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Almost a year player - few suggestions.

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I really enjoy this game. Is one of a kind, fitted to my pve needs. Here a few things I would like to see changing, all possible on the technical side and does not affect gameplay at all, nor unballance anything.


1-Ok, that gryphon mount requirements was a joke right? Took forever to get it and then, is a disabled chicken. If it was not enough that disabled bird could not lift flight from ground and gain altitude, devs keep sticking their invisible walls around everywhere! I would like to leap the highest mountain on the map and keep flying without getting around some spots because devs don't want for me to fly there. So suggestion, Disable mounts near your jumping puzzles with a height limit and let me fly all over the map without stumbling on some invisible walls.


2-I play only pve, and I only interact with other players while fighting bosses. Other than that I always play solo, so there's a problem with dailies, there are always tons of pvp, wvw tasks but only 3 or on rare times 4 pve activities, and in some cases are eitheir activities participation or those dummy jumping puzzles. Really? I don't want to interact that much on some silly events. Lumberer, Forager, Miner, Vista Viewer, even bounty hunter are good but we need more pve content on the dailies.


3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.


4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.


5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.


6-While playing with necromancer, is really annoying have to summon all my minions once I cross some portal, or on random times when I hop in a mount and travel some great distances they also disappear, could you make them permanent until they either die or I log off?


I hope you can do those improvements. thanks for reading.

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> @"Murkalael.6713" said:


> 2-I play only pve, and I only interact with other players while fighting bosses. Other than that I always play solo, so there's a problem with dailies, there are always tons of pvp, wvw tasks but only 3 or on rare times 4 pve activities, and in some cases are eitheir activities participation or those dummy jumping puzzles. Really? I don't want to interact that much on some silly events. Lumberer, Forager, Miner, Vista Viewer, even bounty hunter are good but we need more pve content on the dailies.


Fwiw, WvW dailies: Master of Monuments; Veteran Creature Slayer; Land Claimer; Mist Guards Killer; Caravan Disruptor; and Camp Capturer can all be done solo. These are essentially PvE tasks although there is a chance (very small for the first two, a little more for the others) you will encounter an "enemy" player. Also, Big Spender require no PvP at all _if_ you have Badges of Honor (from Achievement Chests, from the other WvW dailies, and occasionally from killing a Camp Supervisor.


I say this not to belittle your request, but to offer options for days when you don't want to do 3 of the PvE options. Requests for more PvE tasks have been posted going back all the way to the start of the current iteration of Dailies, with no response from ANet, so a workaround might be a good idea.

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> 1-Ok, that gryphon mount requirements was a joke right? Took forever to get it and then, is a disabled chicken. If it was not enough that disabled bird could not lift flight from ground and gain altitude, devs keep sticking their invisible walls around everywhere! I would like to leap the highest mountain on the map and keep flying without getting around some spots because devs don't want for me to fly there. So suggestion, Disable mounts near your jumping puzzles with a height limit and let me fly all over the map without stumbling on some invisible walls.


Can't really comment much, other than saying that there are a lot less invisible walls now than there used to be. They actually opened up the main Tyria maps a LOT as they released POF, just to allow you to fly around there at all.


> 2-I play only pve, and I only interact with other players while fighting bosses. Other than that I always play solo, so there's a problem with dailies, there are always tons of pvp, wvw tasks but only 3 or on rare times 4 pve activities, and in some cases are eitheir activities participation or those dummy jumping puzzles. Really? I don't want to interact that much on some silly events. Lumberer, Forager, Miner, Vista Viewer, even bounty hunter are good but we need more pve content on the dailies.


The daily has exactly 4 for PVE, 4 for PVP, and 4 for WvW each and every single day. You only need to complete 3 to get the reward. So you always have 1 PVE daily spare that you don't need to do.


And as IndigoSundown said, there are some vvery easy WvW dailies that can be done completely solo and pve'ish (as long as some othe rplayer doesn't come and interrupt).


The different selection of dailies is another way to encourage players to branch out and try new things/modes, it isn't the best one at it, but it isn't doing a bad job of it either. While still leaving everyone able to pick 3/4 PvE ones if they really don't want to touch any filthy pvp stuff! Honestly I think it is good the way it is.


> 3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.




> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.


No comments, haven't been there yet.


> 5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.


Fair, this has always annoyed me too. I've kept 1 character to do story with, and ignored it on all the others, and it's annoying to watch all those "Notice me sepai!!!" messages. In general wish we could have more control over what appeared on screen. But doubt we will ever see that.


> 6-While playing with necromancer, is really annoying have to summon all my minions once I cross some portal, or on random times when I hop in a mount and travel some great distances they also disappear, could you make them permanent until they either die or I log off?


Probably an engine limitations, it does similar things with a lot of other stuff, like Ranger pets if you try to stow them away or merge with soulbeast, they pop out on mapchanges and what not.


> I hope you can do those improvements. thanks for reading.


I wouldn't hold my breath.

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> @"Murkalael.6713" said:


> 3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.



You can get to PoF zones easily via Windswept Haven Guild Hall (where you enter in Domain of Vabbi). No story needed. Another option would be a teleport to friend, or just do 1st part of story to open Amoon. It's short.


> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.



I don't know which poi you are talking about. I have opened it up on several characters now and none was locked behind a guild thing. Maybe you are missing "Lair of Zommoros" which is a small event (which only needs 3 other players, so less than killing a bounty).


> 5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.



I believe there is a setting to disable story shoutouts. Another option is to activate a HoT or Pof Story (or living world) and then quit it (believe that makes it vanish as well).



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> @"Murkalael.6713" said:

> 1-Ok, that gryphon mount requirements was a joke right? Took forever to get it and then, is a disabled chicken. If it was not enough that disabled bird could not lift flight from ground and gain altitude, devs keep sticking their invisible walls around everywhere! I would like to leap the highest mountain on the map and keep flying without getting around some spots because devs don't want for me to fly there. So suggestion, Disable mounts near your jumping puzzles with a height limit and let me fly all over the map without stumbling on some invisible walls.

I admit it takes a bit of doing to get used to using the Griffon but it is quite useful when you get the hang of it. What you're basically asking for is perma-flight and that's not something I think we'll get in this game.

> 2-I play only pve, and I only interact with other players while fighting bosses. Other than that I always play solo, so there's a problem with dailies, there are always tons of pvp, wvw tasks but only 3 or on rare times 4 pve activities, and in some cases are eitheir activities participation or those dummy jumping puzzles. Really? I don't want to interact that much on some silly events. Lumberer, Forager, Miner, Vista Viewer, even bounty hunter are good but we need more pve content on the dailies.

This is pretty much me, although I recently also got into some wvw which I casually do. I go along with groups but never join them. The point is there are always 4 dailies for PvE and they are pretty easy to do also as a solo player. Particularly gathering and vista viewing. JP's are easy to because 99% of the time there are people there offering ports to the end for free. Some of the WvW ones are very easy also though. And you can mix them together. So for example if you do the PvE gathering and vista view and go into WvW and cap a ruin (which just requires you to stand in a place for a minute and most of the time I don't get attacked) or take land (the flags on the map) that require you to kill one single guard and cap the place. Well it's easy to do even if you don't do WvW. However, there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to do 3/4 PvE dailies.

> 3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.

I do agree with this point. I think it's a mistake that the Lily of Elon is only part of the deluxe version of PoF and is not sold separately. Since the other stuff in the deluxe edition is irrelevant to me, it's a very overpriced feature to get but it's one that I think would help greatly in making people go there more often.

> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.

I got map completion and I was able to get near it and I'm not in a guild. Not sure what the issue is there.

> 5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.

I think that the way the game is set up is that you always have something set up as the next story mission. You can quit missions but if you do not start another one it will revert back to the last one you had on. I also would like this changed cause I don't care to play the missions on more than one character because I just don't think the stories are that good.

> 6-While playing with necromancer, is really annoying have to summon all my minions once I cross some portal, or on random times when I hop in a mount and travel some great distances they also disappear, could you make them permanent until they either die or I log off?

An occasional annoyance for me as well, but not one that I have a big problem with I guess.



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If I'm not wrong, the poo u are looking for is thru a side cave passage or something, separate from the guild Hall passage.

Might be some chain event related to djinn.

Did it near the start, so I've forgotten


And like what linken said, spearmarshals plea will get u to the main pof maps without story on your alts as a workaround

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> 1-Ok, that gryphon mount requirements was a joke right? Took forever to get it and then, is a disabled chicken. If it was not enough that disabled bird could not lift flight from ground and gain altitude, devs keep sticking their invisible walls around everywhere! I would like to leap the highest mountain on the map and keep flying without getting around some spots because devs don't want for me to fly there. So suggestion, Disable mounts near your jumping puzzles with a height limit and let me fly all over the map without stumbling on some invisible walls.


The invisible barriers can be a pain, but the griffon is very useful, and it's much easier to get than it could have been. It's meant to reward extra effort. Not something someone should expect to get right away.


> 2-I play only pve, and I only interact with other players while fighting bosses. Other than that I always play solo, so there's a problem with dailies, there are always tons of pvp, wvw tasks but only 3 or on rare times 4 pve activities, and in some cases are eitheir activities participation or those dummy jumping puzzles. Really? I don't want to interact that much on some silly events. Lumberer, Forager, Miner, Vista Viewer, even bounty hunter are good but we need more pve content on the dailies.


Almost always you can get 3 dailies with 1 gathering, 1 vista and 1 event completion. Personally I do a single pvp round if I don't want to do those, but it's not impossible to complete them without doing any non-pve most of the time.


> 3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.


You should have an invitation/pass to the pavilion area in Amnoon that any of your toons can use to port there. You can keep it in shared inventory if you have it.


> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.


I don't know where that might be. All I can tell you is that I completed the map without doing anything with guild. Maybe you're not close enough in the right area?


> 5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.


Don't know about this.


> 6-While playing with necromancer, is really annoying have to summon all my minions once I cross some portal, or on random times when I hop in a mount and travel some great distances they also disappear, could you make them permanent until they either die or I log off?


I agree. It would also be nice if Elementalist stances didn't default to fire when passing through a port.


> I hope you can do those improvements. thanks for reading.


So I think about half your issues are actually solvable without change, but the rest are valid points.

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> @"Murkalael.6713" said:


> 1-Ok, that gryphon mount requirements was a joke right? Took forever to get it and then, is a disabled chicken. If it was not enough that disabled bird could not lift flight from ground and gain altitude, devs keep sticking their invisible walls around everywhere! I would like to leap the highest mountain on the map and keep flying without getting around some spots because devs don't want for me to fly there. So suggestion, Disable mounts near your jumping puzzles with a height limit and let me fly all over the map without stumbling on some invisible walls.



It is not a flying mount. It glides with style. And you need the masteries if you are to really have fun with it. And i do not think invisible walls are that much of an issue. They are mostly seen on map edges. And the no fly zones are pretty much only on JPs. It make perfect sense not to be able to fly there. Its robably less than 1% of the maps surface.


> 3-I would like a scroll, or a waypoint or something like a portal to get to crystal oasis, I've done twice all missions to get there, i don't wanna get there with all my toons by doing repeated missions, is annoying. And since I play solo would be illogical asking people to teleport to a friend every single time.



Well you only have to do the first mission. Plus you have the Lily of elon and the teleporter from the Griffon chain that teleports you directly to vabbi.


> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.



All PoI are accessible through the map. Which one are you talking about?


> 5-I have one character that made all the missions avaiable for the episodes I bought. On my other characters when I finish Tyria part of story, it always try to get me to the next story on Brisban Wildlands, no matter how many times I click on "Quit This Episode" button, once I log off that toon and log it back again, there it is.



Well it is the next story on the list. You can just disable the story notifications from the options.




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4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.


All PoI are accessible through the map. Which one are you talking about?


I think s/he talks about the poi thats only accessed via standing on 2 diffrent plates (so have to be 2 people) to get into the djinn event hallway and room close to were you enter the map.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.


> All PoI are accessible through the map. Which one are you talking about?


> I think s/he talks about the poi thats only accessed via standing on 2 diffrent plates (so have to be 2 people) to get into the djinn event hallway and room close to were you enter the map.


Ah the Zommoros one. Then yeah @"Murkalael.6713" that is not a guild thing. You just need more than one person to get to it.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > 4-There's a point of interest on Dommain of Vabbi I cannot get because is a guild thing, could you please make it avaiable by getting near it? Is the only thing preventing me for the map completion.

> >

> > All PoI are accessible through the map. Which one are you talking about?

> >

> > I think s/he talks about the poi thats only accessed via standing on 2 diffrent plates (so have to be 2 people) to get into the djinn event hallway and room close to were you enter the map.


> Ah the Zommoros one. Then yeah @"Murkalael.6713" that is not a guild thing. You just need more than one person to get to it.


You can practically hug the wall and get that POI, so no guild/event/group is needed at all.

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