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Charr need some Love!


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> @Zephire.8049 said:

> Charr also need some help with their ability to magnetically hover back pieces and stowed weapons. There are so many pieces I would use on my charr, but I don't because they hover a foot off my back and it just looks strange.


I hear you. Charr size and posture make the floatiness painfully noticeable. This applies to many shoulder pieces, too, though it's not quite as in-your-face all the time.


> @Bobby.3721 said:

> Lastly there are the faces. Some have been good, others bad. As I said its up to the person's likes or dislikes as all of these things are. However I've noticed an annoying trend where Arena net announces a new face style and when we log in to look and see what's new, we just see one face with three different variants of it.


Goodness, yes. So many human and norn female faces seem to vary by little more than the amount of makeup, with "none" rarely being an option for those of us who hate the stuff or just don't think it's appropriate. And among the last batch of sylvari faces, there are _four_ who are just slight variations of each other. I'd love older faces, scarred faces, faces with more character. Unfortunately, when they do make standout faces, that seems to result in exaggerated things like bug-eyed little kittens like Rox, or "a bomb went off in my mouth" male charr.

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> @Dante.1763 said:

> have to agree out of my 13 characters all but one of them is a charr, and most of them are wearing pretty similar attire because of the clipping issues present with their armor models.

One day, Charr will be able to equip more than two or three decent looking pieces of leg wear.


One day...

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I agree with all these suggestions - although antlers might look a bit too spindly attached to the large charr heads...


I'd like the various clothes/armour [worn](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/22/Ash_Legion_Scout.jpg "worn") [by](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/8d/Suspicious_Charr.jpg "by") [charr](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/07/Shady_Charr.jpg "charr") [npcs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/5/5e/Soldier_%28NPC%29.jpg "npcs") to be made available to players - even if it was just as outfits (although at least some do seem to be compatible with armour - e.g. [Korukhan](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/7/77/Korukhan_the_Blacksmith.jpg "Korukhan") combines one of them with some light armour skins).

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> @Frostfang.5109 said:

> **Suggestion**: To prevent the stale, always angry look. **Make charr faces have an "in combat" and an "idle" mode**

> While in combat, let there be teeth showing lips lifted and an agressive snarling look. But when u leave combat the face could be relaxed and peaceful with closed mouth.


Since edit time is out for my last post i guess i have to quote myself... :s :p


Asuras already have this, so why cant Charr have it too?



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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.


> Kill them now, before it is too late.



[Oooh, Looks like we've got ourselves a salty Ascalonian right here.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascalonian_Tear "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascalonian_Tear")

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I'll add my voice to this crowd: MORE OPTIONS ARE GOOD. And charr could definitely use some love on that front.


Though unlike the OP, I think it's better to keep horns to the styles in the Bovidae family they're taken from (cows, buffalo, antelopes & goats). Just do more cool things with those styles like broken horns and ornamentation.

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> Though unlike the OP, I think it's better to keep horns to the styles in the Bovidae family they're taken from (cows, buffalo, antelopes & goats). Just do more cool things with those styles like broken horns and ornamentation.

Ofcourse I'd like those designs too - BUT....


...Tecnically "antlers" already exist - Female charr have them (horns with miltiple tips/ends). I'd want something that grows a bit more up and backwards with maybe 3 ends on them and not only for female charr but for male charr too (would be awsome on my ranger)!

We already have some broken off horns - almost no-one use them (female charr). We have ornaments too and same there, very few use them. I think the dificulty to match ornaments colors with armour detail color might be the reason ppl avoid using them.... Or maybe its just the design of those horns that ppl doesnt like? I dont know.


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I love my Charr Revenant and Charr characters in general. I love their sense of humor. I'd love to have some more charr hairstyles that feature longer hair and braids. And nice-looking armor. So much of the armor and outfits don't translate well to charr bodies. More outfits like the wedding outfit where each race has its own version would probably help.

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Additional things I'd like to see added:

* Front paw-prints. Particularly with all the sand in the desert this will be even more noticeable soon.

* New cultural armour, legion-themed. Because charr are morphologically so different from the other races, cultural armour is the only way you can get designs that really suit charr, without having to worry about it looking silly on the humanoids.

* Different gait options. Sneaking charr are going to creep on all fours, not lumber along on two.

* Change combat grunts (and the /threaten emote) to actual roars. Right now, the only sound effect that really makes sense is the snarl you hear when emerging from a skritt tunnel.


Other things such as hairstyles and faces that fit with the original theme rather than... whatever we've been seeing lately would be good, but others have already mentioned them so I'll leave that to the previous posts!

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Additional things I'd like to see added:

> * Front paw-prints. Particularly with all the sand in the desert this will be even more noticeable soon.

> * New cultural armour, legion-themed. Because charr are morphologically so different from the other races, cultural armour is the only way you can get designs that really suit charr, without having to worry about it looking silly on the humanoids.

> * Different gait options. Sneaking charr are going to creep on all fours, not lumber along on two.

> * Change combat grunts (and the /threaten emote) to actual roars. Right now, the only sound effect that really makes sense is the snarl you hear when emerging from a skritt tunnel.


> Other things such as hairstyles and faces that fit with the original theme rather than... whatever we've been seeing lately would be good, but others have already mentioned them so I'll leave that to the previous posts!



Totally agree!!!

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> @Tenoh.2305 said:

> Boobs for charr! How come silvari have them but they dont have a need for them? but charr do need them but they dont have them? kind of disappointing...


No. That would ruin the look that the artists crafted for the female charr, which [had a lot of thought put into their design](

) (second post down in that link is more detailed), and considering they are based on felines would not make sense, as felines do not have bulbous mammary glands, also I remember reading something about charr cubs being born able to eat solid foods, or at least being able to very soon after birth, so that gives even less reason to have that.


Sylvari have them because they were born in the image of humans. Charr were not.

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