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Charr need some Love!


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Completly agree with the thread. Play 5 years with only one main character charr thief and totally wish to have some new stuff for it like new normal looking hair (not ones that are twice bigger than you) without wierd metal scraps or some gorgeus horns. Breads and saber tooths would be really nice too. So as i said i totally support this thread. Make Charr Great Again!!!

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> @Dante.1763 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > You guys should roll a Human.

> >

> > Like you OUGHT to.

> >

> > Harold Adelbern.


> we get it. you hate charr. you dont need to post it in every thread you comment in.


I only did it like, 3 times?



We get it. You hate clipping. You don't need to post it on every thread you comment in.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> You guys should roll a Human.


> Like you OUGHT to.


> Harold Adelbern.


Why should we? I don't want to play a race that loses conflict after conflict and has such a high dissatisfaction rating that bandits, separatists, and even the ruling council want to see it fail. Even their deities think them insignificant, and no wonder. If I were Balthy and saw this flailing and failing against the *centaurs,* I'd up and leave too!


I'd rather be on the side that handles its problems.

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> @GreyCatfish.9356 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > You guys should roll a Human.

> >

> > Like you OUGHT to.

> >

> > Harold Adelbern.


> Yeah, but even Barradin enjoys to play as a charr in his underground basement.

> ![](https://orig00.deviantart.net/4c54/f/2013/041/2/a/duke_barradin_by_grey_catfish-d5uhiqh.gif "")






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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Additional things I'd like to see added:

> * Front paw-prints. Particularly with all the sand in the desert this will be even more noticeable soon.

> * New cultural armour, legion-themed. Because charr are morphologically so different from the other races, cultural armour is the only way you can get designs that really suit charr, without having to worry about it looking silly on the humanoids.

> * Different gait options. Sneaking charr are going to creep on all fours, not lumber along on two.

> * Change combat grunts (and the /threaten emote) to actual roars. Right now, the only sound effect that really makes sense is the snarl you hear when emerging from a skritt tunnel.


> Other things such as hairstyles and faces that fit with the original theme rather than... whatever we've been seeing lately would be good, but others have already mentioned them so I'll leave that to the previous posts!


Ahh I really like these ideas. I've always personally wished the current all fours run only activated while under speed boost effects (swiftness, superspeed, movement speed signets, etc), but I'm sure people would be divided on this. I feel a good sweep and touch-up of the Charr's animations in general would be welcome. The current set just makes them seem a little too "docile"...


ArenaNet does an exceptional job when it comes to creating convincing animations-- just look at the Raptor mount; however it seems like some areas are given the "eh, that works" treatment and thrown in the ring. Compare for example Revenant staff skills vs Warrior Bull's Charge. Staff attacks have your Rev swinging and spinning it around in an impressive display of animationsmanship while Bull's Charge just has your Warrior delivering a vertical people's elbow at 50mph.

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> ...I am glad that the devs didn't go the "lol kawaii neko gurl with big boobs!!111" route for charr. In fact, an article about charr design was how I first heard about and became interested in this game...


^ I totally agree ^


I absolutely LOVE the charr design and subtle differences between males and females. It's not just another lazy, human model with animal head like in many other games.


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Charr really seem to draw in those looking for a unique race in MMORPGs. Wanted to create a charr warrior myself from the moment I saw the trailer of that charr warrior hitting some skritt with his longbow.

Always hoped they'd add more customization options to the unique charr features such as:


**Neck hair**



and of course **TAILS**

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Fully supporting this, I do want like a form of stag antlers and perhaps some bear/feline looking faces so they could look like a total hodgepodge of different animals. Id also really like some more realistic hairs... Or just rytlocks face... I dont know Give the charr some overhauls and make them look good arena-net. We dont really look fierce at this point :/

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to make a new female charr toon. I didn't realize how much they move around when you're at the hairstylist lady. I'm trying to fine-tune her look, and meanwhile my charr is fidgeting and I can't focus on what I'm doing.

**Suggestion: **have toons be static, unmoving, frozen, while adjusting face features.

Also really noticing that all female charr have white chests and tails. I can't make an all-black charr. And their faces have brown hair on them?? No matter what colour you choose for the body hair, their face hair is not the same. There is one new charr face that is all black, but the eyes are messed up. I tried to have red eyes but they came out yellowy-orange. Not impressed.

![](https://i.imgur.com/nKvDX1k.jpg "")



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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:


> As a mostly asura player, I do have a charr and I love him, and I completely agree that that non human races definitely need more love.


> Also, I'm going to go ahead and drop this here. [Charr hairstyles at the bottom of this page](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


> Yeah, some of them are funky, but more variety can't hurt, and is definitely needed with charr and asura.


Ah man, I've never seen these concepts before! I really love the 'Flameo' and 'Mohawk 1' hairs, but I've always been a fan of the mohawk-like hairs already in game so I might be biased. More mohawks! Also I love all their face concepts! The 'Talia' and 'Arianne' faces especially.


This thread in general though. I love it. Been waiting for Charr to get some more love for awhile now-- and less 'joke' attention. A lot of the makeover kit faces / hair for both charr models often times feels like the dev just wanted to have a laugh, and some of them just plain don't make sense / have some bad clipping. I'd adore seeing some faces / hairstyles that have little touches such as:

- scars

- little earrings / mild jewelry

- feathers

- beads

- more warpaint (possibly dyable with the accent colors?)

- etc


As well as some new horns, possibly taking inspiration from antelope or other hooved horned beasts. Impala horns, anet. _Impala horns._


May my doodle illustrate my point.

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/xq47Ajl.png "")



**EDIT:** Also, if future expansions are possibly going to be centered around the races (Heart of Thorns kind of for Sylvari, Path of Fire for humans), maybe we will see one for Charr that introduces more customization options? Let us go to the Blood Legion homelands maybe. Or travel across the Blazeridge steppes to go see what Ash Legion gets up to over in the east. Or both, ya know. Give us that good lore. Maybe [bangar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bangar_Ruinbringer "Bangar Ruinbringer") decides to try to claim the Claw of the Khan-ur now that it is back in the hands of the charr, or he decides that he no longer wants to agree to the treaty and thus comes into conflict with Ash and Iron and we have to go out to the Blood Citadel to knock some sense into him.



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