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To actually take ranked seriously and the leaderboard.


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Probably because it make the leaderboard a bit biased because top 250 players mean ~ 150 real players but considering players who optimise their ranks while duoQ during off Hours or who didn't play once reach a lucky strike, it didn't have much impact on the fact that the leaderboard isn't 100% accurate. (not to count some good players who only play AT.)

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I don't see a problem with alt accounts honestly..


It does not matter what you do though, leaderboard will stay as a joke now. People running around with top25 and top100 titles, who would never even get close in a proper, balanced, competitive environment.


New or different incentives could help. At least new titles or something. Combine those with the removal of duoq, properly banning wintraders and afk-ers and I can personally take it more seriously again.

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Doesnt matter what they do to the leaderboards to me. 5v5 conquest is still the only system we got in 6 years and im bored af with it. Unless a new game mode happens i wont be back for more then once a month at most. And well if i dont log on i wont buy gem store items. I buy what i like but if there game is so stagnet in terms of play options well i wont be loging and spending my money.

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How can you take it seriously when balance was thrown under a bus when they started to balance for PvE with HoT?


How can you take it seriously when the population is so low you won't get decent matchmaking and is too low to support people queuing as more than a duo in a 5 man team game?


How can you take it seriously when most of what relatively small competitive playerbase there was, left years ago and you are now left in a game where most of the population are more bothered about playing dress-up than anything else?


How can you take it seriously when in the powercreep to sell expansions they threw away fundamental concepts like classes should have weaknesses, not just strengths?


If you want 'serious' PvP then you are playing the game years too late. You are also playing the wrong genre, themepark MMORPGs are a joke for PvP.

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I dont think alt accounts are a problem when the playerbase is probably around 30-40% of the one it was when the leaderboard was introduced. It's easier to get on the LB than ever. Bots and afking is a problem for lower divisions but not for the leaderboard (which usally starts in P2 in EU). Wintrading is a problem, but more for Top 10 and Top 25 than for the LB generally, I assume, since you really dont need it to be Top 250 or Top 100 unless you seriously suck. Some people might still do it but I doubt it's a high percentage overall.


DuoQ I'm still not a fan of but it has been discussed ad nauseam so I'll pass on that.

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Since it's not in your poll, I'd also like to see profession-specific leaderboards and profession-specific ranking with titles and everything to go with it.


Also no pre-match profession swapping. Maybe even no amulet/trait/utility swapping as soon as the queue pops. The forced rigidity would be really nice.

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I'm a solo player, however, I recently have been getting frustrated with duos, I now have tempted someone around my skill level to duoQ with me and in a few days I will be posting the results between before and after.


Also, you did not let us pick more than one option, and you are missing the most important one:


- Leaderboard per profession, only verified accounts can make it on the leaderboard (via phone#), of course, only soloQ.


Lets be honest, look at the top 10 players, they have eerie similar wins and loses, and usually one of them have 1-2 more loses than the other, which happens when they dont DuoQ and actually try their luck and skill on the proper SoloQ. Not denying they might be good players, or maybe not, but the fact that a ranked mode without built-in voice chat allows people grouped up with voice chat to fight agaisnt people who cant compete with that level of coordination is in of itself, a shameful thing to have in a **ranked competitive mode**.


Anyways, if you cant beat 'em.......

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Unranked should go away. You have a solo queue (only solo) and a team queue (duos, trios, and full team only. No singles or foursomes). Pips earned equally between both queues. Leaderboards run x amount of weeks with x weeks of break. I'd like to see pips earned all the time though with a reset after you complete the final tier.


Everyone gets what they want expect queue times would probably increase between both queues but I'd live with it.



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Risk Vs Reward. you can't have balance without it. without balance you can't have Diversity.


You can have the "Illusion" of diversity, like we do now with gw2. but that "Diversity" is only due to power creep. which has lowered the skill ceiling down so much that it will never be competitive.


Do you want to spend hours learning / practicing something? only to have some random new player join in on the new fotm build and kill you with no experience? Of course not.


I am answering the question "What would it take to have the community actually feel like the game is competitive again". in case your confused by now.

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Pretty sure most those alts on the leaderboard wouldn't even be there if DuoQ didn't exist. Nothing stopping those people from stacking, farming one account to the top, switching to an alt, partying up with another top 100 god, and repeating the process.


Having the option to Solo or TeamQ is more fair by design in a 5v5 competitive mode, especially one with as small a player-base as ranked sPvP.

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I think the best solution at the moment is to have a mixed queue and mixed matchmaking, but separate solo and team leader boards and MMR.


Mixed queue/matchmaking is just that. Solo vs solo, solo vs teams, teams vs teams all possible.


However, each player has two different MMR/Ratings. One for solo play, and another for duo and more (team) play.


Likewise there are two leaderboards, one for solo play, and one for team play.


If and only if you queue up solo, you will use your solo MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during solo queues will affect placement in the solo leaderboard.


If a player queues up as a duo or more, they will use their team MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during these team queues will affect placement in the team leaderboard.



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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Curious, explain to me what the issue of playing my alt account


Is it a free account on the leaderboards alongside your other accounts?


is it used for win trading?


is it used to smurf easy games and farm newbies?


if you answer yes to any of those questions then nothing needs to be explained as I'm positive you're intelligent enough to know already.


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The smurf account thing gets a bit out of hand when 1-3 player block most of Top 25 on leaderboard with 3-5 accounts each i think. That these player get all accounts there by playing duo out of prime time (maybe even wintrading) and ofc playing the lamest builds they can find doesn't make it better. Sadly for the last point you can't even blame them but Anet for not fixing broken things fast enough. Also i never was a fan of duo q (on a solo rank lb). The very old system of one solo q and one team q you can enter with 1-5 player was the best we had. If we would get other gamemodes even if only in special ATs and bring more ppl back into pvp i would highly vode for solo q + team q (1-5). Also hard ban for every kind of wintrading/ matchmanipulating/ afk trolling.


Damn missclicked, i wanted to vote for seperate team and solo q... :(

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> @"Reikou.7068" said:

> I think the best solution at the moment is to have a mixed queue and mixed matchmaking, but separate solo and team leader boards and MMR.


> Mixed queue/matchmaking is just that. Solo vs solo, solo vs teams, teams vs teams all possible.


> However, each player has two different MMR/Ratings. One for solo play, and another for duo and more (team) play.


> Likewise there are two leaderboards, one for solo play, and one for team play.


> If and only if you queue up solo, you will use your solo MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during solo queues will affect placement in the solo leaderboard.


> If a player queues up as a duo or more, they will use their team MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during these team queues will affect placement in the team leaderboard.




That..... is a very interesting thing I have never thought of. I wonder how it would work from a matchmaking and coding point of view, I would imagine that there would still be some soft "MMR behind the scenes recalibration" to account for people with high solo MMR grouping up with significantly lower MMR. But I like that idea!

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Reikou.7068" said:

> > I think the best solution at the moment is to have a mixed queue and mixed matchmaking, but separate solo and team leader boards and MMR.

> >

> > Mixed queue/matchmaking is just that. Solo vs solo, solo vs teams, teams vs teams all possible.

> >

> > However, each player has two different MMR/Ratings. One for solo play, and another for duo and more (team) play.

> >

> > Likewise there are two leaderboards, one for solo play, and one for team play.

> >

> > If and only if you queue up solo, you will use your solo MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during solo queues will affect placement in the solo leaderboard.

> >

> > If a player queues up as a duo or more, they will use their team MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during these team queues will affect placement in the team leaderboard.

> >

> >


> That..... is a very interesting thing I have never thought of. I wonder how it would work from a matchmaking and coding point of view, I would imagine that there would still be some soft "MMR behind the scenes recalibration" to account for people with high solo MMR grouping up with significantly lower MMR. But I like that idea!


its basically what it was before restrictions were put in place (before season 1)... So it shouldnt be too hard to revert.


this is the way that system should have been built on as it doesn't exclude players like myself who want to team queue at our discretion for fun in a semi competitive environment



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Reikou.7068" said:

> > > I think the best solution at the moment is to have a mixed queue and mixed matchmaking, but separate solo and team leader boards and MMR.

> > >

> > > Mixed queue/matchmaking is just that. Solo vs solo, solo vs teams, teams vs teams all possible.

> > >

> > > However, each player has two different MMR/Ratings. One for solo play, and another for duo and more (team) play.

> > >

> > > Likewise there are two leaderboards, one for solo play, and one for team play.

> > >

> > > If and only if you queue up solo, you will use your solo MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during solo queues will affect placement in the solo leaderboard.

> > >

> > > If a player queues up as a duo or more, they will use their team MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during these team queues will affect placement in the team leaderboard.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That..... is a very interesting thing I have never thought of. I wonder how it would work from a matchmaking and coding point of view, I would imagine that there would still be some soft "MMR behind the scenes recalibration" to account for people with high solo MMR grouping up with significantly lower MMR. But I like that idea!


> its basically what it was before restrictions were put in place (before season 1)... So it shouldnt be too hard to revert.


> this is the way that system should have been built on as it doesn't exclude players like myself who want to team queue at our discretion for fun in a semi competitive environment




Well, while I do remember having [the abhorred] dynamic queue, I dont remember having separate MMR for each, which is what I found interesting. I remember filling in into 4 man premades vs 5 man premades..... i was not having a nice time then....


The problem with having those systems is that you **heavily** discourage solo play; the bread and butter of any ranked mode in any game. It only works if your playerbase is HUGE (like Overwatch) **AND** have built in voice chat for everyone to join (like....Overwatch) and even then, I wish there was a button for "SoloQ **ONLY**, please" cuz the amount of times I would come across a 2-3 man premade in ranked of widow-genji-hanzo who wont join voice chat...... /shudders

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > > @"Reikou.7068" said:

> > > > I think the best solution at the moment is to have a mixed queue and mixed matchmaking, but separate solo and team leader boards and MMR.

> > > >

> > > > Mixed queue/matchmaking is just that. Solo vs solo, solo vs teams, teams vs teams all possible.

> > > >

> > > > However, each player has two different MMR/Ratings. One for solo play, and another for duo and more (team) play.

> > > >

> > > > Likewise there are two leaderboards, one for solo play, and one for team play.

> > > >

> > > > If and only if you queue up solo, you will use your solo MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during solo queues will affect placement in the solo leaderboard.

> > > >

> > > > If a player queues up as a duo or more, they will use their team MMR for matchmaking, and wins/losses during these team queues will affect placement in the team leaderboard.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > That..... is a very interesting thing I have never thought of. I wonder how it would work from a matchmaking and coding point of view, I would imagine that there would still be some soft "MMR behind the scenes recalibration" to account for people with high solo MMR grouping up with significantly lower MMR. But I like that idea!

> >

> > its basically what it was before restrictions were put in place (before season 1)... So it shouldnt be too hard to revert.

> >

> > this is the way that system should have been built on as it doesn't exclude players like myself who want to team queue at our discretion for fun in a semi competitive environment

> >

> >


> Well, while I do remember having [the abhorred] dynamic queue, I dont remember having separate MMR for each, which is what I found interesting. I remember filling in into 4 man premades vs 5 man premades..... i was not having a nice time then....


> The problem with having those systems is that you **heavily** discourage solo play; the bread and butter of any ranked mode in any game. It only works if your playerbase is HUGE (like Overwatch) **AND** have built in voice chat for everyone to join (like....Overwatch) and even then, I wish there was a button for "SoloQ **ONLY**, please" cuz the amount of times I would come across a 2-3 man premade in ranked of widow-genji-hanzo who wont join voice chat...... /shudders


Nah I just meant we used to have 2 seperate queues for solo and team and Anet should have built on that system with the MMR and suggestions made by Reikou or atleast along those lines rather than the current system.

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