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any tips versus mirage

Ronnie Hu.1694

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As a warrior you have to better mechanicly, and a fair bit better, otherwise you won't win, mirage will kill you just by using his deffensive skills. As a warrior you cant apply that much pressure on mirage, so he'll be able to go offensive against you. A mirage as good as you will always beat you x1, unless he overextend himself on your aoes. Mirage right now ia over performing offensive and defensively there's nothing much any class can do against them, the games already have 2 on each side, anet is waiting until this spec is the only thing left in pvp to do something

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Dodge torch skills. Dodge or reflect pistol skills. Dodge axe 3, interrupt axe 2, interrupt or dodge scepter 3. Use unblockable to scepter block or dont hit it, kill all clones asap, swing your sword everywhere if hes in stealth. If you dont have resistance and you have more than 3 stacks of torment dont move, if more than 3 confusion dont use many skills. Pressing block is ok but spamming everything is not ok. Dont stand in chaos storm. Avoid the opener with non port spots and jumping puzzles. Non port spots are allso good to avoid shatters if you cant keep hes clones dead. Allso if he has lot of clones dodge the ambush skills. If hes bad and makes shatters that are easy to dodge then dodge them. Play safe cos you probably cant kill him and playing aggressive just makes you take more damage from confusion. Learn to find the real mesmer instantly. Dont fight them at all.

(Edit. They should allmost allways have defensive cooldowns ready so you need to be tricky to make it harder for them to dodge on time. Use a lot of retargeting tricks. You dont need to hit with a lot of damage. Just hit with something consistently.)

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I'm not an expert on fighting condi mirages on my warrior build that has minimal condi removal quite yet, but there's a few decent clips in my warrior gameplay. If this helps you, I'm glad. If not, my recommendation is to play condi mirage until you know how you can beat it.


Truly, though, you can always 'beat' them by rotating away if you're losing the engagement.


Anyways, GL!


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> @"st elmos fire.2987" said:

> Dodge torch skills. Dodge or reflect pistol skills. Dodge axe 3, interrupt axe 2, interrupt or dodge scepter 3. Use unblockable to scepter block or dont hit it, kill all clones asap, swing your sword everywhere if hes in stealth. If you dont have resistance and you have more than 3 stacks of torment dont move, if more than 3 confusion dont use many skills. Pressing block is ok but spamming everything is not ok. Dont stand in chaos storm. Avoid the opener with non port spots and jumping puzzles. Non port spots are allso good to avoid shatters if you cant keep hes clones dead. Allso if he has lot of clones dodge the ambush skills. If hes bad and makes shatters that are easy to dodge then dodge them. Play safe cos you probably cant kill him and playing aggressive just makes you take more damage from confusion. Learn to find the real mesmer instantly. Dont fight them at all.

> (Edit. They should allmost allways have defensive cooldowns ready so you need to be tricky to make it harder for them to dodge on time. Use a lot of retargeting tricks. You dont need to hit with a lot of damage. Just hit with something consistently.)


I read this in the voice of Kramer lol good stuff

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So, my friend offers this advice: He plays mesmer and warrior heavily in sPvP and I've seen him 1v4 on his core warrior before when we are duo-quing. I asked him on discord and he provided some sage and very detailed advise. I hope it helps!


"Play very aggressive, cleave the clones, time bulls rush and burst skill right.


If it’s condi mirage you can use the clones to proc cleansing ire for condi cleanse too, warrior can abuse Mesmer clones big time, critting then gives might and might heals blocking them gives might which means that heals you too."

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> So, my friend offers this advice: He plays mesmer and warrior heavily in sPvP and I've seen him 1v4 on his core warrior before when we are duo-quing. I asked him on discord and he provided some sage and very detailed advise. I hope it helps!


> "Play very aggressive, cleave the clones, time bulls rush and burst skill right.


> If it’s condi mirage you can use the clones to proc cleansing ire for condi cleanse too, warrior can abuse Mesmer clones big time, critting then gives might and might heals blocking them gives might which means that heals you too."


Pretty much this, abuse on hit procs and get your regen off the clones and out sustain them easily. After that it's kiting, AI is terrible in this game so you can easily lead clones where you want them for procs.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Very easy as some mirage says.

> > Simply don't move and don't use skills, they lose hp from that


> just dont play the game ??


Yea that's another good solution, if there will be only mirage playing this game, they will also quit a game. And boonbeasts

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Depends on build and class, but there are key things to remember in any matchup and I would rather give information that can help ANY build, not just warrior.

(Note: Due to personal time constraints this post is pending edits for grammar, clarification, additions, and revisions or expansions to a few concepts.)


**ALWAYS keep in mind what your opponent wants to do, and less so what you want to do to your opponent.**


This means knowing what options they have available, if you can play around their options you'll be in a situation where you'll at least never lose, and from there you can work towards a victory or kill condition.


Something I find that helps with almost all PvP games is to learn this concept of **Seme**

It's a Japanese martial arts term for a kind of psychological pressure. The seme is inflicting this pressure on to the person who receives, and is also an attitude meant to disrupt the opponents sense of confidence and resolution, prior to an attack."

This translates a bit more awkwardly in games; in game sense this can be similar to the pressure felt and dealt in **"the neutral"** where you are feeling out your opponent in a fighting game, or when in lane in a moba jousting, applying pressure and posturing around the ranges between you and your opponents champion while vying for last hits.

In GW2 this is the pressure felt when a thief goes invisible and you know the attack is coming, or when you can sense your enemy is about to use an elite, or their burst combo that you know you have to respond to the right way or die. If you can counter these as the receiver you can put your opponent in a poor position to come back from, if you can apply this and your opponent starts to react in ways they shouldn't, you are now gaining advantage as their options dwindle.


The Condi Mirage: (General tip, Vitality amulet options help if you want to consider it training wheels to give a bit of leeway vs condis when practicing. For example if you typically use Demolisher try Maruader.)


**Shatters** - Cry of Frustration is one of the biggest threats if you can't cleanse it efficiently. Assume if it lands with 2 - 3 illusions you will die. The biggest issue with condi mirages is that each shatter can put some stacks, but if you faithfully avoid the main two they shouldn't be able to kill you. Dying if it lands isn't a hard truth, and you may still come back; however shatters are a key thing to play around and there are several ways you can approach that.


**Anticipating and avoiding the burst.** - Anticipating shatters seems difficult at first as the skill is instant when up close, as such most mirages will try to get in close to apply as many stacks as possible, and give as little leeway to react as possible. Typically from a condi spec you can expect a shatter to follow up after axe 3 or illusionary ambush. If you pop a defensive cooldown or evade at the right time you may take glancing hits from the ambush or auto attacks, but you can mitigate majority of the damage. Some veteran mesmers will attempt to create triangle formations with their illusions, if you ever find yourself surrounded by illusions be it in just general combat or if the mesmer placed them, expect a shatter to come.

- A tip for mind games is to try and notice when most mesmers will fire off a shatter, will they do it with 2 illusions + themselves?

- Will they get greedy waiting for a phantasm to die to get 3?

- Are they over eager and will just go in with 1 illusion + themselves because they saw an opening.

_**Keep thinking what your opponent wants to do. "If you stop thinking you can die at any time." If you find habits, use it to your advantage.**_


**Managing enemy illusions.** - Something to keep in mind is that illusions are the main resource, and the precursor to damage. They are _almost_ equivalent to initiative, or life force. In the case of mesmer as a whole 'very few' attacks will do much harm to you unless illusions are in some way involved. This may scale a little less so for condi, as they follow a formula based on stacks no matter how they are applied, however there is still a lot of truth to illusions being the main factor. Playing around illusions is the second key to killing mesmers.


At a distance a shatter will run to you and explode, the most efficient way to mitigate damage is to evade into them. The way the pathing and hit radius works will allow most of them to trigger during your evade frames this has been a fairly common strategy since release. Keep in mind if illusions are not staggered apart, and are bunched together; the more safely you can avoid the damage. AI pathing can be manipulated fairly easily, a good mesmer may be able to skillfuly place and stagger their illusions to limit your response options (or mitigate your mitigation), but you as the target actually have the most control over the enemy mesmer's illusions. Most illusions will try to hit you at their range, if you keep moving, keep mobile regardless of your class, and use terrain you can keep their illusions moving and not attacking. Using this you can force their illusions to bunch up to make them easier to destroy as a whole group, or to avoid as a shatter. If you can successfully do this this the odds of any mesmer killing you drops drastically.


This is part of the reason why Mesmer as a whole is such a strong "noobstomper" the damage sources seem kind of nebulous, and so many people take measures without playing around the illusions or shatters, allowing it to free roam, especially in cases where when a mesmer with a full array of cooldowns is not successfully pressured. If allowed to free roam in such a way the mesmer gains such a large advantage and you'll have nothing to pressure with when the proper time comes. In addition if the damage is seemingly nebulous responding properly to the damage is difficult.


In recent years Mesmers have gained a few tricks to play around, players playing around their burst.

In the old days when Power shatter was the only viable mesmer, the Greatsword combo was the only reliable source of "quick burst" damage that actually did anything. This was considered inferior to backstab combos in that it was harder to pull off, you had no reliable safety following it compared to thief (unless you wanted to selfish portal), and the follow up offensive options were trying to land hits with relatively slow moving illusions.

Today both Chrono and Mirage have access to super speed, in the case of mirage the main topic we are focusing on, there are now re-position tools and tools to allow the illusions to evade when focused. This is something to keep in mind as it expands the options you need to play around. It is good to keep in mind when a mirage has these options available. If you are behind a wall try to think of they have axe 3 or illusionary ambush up and are going to press the offense that way, if you intend to cleave them all down think if your opponent is in a position to safely use their personal evasion to save those illusions from your strike.


**Dealing with stealth** - Stealth much like with any class can seem daunting, there is no tell, there may be visual noise to confuse you or mess with targeting. Part of dealing with stealth vs a mesmer is to be aware which one is the real one, this will help you discern when your real target is not available. So long as you are past the entry barrier to tell which mesmer is the real one (this is very low tier I hope most of you are past this) you can play around key timings.


Most do not run signet of midnight anymore, so that is one less tell, but many are taking decoy at where when hit below 50% causes them to steath for 3 seconds. This is easy for you as a player to track, much like when a player plays around a warrior or engie's passive survivability trait.

A tip regarding this trait is that it will interrupt the mesmer. You can use this to your advantage if you suspect they are open and going to summon a phantasm or drop a chaos storm. In addition having this information can be used to force them to reveal themselves and waste the trait depending on what actions they are taking.


The other stealth is The Prestige, it lasts 3 seconds and has a fire effect at the end, this is far more likely to be an engagement tool.

What I mentioned before about timings is key, most mirage will try to let that fire effect land. Like I mentioned before about anticipation use that knoweldge that it will last 3 seconds, gauge their distance, or if they have axe 3 off cooldown... breath, feel when it's coming and avoid it like you would any other shatter you KNOW the max duration is within 3 seconds.

This skill is multifaceted, you can evade Deadeyes and thief backstabs the exact same way (and even ranger or engie stealth bursts), but compared to those cases where the stealth can be refreshed on a whim or virtually endless you only have to gauge those 3 seconds. When I mentioned about seme earlier will help you hone this.


**Landing hits dealing with defense** - This is the big one so many complain about, and it seems daunting. This is also the hardest to explain, however everything I have already mentioned is part of the key to dealing with this. Earlier I mentioned that if you can play around their options you can work towards a victory or kill condition, I meant that it is quite literally in tandem.


Earlier in the "managing illusions" section I mentioned keeping mobile, if a mirage is using their ambushes in pursuit of you, you are getting advantage, and odds are they are whiffing many critical moves.

If you continue to avoid the offensive options you will start seeing cracks, when a mirage uses their evasions to pressure you be it from weapons skills or dodge; to save their illusions, to cover a cooldown they didn't need to cover, you are starting to limit their options. So many mesmers use their evade so unwisely. You need to wise up to this, and pressure this. Good mirages will make this tricky and will try to not waste so much, But much of their offense comes for using their defensive tools. Many mirage use ambush for cover condis. Keep a close eye on how often they are evading (if they have infinite horizon this should be evident), and what they used their skill for, remember to always keep thinking. If you get to a point where a mirage is blowing an illusionary ambush to defend themselves you know they are trying to buy time for the next evasion, or for a cooldown they can actually use to pressure. If a mirage has no more no offensive pressure after so many whiffed attacks not only do they lack the resources to distort for any decent amount of time, but they are likely "top decking" their cooldowns this is the time to pressure. You can either get a kill or force them to run, if they run and it's conquest the cap point is yours. This is the third key Starve their defensive options. It may seem abundant, but a lot of it is tied to offense. the First key and third keys share the same duality that mirages use as their offense.


In line with "keep thinking", and reading habits and behaviors, a clever mirage will try to space out their evasions to not give ground. Good ones will not waste their cool downs and be much harder to force with positioning alone, baiting may help push a key. If you know they intend to avoid major attacks of yours: Stow your weapon, just defend, let them use that defensive resources against nothing. So long as your defensive resources continue to properly block the mirage's keys you should not die, and at worst can force a perpetual stalemate. At best you can do things like stun, know they will reactively evade, then withdraw the attack before it finishes and then punish after. Maybe they will evade twice and mitigate your followed up burst, but that's also an entire bar of endurance they just used, and it's not going towards their offense either.



**Staff** - If you are using everything above you should have a good idea how to deal with staff, LoS is your friend especially vs phantasms,

Don't eat chaos storm this is the biggest threat and mostly because of the interrupts on certain builds.

Chaos armor can only proc 3 times and RNG weakness and protection is the most problematic. (unless you already have confusion stacks)

Don't let them abuse phase retreat, fight on your terms. Again this comes back to keeping in mind what your opponent wants to do.

You can avoid Chaos Vortex (ambush) by simply walking if the illusions are counter positioned. This ambush is often used for cover condis, if they are using it mostly to to pressure this is to your advantage.





**Dealing with Phantasms**



**Playing around Mirage positioning**



**Power Variants**




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As a marauder elementalist I find the most effective tactic to open with a burst to force defensive cooldowns. Then timing blinds in order to negate any counterpressure, and once the burst is on cooldown start to kite. The thing to avoid now is mainly shatters but also obstructing LoS so the mesmer can't really pressure you. Let the clones autoattack you and dps down phantasms while on the move. The next step is crucial and will decide whether you win or should rotate away from there, which is to let the mesmer do it's burst - and avoid it. Doesn't matter how, learn how long it takes from you start to kite until the mesmer forces LoS and sets it up, then how to best avoid it. Now is the time to counterburst and this is for all the money. As an ele the mes will outsustain me (goes for alot of power builds) between my burst cooldowns and staying after this step without finishing the mesmer will put you at a heavy disadvantage. You can always help out at another node and then come back for another try as mirages tend to stay in one spot.


When it comes to knowing when to use your skills, I always wait for the "blurred" animation (like when they dodge or use distortion) then wait just a split second before I press my buttons - this coupled with cast times, travel times and latency 95% of the time adds up to more than 1 second and you will land most of your damage, unless they double dodge of course in which case you should immediatly stow your weapon and use about face to move just beyond their range.


The most important thing really is to know it can't be facetanked unless by another mirage or soulbeast, and to avoid the shatters while using the terrain to your advantage. Also pack some condi cleanse - it never hurts.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:



> **Shatters** - Cry of Frustration is one of the biggest threats if you can't cleanse it efficiently. Assume if it lands with 2 - 3 illusions you will die. The biggest issue with condi mirages is that each shatter can put some stacks, but if you faithfully avoid the main two they shouldn't be able to kill you. Dying if it lands isn't a hard truth, and you may still come back; however shatters are a key thing to play around and there are several ways you can approach that.




It's hilarious that the **mesmer main says it himself too**, it's actually disgusting. Lets make it easy to understand, SHATTERS are instant cast so the ONLY way to beat shatters is random dodge or kill them before they kill you. GOD FORBID that you dodge the wrong shatter by the way. GOD FORBID that you EVEN dodge when you think he's going to shatter and he doesn't actually shatter, **MEANING YOU CAN LEGIT WASTE A DODGE FOR NOTHING** and high chance you will die after 2-3 dodges. And here's the catch, THERE IS **NO REAL WAY TO TELL IF HE "WILL" SHATTER IN THE FIRST PLACE OR WILL BE A CRY OF FRUSTRATION LMAO BECAUSE IT IS INSTANT CAST** and Mesmers can just spam evades while doing it. How long can a mesmer spam/layer "time" invulns again? LMAO. The fact that Mesmers can evade AND cast shatters at the same time ls too much privilege. And yeah, I am saving this, YOU HEARD IT from a MESMER MAIN HIMSELF IF HE LANDS AN **INSTANT CAST** SHATTER HE WINS.


Realistically, with a Mesmer's kit? THEY WILL HAVE so many chances if they mess up to land these insta-cast shatters.


Do you people see the problem now? A "long-time" mesmer main actually thinks you can BORDERLINE play around something or dodge something that is NON-TELEGRAPHED and insta-cast? This advice has too many flaws.



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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:


> >

> > **Shatters** - Cry of Frustration is one of the biggest threats if you can't cleanse it efficiently. Assume if it lands with 2 - 3 illusions you will die. The biggest issue with condi mirages is that each shatter can put some stacks, but if you faithfully avoid the main two they shouldn't be able to kill you. Dying if it lands isn't a hard truth, and you may still come back; however shatters are a key thing to play around and there are several ways you can approach that.


> >


> It's hilarious that the **mesmer main says it himself too**, it's actually disgusting. Lets make it easy to understand, SHATTERS are instant cast so the ONLY way to beat shatters is random dodge or kill them before they kill you. GOD FORBID that you dodge the wrong shatter by the way. GOD FORBID that you EVEN dodge when you think he's going to shatter and he doesn't actually shatter, **MEANING YOU CAN LEGIT WASTE A DODGE FOR NOTHING** and high chance you will die after 2-3 dodges. And here's the catch, THERE IS **NO REAL WAY TO TELL IF HE "WILL" SHATTER IN THE FIRST PLACE OR WILL BE A CRY OF FRUSTRATION LMAO BECAUSE IT IS INSTANT CAST** and Mesmers can just spam evades while doing it. How long can a mesmer spam/layer "time" invulns again? LMAO. The fact that Mesmers can evade AND cast shatters at the same time ls too much privilege. And yeah, I am saving this, YOU HEARD IT from a MESMER MAIN HIMSELF IF HE LANDS AN **INSTANT CAST** SHATTER HE WINS.


> Realistically, with a Mesmer's kit? THEY WILL HAVE so many chances if they mess up to land these insta-cast shatters.


> Do you people see the problem now? A "long-time" mesmer main actually thinks you can BORDERLINE play around something or dodge something that is NON-TELEGRAPHED and insta-cast? This advice has too many flaws.




its been a tactic since 2012 to dodge into the shatters...

Using shatters while casting has also been around since 2012 just the same as Elementalist can swap attunements mid cast and lightning strike and lightning flash before Churning Earth has struck.

Another tactic is to destroy the clones, I remember Thief Cloak n Dagger was a great skill for this, well that was my tactic anyway when thief was a class I enjoyed before the removal of Ricochet (dd and pp build was a fav)

another basic one is Ledges, clones wont drop off ledges or port up ledges.


your instant cast shatters that you cant avoid are at melee range but if the mesmer gets in melee range then it doesn't take a genius to know whats coming next.


its also obvious what shatters to avoid and when they will be used..

some basics to follow:

- 3 clones up and they get melee range will be cry of frustration for condi builds and mind wrack for power builds

- 1 or 2 clones up is usually daze shatters

- applying decent pressure will force distortion shatters


If a mesmer is in staff or keeping range then hes most likely:

- waiting on his cooldowns

- waiting on a window to drop the burst.....


Lets not complain about things that have been around since 2012, the issues lie within Mirage and not within core builds.


The issue for Mirage is really simple, it has access to longer evade times coupled in with the fact you can cast, channel, rez and stomp while evading..

once you combine that with Mesmer core mechanics then it becomes too much and leaves little counterplay because you're still able to dodge even while stunned..


Im a well known scrub around here, I went from being a plat player to low silver over the last 10 seasons with each season I get lower and lower but im fairly certain if you posted your class, even I could give a few tips. I have over 30 toons and play them all.

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On topic tho, build zerker amulet probably, have rampage, have berserker stance so weakness/blind spam doesn't mess your combos, probably use healing signet wisely defensively/offensively because you might get a random weakness or blind from something.


You want Rampage obviously, but keep in mind that Mesmer CAN counter Rampage with MOA, portal, evade spam, and z-axis teleport. It is your best bet most of the time with a zerker amulet because as a Warrior, building heavily on damage is the only way to touch a Mirage or a GOOD MESMER for that matter.


Obviously instant burst is NECESSARY so gunflame CAN work. STR ARMS Berserker if you have HoT. You sacrifice defense and will probably die to so many types of bursts in the game but it is possible to kill before you get killed with gunflame + GS rampage zerker, so you can hit evade spammers. Core Warrior Off-hand axe is actually looking good nowadays as well (50% movespeed and the damage is disgustingly high now), but then you need to figure out a way to deal with retal because you won't only fight Mesmers in sPvP (defiant stance, so you have to know when to use healing signet or defiant stance for a match). Spellbreaker is apparently really nice vs. Mirage and Mesmers in sPVP, so Magebane tether is nice to counter the stealth. But then guess what Mesmers can do? They can simply take advantage of the fact that running in a straight line counters everything Warrior has assuming that you dodge their slows and CC. They can simply outrotate a spell breaker and avoid 1v1s with them if it's THAT bad via portal plays. God forbid they know how to stow weapon vs. full counter as well because Spellbreaker with full counter down is just a normal Warrior who is just as vulnerable to portal plays and z-axis teleports that RESET THE FIGHT if you, god forbid, mess up on an evade spammer instant cast class.


TL;DR you can't depend on stun locking with bulls charge for example, you NEED damage that doesn't require CC or set ups to land i.e gunflame/off-hand axe/etc.


PRAY that you crit all your hits because if you don't crit for when it counts, Mesmers can just z-axis teleport to a ledge and they will reset the fight, or PORTAL out if they figure out a way to put portal on their build.


Because even if you know all of this, Mesmer has UPPER HAND vs. Warrior. It has been that way since day 1, Mesmer mains who think Warrior vs. Mesmer does not favor Mesmer is delusional and borderline probably unskilled players who fail bad on classes or builds that require actual brain cells (i.e 1200 grenade engi back in the day, mesmer mains could not handle playing that so they go back to their evade spam class). Portal > Warrior mobility in sPvP so you rotate points better. Z-axis teleport, Warrior CANNOT do that.



Oh and daily reminder that Mesmer is a balanced class that does not really have an advantage vs. Warriors such as this (P.S Staff z-axis teleport has a 10 SECOND CD so once Mesmers "master" this "hard concept," you will probably have a very low chance of winning in a 1v1 in sPVP)

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:




Lol honestly can't tell if trolling from this. ^


In case you're not:

Skills don't function in a vacuum. The shatter's "initiation" is instant cast, but the illusion's travel time before the AI's individual cast is not, unless you let it be. There is a lot of counter play there, so long you don't just stand there and let the mesmer crowd illusions around you.

All you have to do is keep moving and you'll see it coming; and have plenty of time to react.

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sPvP: yes, like mentioned: play aggressive to force him to use his endurance ressources as soon as possible in the fight. While doing so watch your confusion and torment stacks and cleanse properly if he is condi or hybrid. Dodging openers and tracking the real mesmer are mesmer fighting basics, which are not worth mentioning


WvW: forget about it, he has enough cloaks, distorsion, kiting abilities to be invulnerable for 95% of the fight. The damage you are dealing in that remaining 5%, he can easily heal up again. Not a single decent mirage has to die in a WvW fight

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

> > I m w@rrior . Anytips? I dunno how to fight mirage . Blink , stealth , evade , infinite dodge what else?


> Complain about Mirage nerfs in the forum each night, pray to god in front of an altar, hope it happens.


Not sure if sarcasm. But there is no K-I-T-T-Y way how to beat mirage with warrior right now.. So it is actually only way.. hope for patch or reroll.

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