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Charr need some Love!


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> @Canis.7451 said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> >

> > As a mostly asura player, I do have a charr and I love him, and I completely agree that that non human races definitely need more love.

> >

> > Also, I'm going to go ahead and drop this here. [Charr hairstyles at the bottom of this page](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")

> >

> > Yeah, some of them are funky, but more variety can't hurt, and is definitely needed with charr and asura.


> Ah man, I've never seen these concepts before! I really love the 'Flameo' and 'Mohawk 1' hairs, but I've always been a fan of the mohawk-like hairs already in game so I might be biased. More mohawks! Also I love all their face concepts! The 'Talia' and 'Arianne' faces especially.


> This thread in general though. I love it. Been waiting for Charr to get some more love for awhile now-- and less 'joke' attention. A lot of the makeover kit faces / hair for both charr models often times feels like the dev just wanted to have a laugh, and some of them just plain don't make sense / have some bad clipping. I'd adore seeing some faces / hairstyles that have little touches such as:

> - scars

> - little earrings / mild jewelry

> - feathers

> - beads

> - more warpaint (possibly dyable with the accent colors?)

> - etc


> As well as some new horns, possibly taking inspiration from antelope or other hooved horned beasts. Impala horns, anet. _Impala horns._


> May my doodle illustrate my point.

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/xq47Ajl.png "")



Oh she's so cute! <3


Yes, more horn varieties would greatly be appreciated.


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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.


> Kill them now, before it is too late.


Last I checked, humans drove charr out of their homeland. We wanted it back. It's not our fault your idiot king cursed you all and blew up your kingdom. Blame your leadership. Kill them before they get the power to do something so stupid.

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> Also really noticing that all female charr have white chests and tails. I can't make an all-black charr.


This seriously annoys me as well. It completely messes up some looks that are perfectly possible for male charr.


Also, I wouldn't hold my breath for more charr-options in a potential future expansion in charr lands or with some charr-themes. Remember what sylvari got for HoT: _absolutely nothing_. No faces, no hair, no weapons, no armor. The CC-options for humans in PoF are a special case because it had long and righly been criticized how hard it is to make non-white characters. To make it worse, human women had no option for natural black hair at all, even though you could slap an afro on asura and charr of all things. There's no game-and-RL intersection of looks for any of the non-human races, so no need to add anything new as they did with the Elonian options, and will likely do with Canthan options if we ever go there.


Should other races get at least a half-dozen new faces and hair each for parity's sake? Absolutely. Should there be more non-human themed gear? Absolutely. The RL angle for human customization is extremely important, though at the same time it also widened the gap between humans and everyone else. That does need to be addressed.


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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I love Charr! But I agree with the OP that we need more fur textures and patterns for both sexes. The ones we have are awesome but more variety is always better.

> I'd love to see a lion mane for male Charr, one that goes all around the neck. :3


There already is one, though it's a little more "groomed" than a normal lion's mane.

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > @Spiral.3724 said:

> > I love Charr! But I agree with the OP that we need more fur textures and patterns for both sexes. The ones we have are awesome but more variety is always better.

> > I'd love to see a lion mane for male Charr, one that goes all around the neck. :3


> There already is one, though it's a little more "groomed" than a normal lion's mane.


One of my favorites. I had to make a character just to use it. }]:3

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Charr should move as fast as a mount outside of combat because they run on all fours and are the master-race.

They should also be able to move their tails like a propeller and fly for an infinite amount of time.

I also believe that we should take this time to assign racial bonuses:


Human: -50% damage and crit chance, run faster than a centaur.

Sylvari: Gain the power to transform into a tree and reduce all damage by 100000000%. Still susceptible to condition damage.

Norn: -100% movement speed, transform at will and multiple stats by 50 when transformed.

Asura: +100% movement speed and jump height. Automatically have all crafting disciples maxed out with every recipe known.

Charr: +1000% Damage and crit chance, any crit change % over 100% gets turned into additional damage. Their thick fur negates 100% of all direct and condition damage. Gain a racial heal: "lick fur," which heals for 100K and expands HP pool by 10,000 until the character is deleted. Their tails allow them to remained balanced, granting stability and stunbreak upon being CC'd (.01 ICD)


I believe my changes are balanced enough to make people feel like they won't be forced into playing a certain race or class :D

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I wish I would see more Charr out there.

For some reason, Charr player bring in some enjoyable attitude. I mean, you also know where it goes when you have a male guy playing bikini lolis. The same with Charr players.


As many have written, GW2 is one of the few games left with really exotic, yet adorable races. Coming from FF14 before, the diminutive race was basically a sugar-cute, pear-shaped cuddle-ready thing. Here I love every detail about Asura: They feet, ~~claws ~~hands, ears, body stature, skin patterns. Same with the Charr. I've seen so few, but the ones I saw were all very cool and unique, see the image below. Spotted that Charra lady in Verdant Brink and had to screenshot her.


No bikini warriors, no muscle men. Just beasty felines that swing back and forth between rational behaviour and instinct-driven strength, ready to fight, no time for Mickey Mouse BS. When they around on all fours and some wall of meat that creates a shadow twice of my Asura you know what you are facing. Once I was downed an a female Charr glided down. I could see it from her shadows before I turned the camera. That was majestic as f..k. I love to fight near Charr as Asura, it's a great team, that's why I like we have Rytlock and Tybalt as compagnons in the story for a while.


**To all of you Charr players, I really wish you the best for these new features and I'd love to see more cats around here as well, but I can also understand it draws away players the way it is right now.**


![](https://i.imgur.com/mnmS8cU.jpg "")



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I agree with most of this thread but stop asking for us to start looking "cute and cuddly". Its not the point of the race.


Wish they actually went the other route.


Add more tribal looking haircuts. Braids/rastas etc. (IE Rengar from League). Add some scar effects, scarred faces etc.


Can't help but cringe anytime i see a Charr PC that looks like cotton-candy.

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A followup from my previous post and considering the topic seems to have shifted to that of horns, I'd kill for some horns like this for Charr.



[ [source for below -- by Thalbachin](http://astin-the-silent.tumblr.com/post/165369908253/sketchy-giftart-for-wheatskers-because-holy-hell "Art by Thalbachin") ]

![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/bb1ebfa562ac2d5277fc0b60ddf8514c/tumblr_owbz7mhe5s1rd9166o1_1280.png "")


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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> Charr should move as fast as a mount outside of combat because they run on all fours and are the master-race.

> They should also be able to move their tails like a propeller and fly for an infinite amount of time.

> I also believe that we should take this time to assign racial bonuses:


> Human: -50% damage and crit chance, run faster than a centaur.

> Sylvari: Gain the power to transform into a tree and reduce all damage by 100000000%. Still susceptible to condition damage.

> Norn: -100% movement speed, transform at will and multiple stats by 50 when transformed.

> Asura: +100% movement speed and jump height. Automatically have all crafting disciples maxed out with every recipe known.

> Charr: +1000% Damage and crit chance, any crit change % over 100% gets turned into additional damage. Their thick fur negates 100% of all direct and condition damage. Gain a racial heal: "lick fur," which heals for 100K and expands HP pool by 10,000 until the character is deleted. Their tails allow them to remained balanced, granting stability and stunbreak upon being CC'd (.01 ICD)


> I believe my changes are balanced enough to make people feel like they won't be forced into playing a certain race or class :D


Norn needs to constantly drink or they are weaker and slower in attacks and recharge time too.

Heard a few Norn mention that drinking actually makes them fight better. Don't know if that was a truthful statement or just their way of trying to justify "I DON'T HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM!"

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> @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > I agree with most of this thread but stop asking for us to start looking "cute and cuddly". Its not the point of the race.

> Is that a yay or ney for my design?


Honestly you design just look like Female Charr's faces, so its not bad but lets not go THAT route lol.


@Canis.7451 said:

> A followup from my previous post and considering the topic seems to have shifted to that of horns, I'd kill for some horns like this for Charr.



> [ [source for below -- by Thalbachin](http://astin-the-silent.tumblr.com/post/165369908253/sketchy-giftart-for-wheatskers-because-holy-hell "Art by Thalbachin") ]

> ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/bb1ebfa562ac2d5277fc0b60ddf8514c/tumblr_owbz7mhe5s1rd9166o1_1280.png "")



This looks amazing though but again not entirely sure if its a male or a female. I think we should keep their teeths as a major difference between their gender.


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> @Griever.8150 said:

> > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > I agree with most of this thread but stop asking for us to start looking "cute and cuddly". Its not the point of the race.

> > Is that a yay or ney for my design?


> Honestly you design just look like Female Charr's faces, so its not bad but lets not go THAT route lol.


> @Canis.7451 said:

> > A followup from my previous post and considering the topic seems to have shifted to that of horns, I'd kill for some horns like this for Charr.

> >

> >

> > [ [source for below -- by Thalbachin](http://astin-the-silent.tumblr.com/post/165369908253/sketchy-giftart-for-wheatskers-because-holy-hell "Art by Thalbachin") ]

> > ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/bb1ebfa562ac2d5277fc0b60ddf8514c/tumblr_owbz7mhe5s1rd9166o1_1280.png "")

> >


> This looks amazing though but again not entirely sure if its a male or a female. I think we should keep their teeths as a major difference between their gender.



Female. Jaw/cheek horn is set in-between ears (Males ears are placed under the horn, lower along the jaw)

Also to judge at a distance females have the fluffy tails, and males have the lion tuff tail.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > > > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > > I agree with most of this thread but stop asking for us to start looking "cute and cuddly". Its not the point of the race.

> > > Is that a yay or ney for my design?

> >

> > Honestly you design just look like Female Charr's faces, so its not bad but lets not go THAT route lol.

> >

> > @Canis.7451 said:

> > > A followup from my previous post and considering the topic seems to have shifted to that of horns, I'd kill for some horns like this for Charr.

> > >

> > >

> > > [ [source for below -- by Thalbachin](http://astin-the-silent.tumblr.com/post/165369908253/sketchy-giftart-for-wheatskers-because-holy-hell "Art by Thalbachin") ]

> > > ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/bb1ebfa562ac2d5277fc0b60ddf8514c/tumblr_owbz7mhe5s1rd9166o1_1280.png "")

> > >

> >

> > This looks amazing though but again not entirely sure if its a male or a female. I think we should keep their teeths as a major difference between their gender.

> >


> Female. Jaw/cheek horn is set in-between ears (Males ears are placed under the horn, lower along the jaw)

> Also to judge at a distance females have the fluffy tails, and males have the lion tuff tail.


I knew about the tail but had never noticed the horn thing. I only play Male toons for immersion purposes.

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> Honestly you design just look like Female Charr's faces, so its not bad but lets not go THAT route lol.


To be perfectly honest I think there's often too much of a difference between male and female Charr. Some of the male Charr look like completely different species. There's a good selection of very obviously feline faces for the female Charr, but not as many for the male Charr. I personally feel a lot of the male Charr faces are soo deformed that they don't look intimidating at all, they just look "cute" in the same way humans think pugs and other deformed pets look "cute", whereas I feel a more elegant face looks far more intimidating; makes them look like an efficient, purpose built killer.


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