email/password every time you want to login. If you have more free space on a different drive however, feel free to move %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/ to that drive then replacing %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/ with a link to it (mklink /J "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2" "D:\Example\AppData\Guild Wars 2").

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This decision also has an impact on Linux users. The game itself works very well in Wine today, but the launcher absolutely does not. It has a high tendency to freeze the desktop, and has for some time now. Emulating a virtual desktop in Wine can mitigate this particular issue, but that causes a bigger issue: the inability to move the camera more than 180 degrees in-game due to the cursor invisibly hitting the edge of the virtual desktop. So that's a no-go.


Until now, I used the -email, -password, -autologin, and -nopatchui options to avoid the launcher entirely. (Of course, I would still need to use the launcher sometimes, when an update comes out... unfortunately.) And now that's gone.


I know Arenanet doesn't offer support for Linux users, but they should at least know the wider impact that this decision had.





Is there at least some workaround available for me?

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396"

> > > This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.

> > >

> > > The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.

> >

> > And if you followed the OP’s posts, you’ll see that multiple installations is not an option for them nor a good idea anyway.


> **The OP said multiple installations are not a good idea for them due to the excessive storage space it would require. I was proposing a setup that would not have this particular problem.**


> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> @"Ayrilana.1396"

> This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.


> The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, **multiple installations might be one way to provide this.**



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Okay, to clear up, i managed to setup [GW2Launcher](https://github.com/Healix/Gw2Launcher "https://github.com/Healix/Gw2Launcher") at home.

Tho i am not fully happy with this Situation either,

but i guess i have to live with that for the moment.

Please Arenanet consider giving us an official solution to manage our mulitple Accounts.


And Thanks for the Input @Everyone.

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