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Wrath of God Weaver Montage #9 (updated build)


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Hello Gw2 forums elementalists o/

I am, so far, receiving good feedback on this latest video and wanted to share it here in case it may be of use (maybe if only to prove a point that ele is still viable/godly in a zerg comp). I've switched from strength runes to scholar runes, and am slightly embarrassed about clinging on to them for as long as I did. My rationale for finally giving in to scholar runes is that I am usually surrounded by a fairly competent guild comps when running this build - therefore the self-might sustain is often totally wasted where I could be doing better damage with scholar runes ...


Note that while there were some good fights in this video, some clips are vs guild groups and some are vs pug groups; I make these videos for fun and to demonstrate the utility of a good weaver in a group comp **(I am essentially an advocate for DPS weaver)**, not to show off guild vs guild clips.


**Music contains mature content/some cursing/headbanging**

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There's too many revs running around in current meta and scholar runes arent so dependent on health as they used to be, so it's a pretty good pick right now, in majority of situations.


Another good thing to mention (at least for EU meta) is that condies arent a big threat anymore, you can easily run glyph heal and ignore all conditions. Cripple and weakness can be an issue, but retal and low hp are more crucial IMO.


Btw, great video like always.

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