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17K Power damage from Confusing Images!?


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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> What about power stacks, weakness stacks ?

I dunno that was more than a month ago, 25 might 25 vuln I guess? Not like that's hard to achieve.


> And again the death report is far to be reliable.

You're not wrong but that's skewed more towards it flat out dropping damage logs when you're taking a lot of hits at the same time rather than it getting damage values themselves wrong. The most egregious example being a beautiful day where I, being the amazingly skilled player that I am, ran straight into 2 reapers at a cap and decided that dodging is for nerds and got slam dunked like it was Space Jam and it showed highest dmg taken being a Larc strike for like 6k from a thief that +1 just before I died.

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> OK then it's normal for a ESL player to evade nothing ? Then dying because he evade nothing so he hasn't enough endurance to evade damaging skills ? (That's literally what burn evade mean.).


In the video the Mesmer holds his pistol offhand up and fires a shot. It's really a crap shoot whether it's going to be the instant Magic Bullet (usually) or the phantasm with delay. If you gamble that one evade and lose then you are not deserving to die a horrible death. Facing mesmer shouldn't be a Dark Souls boss fight, maybe you would like that though.


You will blame anything to justify deleting 3k Engi HP and 23k Tornado HP by landing #4, then #3 in Scepter/Pistol (+Arcane Thievery).. Two attacks needed. Without confusion bugging out a 2 button combo would have done 14k damage total vs. celestial stats. Still very generous for ranged, homing attacks on a defensive class like mirage.


Things wrong:

- High powercreep base Damage

- Bugged confusion damage procs on Tornado

- Invisible Scepter #3





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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > OK then it's normal for a ESL player to evade nothing ? Then dying because he evade nothing so he hasn't enough endurance to evade damaging skills ? (That's literally what burn evade mean.).


> In the video the Mesmer holds his pistol offhand up and fires a shot. It's really a kitten shoot whether it's going to be the instant Magic Bullet (usually) or the phantasm with delay. If you gamble that one evade and lose then you are not deserving to die a horrible death. Facing mesmer shouldn't be a Dark Souls boss fight, maybe you would like that though.


> You will blame anything to justify deleting 3k Engi HP and 23k Tornado HP by landing #4, then #3 in Scepter/Pistol (+Arcane Thievery).. Two attacks needed. Without confusion bugging out a 2 button combo would have done 14k damage total vs. celestial stats. Still very generous for ranged, homing attacks on a defensive class like mirage.


> Things wrong:

> - High powercreep base Damage

> - Bugged confusion damage procs on Tornado

> - Invisible Scepter #3


That said, didn't have you the full sequence of this fight in better quality ? I didn't see what did you evade at 3s (it's really hard to see something actually with the 7 sec duration and the resolution.) ?

In this clip you get hit by scepter block and F2 (thoses can really be evaded in a 1v1 scenario even by not going to the dark soul boss level because it cost you dispell uses and 30% hp.).


I agree that they can lowered the base damage.

Of course about the tornado bug.

About the invisible scepter dunno if it's your graphics options or the malicious sorcery trait, usually even if the cast is short, the ray is visible as long as not initiated from stealth.

That said I will have the same difficulty facing holo with a core mes than you with engi vs a mirage. (specs vs core btw do'nt know what did you hope.)


What I suggest in my balance suggestion about scepter was something like that :

>Ether Bolt, Ether Blast, Ether Clone : increase damage coef.

>Illusionary Counter and counterspell : Reduce base damage, create only one clone. Rework counterspell to be more impactfull. It suffer the same problem as Illusionary Riposte : the block hit the mesmer target and not the guys who trigger it. So the idea is to make the active part more impactfull (in term of damage) than the block part.

>Confusing Images : make damage increasing each hit. (example : 10-20-30-40-50-60-70. or every two hit : 10-10-20-20-30-30-40 NB: value aren't factual.) It will do the same damage as now but just give the opponent 1 sec more time to react before eating the full damage.

>Ether Barrage : reduce the number of hit to 3, increase the mesmer damage. = less projectile fiesta, the opponent have to care more about mesmer attacks than clone >attacks.



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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > OK then it's normal for a ESL player to evade nothing ? Then dying because he evade nothing so he hasn't enough endurance to evade damaging skills ? (That's literally what burn evade mean.).


> In the video the Mesmer holds his pistol offhand up and fires a shot. It's really a kitten shoot whether it's going to be the instant Magic Bullet (usually) or the phantasm with delay. If you gamble that one evade and lose then you are not deserving to die a horrible death. Facing mesmer shouldn't be a Dark Souls boss fight, maybe you would like that though.


You turn your camera on a mesmer, seeing 3 bullets being fired in different directions and then rush to you ,thats how pistol 4 looks like before spawning phantasm. So you clearly seen pistol 4. Pistol 5 has specific sound on it . You dodged nothing after tanking sc2, if you want to throw nades through block throw poison nades,they are unblockable . You could use gear shield to block sc3 etc. Self made dorksouls

Rest is accurate .Except sc3 is invisible as well if casted from stealth/offscreen (DJ is the same)

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > > OK then it's normal for a ESL player to evade nothing ? Then dying because he evade nothing so he hasn't enough endurance to evade damaging skills ? (That's literally what burn evade mean.).

> >

> > In the video the Mesmer holds his pistol offhand up and fires a shot. It's really a kitten shoot whether it's going to be the instant Magic Bullet (usually) or the phantasm with delay. If you gamble that one evade and lose then you are not deserving to die a horrible death. Facing mesmer shouldn't be a Dark Souls boss fight, maybe you would like that though.


> You turn your camera on a mesmer, seeing 3 bullets being fired in different directions and then rush to you ,thats how pistol 4 looks like before spawning phantasm. So you clearly seen pistol 4. Pistol 5 has specific sound on it . You dodged nothing after tanking sc2, if you want to throw nades through block throw poison nades,they are unblockable . You could use gear shield to block sc3 etc. Self made dorksouls

> Rest is accurate .Except sc3 is invisible as well if casted from stealth/offscreen (DJ is the same)


Tornado doesn't have Gear Shield, you will have to trade blows when in Tornado. I DID land 8 stacks of Poison via poison nade (It was transfered back to me later).


So far 2 Mesmer mains are also Engi experts: Edit - and going with the L2P argument, and liking each other's posts! Imagine my surprise!

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> So far 2 Mesmer mains are also Engi experts and calling me bad.

Not this pretention but the bug problem apart, I didn't remember losing one day to engi with this kind of build, even before PoF and before scepter buff.

If you want to go into the details maybe this isn't the best build to 1v1 mesmers but it's more usefull in teamfight or +1 or other role I dunno....

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > You guys know that condition skill for mesmer scepter 3? Yeah it did indeed hit me for 17k. . . in a 1v1. . . while I'm on warrior. . . with no vulnerability. . . at Temple. Unfortunately I don't have the screen cap. Mesmer is messed up in so many ways atm.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Problem is you didn't dodge or CC the mes to stop it. Lol. That's on par with not dodging a phoenix coming at you from 600 range.

> > > > > > > > > Yeah always dodge that 12s cd, 900 range skill, because there is nothing else on condi/hybrid mirage you need to dodge frequently.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I had the chance to face that sweet 5x damage multiplyer skill on a condi weapon last night. It's "just great". Investing in massive condi cleanses and giving up a lot of anti power utility to survive condi mirages (I am not talking about killing them because: mobility and stuff) was probably to trivial for ANet, so let's give them 10k direct damage on low cooldowns as well!

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Best balancing in the industry! That competence...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Sorry for double post, but I didn't see this....lovely response. So let me present this to you: Because there are a lot of things that you need to dodge when facing a warrior (shield bash, burst skills, bulls rush, ect) do you just blame balance if you stand in a 100blades that hits for 17k?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That's essentially what you're telling me.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Same situation with a holo: You need to 'dodge' overcharged shot, net shot, holo wave, right? Not entirely. Know the most important skill to dodge. Negate the first few hits with LOS or a block/blind/reflect — the most important skill to dodge is corona burst. I'll often save both of my dodges for corona wave and its 2nd explosion. Do that, holos crumple.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Same situation with..... wait... you mean there are important skills to dodge on each class? Know what they are playing & what to dodge by using the classes/specs that just downed you in tests rather than logging off and making forum posts.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > /thread.

> > > > > > > Nope, you didn't get it. Sorry!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The problem is: Condi Mirage is already a problem in terms of balancing. Giving that problematic spec a direct damage burst skill on low cooldowns on top of the insane condi pressure is just showcasing pure incompetence.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Which condi weapon in the game has a direct damage multiplyer of 5.32x ? Do you know in how much damage this results even on condi gear?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hell even on power weapons such multiplyers are rare!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No, I did get it... That's just... not right. If it's a true condi-spec, it's not going to hit for much direct dmg, potentially 2-4k if you get the whole burst off. You get 17k procs on full berserker against a full berserker. That's power-focused.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My point is: It's going to load me up with damage whether it's condi or power, so I dodge it in most situations, or I block it, or I blind it, or I rupt it, or I LOS it. The options are limitless.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a multi hit skill, so blind and block are out right off the bat. It doesn't root the caster, and it's not like mirage lacks mobility so gl with los. And gl interrupting a class that can use it while invulnerable lol

> > > >

> > > > They don't have infinite resources. Use yours intelligently. Idk. I'm just not buying the whole "delete mesmer" kick everybody in the forums is on. I don't like the condi mirage cancer ambush build, but that's it.

> > >

> > > They have more active defenses than any other class by far, there's no reason they should also hit harder and be more mobile.

> > >

> > > If it's a matter of resource management, mirage simply brings a bigger gun to the fight. By the time they run out of defensive CDs, you're dead. If you play perfectly on a build that counters condi mirage, they can disengage freely before you even get a chance to hit back. That is cancerous for a pvp game mode.

> >

> > Again. Eh. I disagree. Depends on what is vs the mirage. Where you're wrong is that they can disengage freely if you've played perfectly. If you've played perfectly, they're dead.

> > Sounds like you're not great at fighting mirages. I'd recommend playing one and seeing their weaknesses. Makes it easier to kill them.

> >

> > Good luck mate.


> 5 years of pvp experience, 6.3k games played. I'm pretty sure i'm not new to this game's pvp, i've been in the top 100 for the last year and a half straight. last 6mo i've been on a glass reaper.


> sounds like you haven't fought a good mirage yet, i'd recommend getting out of gold and fighting one to see how absurd they can really get. Makes it easier to understand why people are frustrated.


> Stop defending kitten that is clearly unhealthy for the game mode.


Not defending condi mirage. Just stating the fact that the whole spec doesn't need to be deleted.


Additionally, I'm pretty sure I never called you new to the game, and I'm not here to compare e-peens, especially on a policed forum. But if you want to see my PvP history I'd be happy to share my GW2Efficiency page with you.


Most of the people truly frustrated with the class are actually in gold, which is why it's ironic you are throwing that term around lol. I've fought plenty, and I know how to take them down, but do have a good one — not worth "debating" this with somebody who thinks playing 6.3k games across the entire game's history makes them the mirage expert ;).

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> You guys know that condition skill for mesmer scepter 3? Yeah it did indeed hit me for 17k. . . in a 1v1. . . while I'm on warrior. . . with no vulnerability. . . at Temple. Unfortunately I don't have the screen cap. Mesmer is messed up in so many ways atm.


Yeah! what op's says.. & all other classes are balance. messed up.. whats up with mez?. (sarcasm)

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said: Just stop being mad because I stated facts , man up


> Let's say that I entertain your assertion that Mesmer is fine if you L2P, you still think Scepter #3 is fine with rendering problems and power creeped damage? Say anything to distract from that issue



You cant read entire post? Ill quote myself from my frist post

>Rest is accurate .Except sc3 is invisible as well if casted from stealth/offscreen (DJ is the same)

I agree with you completely on every point you made after that ,but before you tried to find excuse for bad play (and that you after 1year+ dont know mesmer weapon skills that led to it) I didnt agree with.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> I agree with you completely on every point you made after that ,but before you tried to find excuse for bad play (and that you after 1year+ dont know mesmer weapon skills that led to it) I didnt agree with.


Nice glad to hear it. Yes good job on exposing me on missing a dodge, very important to the conversation.


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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > I agree with you completely on every point you made after that ,but before you tried to find excuse for bad play (and that you after 1year+ dont know mesmer weapon skills that led to it) I didnt agree with.


> Nice glad to hear it. Yes good job on exposing me on missing a dodge, very important to the conversation.


Thank you sir ! © Scepter 3 isnt the only thing that need to be changed ,sc2 as well in cd and torment stacks or better to rework weapon .

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > I agree with you completely on every point you made after that ,but before you tried to find excuse for bad play (and that you after 1year+ dont know mesmer weapon skills that led to it) I didnt agree with.

> >

> > Nice glad to hear it. Yes good job on exposing me on missing a dodge, very important to the conversation.

> >


> Its not worth debating with these clowns. Anyone who has been pvping since launch knows the game is a mess at this time.


Yes and Scepter 3 is the least of the worries.. It hits for 17k, but what doesn't? Even Elementalist can hit that hard, and higher.


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ITT: People who think Chaith is bad. A WORLD CHAMPION, bad. That's what these people are, arrogant and borderline condescending. You mesmer mains are saying/implying that a person that can land 1200 RANGE grenades for when it counts needs to l2p against a Mesmer. It's like learn humility please. Like you can land 1200 range grenades (and probably fail horribly because skill shots are too hard for Mesmers anyways) without going back to Mesmer. It is borderline condescending.


PS I will leave it here as well.


![](https://i.gyazo.com/9d3d77e6d2bda7ce04dc650881a0a438.png "")




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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> ITT: People who think chaith is bad. A WORLD CHAMPION, bad. That's what these people are, arrogant and borderline condescending. You are saying that a person that can land 1200 grenades for when it counts needs to l2p against a Mesmer. It's like learn humility please.


> PS I will leave it here as well.


> ![](https://i.gyazo.com/9d3d77e6d2bda7ce04dc650881a0a438.png "")





I'd remove the picture you linked, it really doesn't help your argument as it shows you don't know the basic way to minimise and avoid shatters, primarily killing clones and making sure you're not surrounded by them at close range. If you're close to clones (within melee range) expect a shatter usually after a block or an evade, it's good to put some distance from the clones so they're not in melee range and kill them with AoE. In general clones travel at base speed (yes you can literally outrun a shatter with 1 boon or rune choice) so while the shatter effect on the mesmer is instant the clones have to run to you, watch for it and either dodge into the clones or out run/kite them with swiftness and kill.


Mirage will in general try to axes of symmetry to force all of them into melee and then shatter, you will see all clones/mesmer teleport into melee, dodge immediately and you'll avoid the burst though it's mostly just confusion which you can wait out. If you don't know the tell very well get a friend to repeatedly use it on you so it becomes second nature to dodge when you see all mesmers teleport into melee like that.


This is not me commenting on the balance of mesmer just that shatters are fairly easy to shut down atm, ambush skills are a different ball game though and they do more damage unless the mesmer is power.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Also "back in the day" Warrior did not have berserker stance immunity to conditions as well


Actually, the old zerk stance had raw condition application immunity. So unlike pulsing resistance it literally had no counter-play. Might wanna get a better example than that.


Just saying

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