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Guardian Staff Needs A Serious Rework (Suggestions)


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> @Brutaly.6257 said:

> > > @Brutaly.6257 said:

> > > @"Alehin.3746"

> > > Where do you find 40 sec of resistance or is it some sort of glitch when translating from your native language?

> > >

> > > With resistance do you mean protection?

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chapter_4:_Stalwart_Stand + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Archivist_of_Whispers

> >

> > > @Incarne.4927 said:

> > > > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > > > @Incarne.4927 said:

> > > > > I agree with alot of what @"RabbitUp.8294" says but mainly about the Tome's burst healing, which would be a waste to not camp inside of tome. If you didnt camp it, you would then have a huge cooldown leaving you without a major part of Firebrand support. I made a video demonstrating what I can do with my build. It offers good heals but lacks a proper support weapon to keep people healed while our tomes are on CD. I feel as though mace is a tank weapon more than a support weapon:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Renewed focus is an option I switch between, but either way, you are forced to camp tomes as a support because of there not being a proper support weapon option. If you let go of your tomes early you are cutting your support in half pretty much, left with only personal blocks and your personal heal.

> > > >

> > > > That video just show how guardian doesn't need more healing. You didn't even had a target, like you said, and you're using Axe, which is a condition damage focused weapon, instead of another mace+focus or staff.

> > > >

> > > > I don't see the point of buffing it even more, mace does a pretty good job already. All of this sounds like just more powercreep to me.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: What if they changed Honorable Staff and made it change how staff 1 works, so people would have to choose betwen Honorable Staff and Pure of Heart. I think that would be pretty cool.

> > >

> > > The video I made does show how good guardian heals can be, but you fail to realize that they rely on tomes very heavily. The skills outside of tome are more of a self sustain than a group support, which makes me function more as a tank than a support. The fact that I didn't have a target goes back to the self sustain thing, the radius for mace auto attack chain is 180, and I need an enemy target! So in the end, Mace functions more as a self sustain/ tank weapon more than a support weapon for the group. Shield is a fine support weapon though. Also, the reason I use Axe+Focus is for utility like CC and grouping enemies for the team to dps them down. It won't be a power creep if they add a heal to Staff auto attack, because like I said the other support classes have a form of dedicated healing so why can't Guardian. When tomes are down, you are a sitting duck that can only rely on Mace 3 for a block, since Mace 1 isn't a reliable form of healing for others. Just think about it, 180 radius? Cmon.

> >

> > You are supposed to stay up close tho. 180 radius is the same size as symbols, its perfectly fine imo. Do you think a 400~600 healing with 300 range on staff 1 would be enough? I would just pick druid, ele or rev if i needed to heal people from far away, but thats just my personal prefference i guess. I just hope anet don't make guardian more tankier than it currently is, we don't need that kitten in PvP/WvW.


> I suspected that would be the answer.


> You seriously suggest giving up all other options/damage/support and wait in the tome and throw one skill every 10th second?


> Dont get me wrong i just hate meta and like to play fun builds but using one spell every 10th second and camping tomes is useless from a meta perspective and only 1 or two players in the entire playerbase might find it fun. Your scenario is just to far fetched even for me.


> Stating guardians has good healing is just weird. I play a support necro atm and i can heal more, not in raw numbers but the usability on the skills are superior. I would even use my shout/banner war in clerics instead of my guardian if i wanted to heal stuff.


> Guardian healing skills are better suited for selfsustain, not healing others. Mace is an excellent example. Close to useless as a healer weapon in pvp and wvw. Its a bunker weapon.


What. Every healing trait/skill on guardian, except for altrustic healing (which isnt even used on a fb healer build), affect your allies. Some of them **only affect allies** (Invigorated bulwark and Force of Will). How is that considered "just self sustain"? My record healing per second is ~14k (15k with heal tempest), i always get almost the same total healing as my friend who plays heal ele/druid. I think you guys are doing something really wrong as a heal guardian, like not using mace skills or spamming aegis instead of using it at the right time.


About the tome of courage: It's not 1 skill every 10 seconds, its 2-3 skills every seconds 3~8 without alacrity, i always use more than two skills on the tomes. Bubble+Resist on Sloth, Stab+Resist+Bubble on Matthias, 5+1 on Cairn/Sam/Deimos, etc. Not sure whats the problem with this, since i keep my party healthy even on "OH SHIT" moments. Mace is completely usable as a weapon, you're not supposed to be spread out in most raids, and if you do, you can always heal people with all your other skills. Also it does work in WvW zerg play, specially if you're always on tag, it helps a lot with sustain.


About "suggesting giving up other stuff for this", no, i dont suggest anything. I play this because its fun+works for me. I know it's not for everyone, but i don't really care about that tbh.


Scourge is a good healer too, and iirc you can provide a lot of might with it if you're using aristocracy runes. But just like guard, it's considered bad for most people because theres no gotl/empower/spirits or banner/empower allies. Same with rev, that can provide +90% alacrity uptime, but unfortunately chronos can provide that +other stuff. Anet is just bad at balancing stuff, i just hope they nerf ps/druid/chrono so we can bring other stuff to raids without people complaining because it's not on qtfy's website. lol

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> @Incarne.4927 said:


> > - **Staff 1 (Wave of Wrath)**. Comparing to other support classes, Guardians should have an option for a dedicated healing skill. Giving this skill the ability to heal would allow for Guardians to have a worthy chance of becoming a true support/ healer role. Tome of Resolve offers great heals but are locked behind pages and a fairly large cool-down. Having a 300 ranged, 5 person heal would also stay true to the close/ mid ranged support that has Guardian has been known for. I would suggest the heal be around a 400-600 base healing amount for it to be effective at competing with the other support/ healing class specs.



I disagree. The healing needs to be much less. Say around two hundred to two fifty. If you want it at six hundred plus then that needs to come from wearing cleric's/magi's etc. Let there be a good return on plus healing equipment but otherwise no. Elementalists have to do it. Druids have to do it as well. Guardians should too. Just as it holds for most professions in GW2, Guardians are neither support or damage professions unless tuned for it. If you want to be a support profession you trait and equip to be one.


That said, on the other hand if Anet intends to keep the staff low range then there needs to be a commensurate return for investment in strength and might stacking. If you're going to be risking your character's life to be in the front line with a staff then the damage has to be worth it. If other professions complain the solution is simple - don't knowingly stand toe to toe with a damage traited Guardian wielding a staff.


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> @Iozeph.5617 said:

> > @Incarne.4927 said:


> > > - **Staff 1 (Wave of Wrath)**. Comparing to other support classes, Guardians should have an option for a dedicated healing skill. Giving this skill the ability to heal would allow for Guardians to have a worthy chance of becoming a true support/ healer role. Tome of Resolve offers great heals but are locked behind pages and a fairly large cool-down. Having a 300 ranged, 5 person heal would also stay true to the close/ mid ranged support that has Guardian has been known for. I would suggest the heal be around a 400-600 base healing amount for it to be effective at competing with the other support/ healing class specs.

> >


> I disagree. The healing needs to be much less. Say around two hundred to two fifty. If you want it at six hundred plus then that needs to come from wearing cleric's/magi's etc. Let there be a good return on plus healing equipment but otherwise no. Elementalists have to do it. Druids have to do it as well. Guardians should too. Just as it holds for most professions in GW2, Guardians are neither support or damage professions unless tuned for it. If you want to be a support profession you trait and equip to be one.


> That said, on the other hand if Anet intends to keep the staff low range then there needs to be a commensurate return for investment in strength and might stacking. If you're going to be risking your character's life to be in the front line with a staff then the damage has to be worth it. If other professions complain the solution is simple - don't knowingly stand toe to toe with a damage traited Guardian wielding a staff.



The whole intent behind this thread is with support builds in mind. Armor and trait wise.

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> @Incarne.4927 said:

> > @Iozeph.5617 said:

> > > @Incarne.4927 said:

> >

> > > > - **Staff 1 (Wave of Wrath)**. Comparing to other support classes, Guardians should have an option for a dedicated healing skill. Giving this skill the ability to heal would allow for Guardians to have a worthy chance of becoming a true support/ healer role. Tome of Resolve offers great heals but are locked behind pages and a fairly large cool-down. Having a 300 ranged, 5 person heal would also stay true to the close/ mid ranged support that has Guardian has been known for. I would suggest the heal be around a 400-600 base healing amount for it to be effective at competing with the other support/ healing class specs.

> > >

> >

> > I disagree. The healing needs to be much less. Say around two hundred to two fifty. If you want it at six hundred plus then that needs to come from wearing cleric's/magi's etc. Let there be a good return on plus healing equipment but otherwise no. Elementalists have to do it. Druids have to do it as well. Guardians should too. Just as it holds for most professions in GW2, Guardians are neither support or damage professions unless tuned for it. If you want to be a support profession you trait and equip to be one.

> >

> > That said, on the other hand if Anet intends to keep the staff low range then there needs to be a commensurate return for investment in strength and might stacking. If you're going to be risking your character's life to be in the front line with a staff then the damage has to be worth it. If other professions complain the solution is simple - don't knowingly stand toe to toe with a damage traited Guardian wielding a staff.

> >


> The whole intent behind this thread is with support builds in mind. Armor and trait wise.


Yeah, I sort of got that and it's why I made my first point. It's absurd to ask for an abnormally high healing value on a weapon's multi target auto attack before plus healing gear is even considered. They never let it stand on the Druid. They never even let Engineers keep healing bombs. Why would they leave that on a Guardian?


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> @Iozeph.5617 said:

> > @Incarne.4927 said:

> > > @Iozeph.5617 said:

> > > > @Incarne.4927 said:

> > >

> > > > > - **Staff 1 (Wave of Wrath)**. Comparing to other support classes, Guardians should have an option for a dedicated healing skill. Giving this skill the ability to heal would allow for Guardians to have a worthy chance of becoming a true support/ healer role. Tome of Resolve offers great heals but are locked behind pages and a fairly large cool-down. Having a 300 ranged, 5 person heal would also stay true to the close/ mid ranged support that has Guardian has been known for. I would suggest the heal be around a 400-600 base healing amount for it to be effective at competing with the other support/ healing class specs.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I disagree. The healing needs to be much less. Say around two hundred to two fifty. If you want it at six hundred plus then that needs to come from wearing cleric's/magi's etc. Let there be a good return on plus healing equipment but otherwise no. Elementalists have to do it. Druids have to do it as well. Guardians should too. Just as it holds for most professions in GW2, Guardians are neither support or damage professions unless tuned for it. If you want to be a support profession you trait and equip to be one.

> > >

> > > That said, on the other hand if Anet intends to keep the staff low range then there needs to be a commensurate return for investment in strength and might stacking. If you're going to be risking your character's life to be in the front line with a staff then the damage has to be worth it. If other professions complain the solution is simple - don't knowingly stand toe to toe with a damage traited Guardian wielding a staff.

> > >

> >

> > The whole intent behind this thread is with support builds in mind. Armor and trait wise.


> Yeah, I sort of got that and it's why I made my first point. It's absurd to ask for an abnormally high healing value on a weapon's multi target auto attack before plus healing gear is even considered. They never let it stand on the Druid. They never even let Engineers keep healing bombs. Why would they leave that on a Guardian?



I know what you're saying, but what I'm saying to you is my post had that in mind already. I'm expecting 400-600 healing WITH healing gear on. No one said to have that high healing without magi/cleric etc.

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Ah. Never mind then. Still- don't see them giving it to Guardians. They took away Healing Bombs from Engineers, ruined their healing turret, and allegedly made their best support tied to blasting fields. Elementalist staff has fared the best in that vein with the enhanced ability of blasting their own water fields - so much so that I'm surprised they haven't taken away the ability to remove auto targetting on staff 1 and then use it as a healing grenade. Druid healing is fiddly, either being tied to celestial form, a terrible trap, or the fifty/fifty proposition of trying to follow others around with the staff. To make it worse, many of the things wanted for guardians seem to have ended up with the Revenant(I'd expected guardians to get a floating tome similar to the tablet before they'd announce Rev.)


Guaranteed, mobile, consistent healing seems to be something they don't want many professions to have, with water staff being one of the last holdouts I see. One of the few bright spots I could see happening but still wouldn't expect would be Anet improving the healing on Empower whilst allowing it to be done on the run and having each pulse of it function as a guaranteed blast finisher for their own fields as well as all other professions.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> >Yes, you offer 40s of resistance by afking on F3, rendering you otherwise useless.


> Do i need to do anything else when doing that? I don't think i do, my subgroup is always safe.


> >You only face condi pressure in 2 fights, and Slothazor can be mitigated more effectively in other ways, so yeah, we are talking about a Matthias build, that is inferior anywhere else.


> Inferior? Can agree with that. Bad? Nope, it's more than enough for raids.


> >stability and aegis are completely negligible


> Say that to people that can't dodge/stunbreak. I am their hero. I make Narella, Matthias and Sloth ezpz for them.


> >why play X when Y does this and that


> Because it's fun. I've been playing magi/condi druid for too long, it got very boring. I don't see a reason to play the game if i'm not having fun. **I know druid is the best pick for healing**, i play it when my static group needs me, i just don't like doing it. I found guard a decent alternative that have working pretty well for ages, specially now that i can have firebrand instead of valor. Not sure why people get so annoyed by this.


> >As for you worrying about pvp, staff can provide healing on auto that doesn't affect guardian themselves, like how torch 5 works.


> Thats a pretty good idea actually, but i think anet should at least increase the range then. 300 is just too short for a "ranged" weapon.


If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.


What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.


I don't see what can be gained by patting anet on the back.

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They nerfed swiftness symbol BC it was too much in wvw for permaswift. They nerfed auto because too much burning in permeating wrath builds.


They need to decide what sort of support staff needs to be BC it isn't a healing staff, and the utility and builds it was in have been nerfed off the map, leaving it no purpose.

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> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.


> What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.


Yes, that is exactly my point. Guardian support can work and has the potential to be actually viable outside of niche scenarios. Just needs some adjustments with outdated weapons/ skills and we'll have something great.



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> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > >Yes, you offer 40s of resistance by afking on F3, rendering you otherwise useless.

> >

> > Do i need to do anything else when doing that? I don't think i do, my subgroup is always safe.

> >

> > >You only face condi pressure in 2 fights, and Slothazor can be mitigated more effectively in other ways, so yeah, we are talking about a Matthias build, that is inferior anywhere else.

> >

> > Inferior? Can agree with that. Bad? Nope, it's more than enough for raids.

> >

> > >stability and aegis are completely negligible

> >

> > Say that to people that can't dodge/stunbreak. I am their hero. I make Narella, Matthias and Sloth ezpz for them.

> >

> > >why play X when Y does this and that

> >

> > Because it's fun. I've been playing magi/condi druid for too long, it got very boring. I don't see a reason to play the game if i'm not having fun. **I know druid is the best pick for healing**, i play it when my static group needs me, i just don't like doing it. I found guard a decent alternative that have working pretty well for ages, specially now that i can have firebrand instead of valor. Not sure why people get so annoyed by this.

> >

> > >As for you worrying about pvp, staff can provide healing on auto that doesn't affect guardian themselves, like how torch 5 works.

> >

> > Thats a pretty good idea actually, but i think anet should at least increase the range then. 300 is just too short for a "ranged" weapon.


> If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.


> What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.


> I don't see what can be gained by patting anet on the back.


We seldom see eye to eye on things but here we are at the exact same page.



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> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > >Yes, you offer 40s of resistance by afking on F3, rendering you otherwise useless.

> >

> > Do i need to do anything else when doing that? I don't think i do, my subgroup is always safe.

> >

> > >You only face condi pressure in 2 fights, and Slothazor can be mitigated more effectively in other ways, so yeah, we are talking about a Matthias build, that is inferior anywhere else.

> >

> > Inferior? Can agree with that. Bad? Nope, it's more than enough for raids.

> >

> > >stability and aegis are completely negligible

> >

> > Say that to people that can't dodge/stunbreak. I am their hero. I make Narella, Matthias and Sloth ezpz for them.

> >

> > >why play X when Y does this and that

> >

> > Because it's fun. I've been playing magi/condi druid for too long, it got very boring. I don't see a reason to play the game if i'm not having fun. **I know druid is the best pick for healing**, i play it when my static group needs me, i just don't like doing it. I found guard a decent alternative that have working pretty well for ages, specially now that i can have firebrand instead of valor. Not sure why people get so annoyed by this.

> >

> > >As for you worrying about pvp, staff can provide healing on auto that doesn't affect guardian themselves, like how torch 5 works.

> >

> > Thats a pretty good idea actually, but i think anet should at least increase the range then. 300 is just too short for a "ranged" weapon.


> If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.


> What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.


> I don't see what can be gained by patting anet on the back.


I think guardian is close to get balanced, what i dont understand is why ANet tends to give steroids to other classes, then they try to balance by compensation the new elite on guardian with lame spammable mechanics or some skills that need power creeep to actually work (like traps).

And some other classes builds are.. just a pure carry to win... due how easy its to outdamage and sustain at same time.

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> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > >Yes, you offer 40s of resistance by afking on F3, rendering you otherwise useless.

> >

> > Do i need to do anything else when doing that? I don't think i do, my subgroup is always safe.

> >

> > >You only face condi pressure in 2 fights, and Slothazor can be mitigated more effectively in other ways, so yeah, we are talking about a Matthias build, that is inferior anywhere else.

> >

> > Inferior? Can agree with that. Bad? Nope, it's more than enough for raids.

> >

> > >stability and aegis are completely negligible

> >

> > Say that to people that can't dodge/stunbreak. I am their hero. I make Narella, Matthias and Sloth ezpz for them.

> >

> > >why play X when Y does this and that

> >

> > Because it's fun. I've been playing magi/condi druid for too long, it got very boring. I don't see a reason to play the game if i'm not having fun. **I know druid is the best pick for healing**, i play it when my static group needs me, i just don't like doing it. I found guard a decent alternative that have working pretty well for ages, specially now that i can have firebrand instead of valor. Not sure why people get so annoyed by this.

> >

> > >As for you worrying about pvp, staff can provide healing on auto that doesn't affect guardian themselves, like how torch 5 works.

> >

> > Thats a pretty good idea actually, but i think anet should at least increase the range then. 300 is just too short for a "ranged" weapon.


> If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.


> What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.


> I don't see what can be gained by patting anet on the back.


HELLLLLLL no, i'm not trying to pat anet in the back. They're far from doing a good job at balancing on all game modes.


I just think the overpowered PvE supports (chrono, druid and warrior) should be tonned down instead of just making rev/guard/ele strong like them, you know? I think staff 1 healing would be cool, specially if it doesnt affect you like torch5, but in my opinion guardian is too good of a support already, specially on PvP/WvW. Just watch they nerf the shit out of firebrand on the next balance patch.

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> @Incarne.4927 said:

> I can't wait for the next balance patch to see whether or not they are gonna completely demolish FB or give us the tools we need to be better supports. Or just do minor changes lol.


Probably going to nerf some heal values in ToR, the radii of Tome #5 skills, make expected bug changes (particularly Indomitable Courage not working with ToC) and a minor buff to a trait or two that still won't make it worth taking.



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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > @Incarne.4927 said:

> > I can't wait for the next balance patch to see whether or not they are gonna completely demolish FB or give us the tools we need to be better supports. Or just do minor changes lol.


> Probably going to nerf some heal values in ToR, the radii of Tome #5 skills, make expected bug changes (particularly Indomitable Courage not working with ToC) and a minor buff to a trait or two that still won't make it worth taking.




I would hope if they nerf the heal values in ToR they would do the same to Druid's healing values as well. Support Guardian is good in self sustain, group support is decent but could be better. It is nowhere near OP, people need to learn how to play this game because I still get pooped on by heavy condi and CC, you can only cleanse so much before you are overwhelmed.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

> > > >Yes, you offer 40s of resistance by afking on F3, rendering you otherwise useless.

> > >

> > > Do i need to do anything else when doing that? I don't think i do, my subgroup is always safe.

> > >

> > > >You only face condi pressure in 2 fights, and Slothazor can be mitigated more effectively in other ways, so yeah, we are talking about a Matthias build, that is inferior anywhere else.

> > >

> > > Inferior? Can agree with that. Bad? Nope, it's more than enough for raids.

> > >

> > > >stability and aegis are completely negligible

> > >

> > > Say that to people that can't dodge/stunbreak. I am their hero. I make Narella, Matthias and Sloth ezpz for them.

> > >

> > > >why play X when Y does this and that

> > >

> > > Because it's fun. I've been playing magi/condi druid for too long, it got very boring. I don't see a reason to play the game if i'm not having fun. **I know druid is the best pick for healing**, i play it when my static group needs me, i just don't like doing it. I found guard a decent alternative that have working pretty well for ages, specially now that i can have firebrand instead of valor. Not sure why people get so annoyed by this.

> > >

> > > >As for you worrying about pvp, staff can provide healing on auto that doesn't affect guardian themselves, like how torch 5 works.

> > >

> > > Thats a pretty good idea actually, but i think anet should at least increase the range then. 300 is just too short for a "ranged" weapon.

> >

> > If you or anybody else want to have fun playing Guardian support, then I 100% agree with you, go ahead and do it.

> >

> > What I want to establish though is that that doesn't mean Guardian is in a good spot, and that there's a big imbalance among support specs. Threads like this serve to provide feedback and brainstorming ways of improving the class.

> >

> > I don't see what can be gained by patting anet on the back.


> HELLLLLLL no, i'm not trying to pat anet in the back. They're far from doing a good job at balancing on all game modes.


> I just think the overpowered PvE supports (chrono, druid and warrior) should be tonned down instead of just making rev/guard/ele strong like them, you know? I think staff 1 healing would be cool, specially if it doesnt affect you like torch5, but in my opinion guardian is too good of a support already, specially on PvP/WvW. Just watch they nerf the kitten out of firebrand on the next balance patch.


Yes, it's all fine and all, let's nerf the trinity, but the thing is, anet had 2 years and a second expansion to solve the problem, and they did absolutely nothing. They refuse to nerf them, and they refuse to give them competition.


So, until they do, I'm not going to stand here happy with what FB, our one and only support spec we will ever get on perhaps the most support-oriented class in the game, turned out to be, when chrono/druid/cPS are allowed to stay as is in the game.

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> @Incarne.4927 said:


> I would hope if they nerf the heal values in ToR they would do the same to Druid's healing values as well. Support Guardian is good in self sustain, group support is decent but could be better. It is nowhere near OP, people need to learn how to play this game because I still get pooped on by heavy condi and CC, you can only cleanse so much before you are overwhelmed.


This is not what I want nerfed, it's just a prediction based upon what people are whining about, and what seems to be carrying the most weight in terms of making FB strong right now. I actually want ToR's base values buffed and/or functionality added to ToR skill 3 because as of right now, ToR is next to useless on a non-healing power based build. You pretty much have to take Mender's amulet in pvp to make ToR any good and even then, focus-fire is going to largely negate the effectiveness of your heal since you have no gap openers, active defence or soft/hard CC for opponents while in ToR.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @Arcaedus.7290 said:



> I bet they will nerf true shot again instead of nerfing the holosmith photon forge skill 2, a 2s cd leap that causes 8k damage LMAO


I wouldn't in the least bit be surprised.


"We felt that Dragonhunter's burst damage is in a fine spot, being able to only deal significant bursts to full zerker thieves, however, players choosing to play less-armored classes found themselves at a disadvantage when attempting to dodge key Dragonhunter skills.


Decreased the projectile speed of Trueshot by 12%."



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Guardian staff needs to either be a proper support weapon or turned into a needed condi ranged weapon.


I'd prefer if staff 1 and 2 were reworked to be solid healing skills to complement a healing guardian build, that the symbol also did healing pulses, and that staff 4's healing coefficient for allies was substantially boosted.


Staff 4 could also clear conditions on pulse.


Line of Warding could then give protection to allies who crossed it.

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