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New PvP modes! Not Maps! PvPer's opinion.

Neeman Oria.7504

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Capture the Flag of Ascalon: Charr, like in the Urban Battleground fractal, try to capture the flag of the Humans; You become Charr for the entire match.


Plant the Bomb, Scarlet's War: You must plant the bomb on Scarlet's Airship to end her attack on Lion's Arch. Scarlet's Minions are able to defuse it.


Heist of the Bank of Lion's Arch: The wonderful vault of LA, stealth mechanics are implemented and you must pretend to be a citizen and not draw attention to yourself.

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I'm not sure the LA one would work with our combat system, and it seems more like a fun PvE minigame that I would like to play with guildies.


I think conquest is fine, most of the game is balanced with it in mind. I just dont want to see more HUGE maps like the gladiator one, where classes with low mobility (like a staff ele, necros, guardians without travelers runes) struggle vs classes with constant mobility and/or vertical mobility like soulbeasts with a bird and a GS, mirage, a thief with a shortbow or spellbreaker with a GS, etc.


I also like the idea of 2v2 arenas and a separate queue for it, and thus changing rankedQ from duoQ to TRUE soloQ, that way there is an alternative for those of us who like to play with a friend, but also like competitive integrity of a ranked mode.


CTF; oh man, Warsong Gulch, I spent SOOO many hours playing it, dunno if it is nostalgia, but I would like a SMALL map with a centered area to duke it out, with the flag at the poles of the map, and just duke it out in the middle. It would have to be a 8v8 or 10v10, thats how it should go though!


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This game definitely needs more PvP game types. Conquest is fine, but it shouldn't be the only one. It also desperately needs a better competitive mode where premade teams face off with the objective of defeating the enemy team - no capture points, no stupid gimmicks, may the better team win.


Sign me up for Capture the Flag as the first addition! As a former WoW player, Warsong Gulch (A CtF game) was a ton of fun.

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> @"Generalissimo.8602" said:

> I haven't been playing PvP for that long, so maybe I'm just not as bored of Conquest as everyone else, but more game modes strikes me as extra pressure on the balance and a way of splitting the PvP population into even smaller groups.


Just because a class is strong or weak in conquest doesn't necessarily mean they'll be strong or weak in another game type. That doesn't directly address the cause of the imbalance, but it would almost certainly alter the player perspective on balance.


Consider condi mirage, for example. Widely considered the best dueling class in the game, they are naturally superior roamers in WvW. But place condi mirage in the middle of a zerg battle and they're pretty much useless. Apply that logic to multiple PvP game types. It doesn't automatically balance the class, but it does make it a lot less likely that the class will dominate across the board through the entire game mode.

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You should be able to vote for more then one option or have an all option. Any addition to the pvp side of gw2 would be beneficial. Gw1 had idk how many pvp game mode. More then you can count on one hand. For pvp development to happen they will need to scedual program time/hours to it. Buut judjing by the past 6 years all they got time foe is gem stor items and pve development. We can asked them for alot of things but think about whats involved to get it done. And think will it ever get done? Probably not ever.

I mean like what happened to swiss? Does anyone know? I dont think so.

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