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Help with my healing tempest (fractals)


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so I recently did some buildcrafting for a healing tempest Id like to try out in fractals.

I haven't actually completed the gear on this one yet and so I cant give actual gameplay feedback.

But since it does look really nice on paper, I thought I'd share it here and maybe find some inspiration for improvements.

I'll try to explain certain build choices below, so please take those into consideration before posting your feedback.

Thanks in advance for your help.


So here is the build:



Some on-paper stats:

Easy 25 might with 100% uptime.

100% Fury uptime

Very high, on-demand Protection uptime

100% boon duration (85 for fractals)

Should maintain very high stacks of vuln with high uptime

~50% healing modifier


General Thoughts and Gameplay:


a) Might stacking

On paper it should be quite easy to get to 25 mightstacks and maintaining them.

Start on Fire attunement > Precast Dragon's Tooth > Wildfire > Phoenix > Aftershock > Heat Sync > Switch to Earth > Sandsquall > Switch to Water (end of mightstack rotation)

To break this down: You get 3 blast finishers off in your Wildfire (9 stacks) and use Heat Sync (3 stakcs) which shares the 12 stacks you have by now for 24 might on allies. Pack runes (5 stacks) + Arcane Prowess (1 stack per attunement swap) + Sandsquall (3 stacks if you blast your Wildfire) are just the icing on the might-cake which should easily be enough. Start this rotation again when your Aftershock is close to getting off CD (since its CD is similar to wildfire and Heatsync).


b) Fury

This is were the "controversial" Pack rune choice comes into play. On paper (with 100% boonduration) Pack runes give 16s of Fury on combat start. During your mightstacking-rotation you will double that when using heatsync to 32 seconds (34 with Sand Squall). With Heatsync and the Rune ICD on 30 seconds this should (on paper) give 100% fury uptime without any alacrity or the help of another party member.


c) Protection

Since I opted for the Arcane traitline (over earth) you get 10 seconds of protection every time you go into Earth. Sand Squall alone gives 4 seconds of Protection and extends it for an additional 2 seconds for a total of 16 seconds.


d) actually Healing

Apart for when Mightstacking you will mainly camp water. Regeneartion and Soothing mist on paper (with the healing modifiers) alone give a wooping 830 healing per second. On top of that you can also use your weaponskills and heal skill for massive burst healing. Dont forget that your dodge while on water also procs Evasive Arcana for some extra healing. On fights where there is little healing required you can quickly switch in and out of earth to refresh Protection duration. But other than that you just spamm shatter stone while on water....which gives 5 vulnstacks for 20 seconds (!) per cast.


General Gameplay


While this "rotation" hasnt been tested ingame yet, I think the general playstyle of this build would go something similar to this:

Start the fight on fire Attunement. Open with the mighstack rotation from above. Spend most of your time in Water and spam shatterstone. Use heals and utilities as you see fit. Switch in and out of earth frequently to refresh protection. Once Aftershock is off CD you repeat the mightstack roation.


Trait choices

Personally I prefer Arcane over Earth. I might be wrong here, but looking at "Elemental Attunement", "Evasive Arcana" and "Arcane Ressurection", I think it generally is far superior to the Earth traitline. Also extra boon duration and Attunement swap CD reduction is genuinely nice to have.

The traits on the Water line are generally very flexible. On the first tier I think "Piercing Shards" to be the best choice tho, since it makes Vuln-stacking so much better.

Personally I dont see the appeal in Powerful Aura since most of your Auras are AOE anyway. I could see it being good with "Unstable Conduit" ....but I actually think you wont be overloading that much to begin with. So In my opinion Soothing Power is the easy default choice here.


This was actually a bit longer than I initially anticipated.

But anyway, thanks for reading and I'd appreciate any constructive feedback.


Btw: Go Pack Runes!

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> You essentially described a build that Roul posted recently (video shows a few variations). https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/elementalist/tempest/support/


> While builds aren't identical, their purpose is.




Ye, those sure are some classic tempest builds.

The problem with those is, that they can't give everything you want from a support.

Non air variants dont give Fury, non earth variants dont give protection, mightstacking also is fairly hard when you camp air.


Im not concered about the healing output of my tempest build....thats something tempest does very well regardless of build.

I merely tried to craft a support spec that offers the "whole package" instead of just pure healing.


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These are the 3 variants for Support/Heal Tempest to achieve a goal regarding your/squad needs


".... and can be easily modified to suit the requirements of the subgroup." - SC


For solo purposes it might be harder to maintain the buffs for so long because of Alacrity and as you see in the video, a Chrono

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@ Zenix the point of Powerful aura is to spread auras after overloading to proc heals/aura trait effects. If you aren't running water (higher heal effectiveness) , air (fury), or earth line (protection) it's relatively pointless.


Also with any competent group in fractals things will die fast enough that shatterstone is too slow. Even dragon's tooth is a bit slow when I tested tempest in fractals.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Also with any competent group in fractals things will die fast enough that shatterstone is too slow. Even dragon's tooth is a bit slow when I tested tempest in fractals.


How about bosses tho? Shatterstone has less than 3 seconds CD. So it should be fairly easy to get high vuln in little time. And since heat sync (and therefor warhorn in general) is pretty mandatory for this build the only other option I have is dagger MH ....which is kinda meh tbh.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"IvareEE.4728" said:

> Hello,


> Any news on this? I quite like playing tempest in fracs and I wanted to try out the heal version so I'm thinking to go for this variant.


> Have you tried it in practice yet? Would love to know if it's actually working.


Personally, I unfortunately havent come around to it yet.

BUT, a friend of mine has tested a very similar version of it (he basically ran monk over pack runes).


From what we have gathered so far, the healing is indeed very nice.

If the group was stacked, we never really had any issues on any encounter whatsoever.


While mightuptime wasn't necessarily an issue, it was tricky to maintain at times.

But that mostly is due to the fact, that sometimes combo-fields just get overwritten, which makes blasting fire fields for might a positional-chore.

Personally I think however, that this issue could easily be fixed with Pack runes (since he didnt have those). I genuinely dont think the loss in healing power would matter that much, if he decided to drop monk runes.


Unfortunately I cant offer any insight on the Fury-uptime, since a) he wasnt using pack runes b) we had a quickbrand that spammed Fury and c) most of the builds we ran could provide themselves with fury in some form (like weaver with raging storm trait).

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One problem with these builds is combo field stacking, Its very difficult to manage your fields especially with allies dropping them as well;; you need fire for might stacking, water for healing, ice for damage resistance, and lighting for CC, and this messes with rotations.


Most other classes can get away with just using skill rotations, while Ele has to manage skills, fields and auras. So while alot of this will look good on paper, in practice there will be significant deficiencies from trying to do too much at once.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> One problem with these builds is combo field stacking, Its very difficult to manage your fields especially with allies dropping them as well;; you need fire for might stacking, water for healing, ice for damage resistance, and lighting for CC, and this messes with rotations.


> Most other classes can get away with just using skill rotations, while Ele has to manage skills, fields and auras. So while alot of this will look good on paper, in practice there will be significant deficiencies from trying to do too much at once.


Other than fire fields for might, the other fields arent really as important tbh.

And, funnily enough....when i revisted this build thanks to @"IvareEE.4728" I realized that invigorating torrents is very much redundant when running arcane.

You already have so much regen uptime from Tidal Surge, Water trident and Elemental Attunement (trait) that you can very well run Tempestuous Aria.


Interestingly enough, with this trait and pack runes, you can just spam all your aura shouts at combat start (6 might), proc pack runes (5 might) and then use heatsync (3 might for yourself+ sharing the 14 might you have) for 25 might without any combo field whatsoever.

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Cheers for this guys!

I am relatively new to the game so combo fields still blow my mind but this build might force me to me to get a grasp of them so it might be good in the long scheme of things. From what you are saying pack runes sound to be slightly more forgiving while standard monk could be the better one once mastered. I'm thinking to try out the packs for a bit, since they are easier to get, and then maybe switch to monk.


That being said, I've just recently got the frac level for t4 so I still have PTSD from dying to conditions in t3s as power tempest so I look forward to gathering my Harriers and actually having a word to say in that regard.


So much stuff to try out. Feeling like a kid in a candy store.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update on this build


After the patch you can basically get 25 might and perma fury and perma protection

All you have to do is to swap the scepter for a dagger




You start in Air

- Precast lightning touch (5s fury + pack rune proc)

- Swap fire (2 might from arcane traits)

- Feel the burn (5 might)

- Heat Sync

- Swap earth and use Sand Squall (for massive prot)


25 might, ~40s fury and ~15s prot (without aftershock mind you) ....and not a single blast finisher needed.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Small update on this build


> After the patch you can basically get 25 might and perma fury and perma protection

> All you have to do is to swap the scepter for a dagger


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdSfJ0fJ2gJYhJwhJWSBMiAQDYJ62VDrr1im4EYDA-jBSSQBP7EAcIlOJUPAA2fwWPAgJq+jIVC2RlRkCwvZWA-e


> You start in Air

> - Precast lightning touch (5s fury + pack rune proc)

> - Swap fire (2 might from arcane traits)

> - Feel the burn (5 might)

> - Heat Sync

> - Swap earth and use Sand Squall (for massive prot)


> 25 might, ~40s fury and ~15s prot (without aftershock mind you) ....and not a single blast finisher needed.


How is that 25 might exactly?

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Small update on this build

> >

> > After the patch you can basically get 25 might and perma fury and perma protection

> > All you have to do is to swap the scepter for a dagger

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdSfJ0fJ2gJYhJwhJWSBMiAQDYJ62VDrr1im4EYDA-jBSSQBP7EAcIlOJUPAA2fwWPAgJq+jIVC2RlRkCwvZWA-e

> >

> > You start in Air

> > - Precast lightning touch (5s fury + pack rune proc)

> > - Swap fire (2 might from arcane traits)

> > - Feel the burn (5 might)

> > - Heat Sync

> > - Swap earth and use Sand Squall (for massive prot)

> >

> > 25 might, ~40s fury and ~15s prot (without aftershock mind you) ....and not a single blast finisher needed.


> How is that 25 might exactly?


5 from pack rune (aoe)

2 from swapping to fire (1stack aoe)

5 from feel the burn (tempestous aria)

team has 11 by now, you have 12

then you heatsync (3 more for yourself)

and share the 15 you have


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