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A Canthanese outfit ruined

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > The fox spirit (kitsune) is the shrine guardian in Japan (along with tanuki, the racoon dog spirit). Japanese folklore mentions quite a few of fox spirits taking the form of a beautiful woman who sometimes exposes her animal features (ears, tail) by mistake. Kuzunoha is one of such legends. There are also tales of the foxfire which may explain the intricate design of the outfit.


> Thank you for sharing this. :) I still don't want to look like a fox ;) , but that aside, it still does not explain the flamingo heels (which _are_ an issue, as you cannot hide them).


> > Quite differently from OP, I really appreciate the design of the outfit. Nothing over the top and at the same time respects the culture of its reference.


> You respect Kitsune by ruining the theme with flamingo heels? I'd say that's doing rather the opposite...


Quite contrary. Kitsune is often associated as the source of foxfire (no puns intended). The heels of the outfit look like a stylized representation of the flame symbol, where the special trail would flare up into multiple tiny fireflies. I take that as an artistic liberation but still loyal to his reference.

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> @"Lumpy Forehead.2193" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > They didn't. NCSOFT has little impact on GW2 except to share in the profits: they do not publish or design the game; NCSOFT doesn't manage the support or security teams either.

> Then what happened to the canthan quarter in LA?

I've marked the answer as a 'spoiler' because it's a digression from the topic of outfits. The short of it is: we don't know.

We only have a short remark from someone who wasn't part of the decision; it's not clear that he got a good answer from his bosses.

Even if NCSOFT influenced or made the choice in 2011-12, their relationship with ANet & GW2 is different in 2019.


>! * [December 2012 Interview with Josh Foreman](http://selfconfessedcynic.podbean.com/2012/12/22/a-lincolncast-interview-with-josh-foreman-episode-34/) (skip to 1:44:17 for the relevant bit) (I've listened to the entire thing and that's as specific as Foreman gets)

>! * [Empty Coffee Mug, referencing the same podcast on Reddit](https://redd.it/3kdhak)


>! Here's what Foreman said:

>! > We had a Cantha district. It was built out. It was polished. It was beautiful. We kept getting feedback about the Asian market. And everyone was having a problem with it because the Chinese don't like having their architecture mixed with Koreans and the Koreans don't like having their architecture with the Chinese. And of course it's fantasy smorgosbord. It's gothic mixed with Nordic mixed with ... that's just the way fantasy works. But not over there apparently. So it got to the point where we were like ... well, what do we do with this spot? We don't have time to rebuild from scratch, so we just nuked it.


>! And that's it. The only actual fact we have is that there were plans for a Canthan district in Divinity's Reach and that the section was removed at the last minute. "We kept getting feedback" is ambiguous about the source. We don't know if a Korean VP over at NCSOFT said, "don't do it" Maybe there was last minute feedback from playtesters in Asia. Or perhaps ANet had just entered into negotiations with KongZhong (the current publisher for the China version of the game) and they had an opinion. Or it could have been something else entirely. We simply haven't been told.


>! "_Everyone_ was having a problem" is exactly the sort of thing I've heard VPs say when they mean, "_I_ have a problem with it." It's hard to find evidence that entire ethnic groups "don't like having their architecture mixed," rather than it's a preference (strong or otherwise) by some individuals with clout.


>! It's not clear at all if this prevents GW2 from going to Cantha or if GW can do so but only under certain conditions or ... It could even be a tiny issue that ANet might have led ANet to decide, "why bother dealing with it at all, when we still have so many other places to go without worrying about what a vocal minority have to say."


>! The point is that we have one developer offering a single fact (_Canthan District_ removed at the last minute), without any clear explanation. It could be as some of us have interpreted. Or it could be the result of any number of explanations. At the time, NCSOFT was still the publisher of GW2 and we can presume that they and/or ANet were in negotiations with KhongZhang, who would later become the sole publisher for the Chinese version of the game.


>! We really have no details at all.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> so even while the rest of the outfit is meh, you actually don't want the best parts of this outfit?

> i want them as armor pieces so i can use them without the rest of the outfit that actually ruins it for me.


Indeed it's the case with several outfits, It would be better if they were made of armor pieces but... Easier to make outfit they say.


Would like to have inquest exo-suit headgear + dynamics exo-suit shoulderpads + aetherblade mantle +scarlet grasp + trappings of the lich pants + dry bones boots. Should look awesome. (Of course for my light asura, want to look a minimum futuristic)

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