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Dragon ball frustration

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This is what ruins every team minigame, not just DB. Barring matchmaking, it would do a lot to simply not allow unbalanced starts or hotjoins. Minigame development seems to have been abandoned after LWS1 so I wouldn't count on any fixes to these issues though. Their solution seems to be removing minigames from the main festival reward requirements and providing no AP for repeatable achievements. So players who are dissatisfied with the state of affairs can simply skip the minigames altogether without losing anything of significance.

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I think most of dragon balls problems could be solved if the achievement was changed from wins to point, exactly the points you score in the game. So instead of 10 wins you would need 100 points as example to finish it. Additional Winning would give 5 points and loosing 1 point, but both only under the permission that you at least scored one point. Just to discourage afk joiners. With this winning is just a part of it an actually playing becomes the important part. So even if a game ends 500:480 against you, you would still get the points you scored and it wouldn’t be in vain. Active players might even finish the achievement a little faster than it is currently possible.

With this playing and fighting would be encouraged more than simply winning and leafing any game that stands against you.

Additionally, I would add a small lucky envelope for the winning team. And fixing that awful jump pad in the spawn area. I can’t count how often I was stuck in the spawn as that stupid pad simply would not launch me high enough to get out. And when we are at fixing switching teams voluntary when auto balance kicks in should count as a win, which still doesn't work, from what I heard at least.



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