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Going To Rage Quit Soon...HELP!!!

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> @"Lee Wilderspin.8260" said:

> Sweet baby jebus, forgot about this thread. Thanks so much for all the advice guys (better late than never I suppose). Seem to be beasting it now, appreciate all the tips and tricks!


Glad to see you've stuck with it. :+1: As casual friendly as GW2 is, it nonetheless still has a learning curve like anything else. Heh, I remember after leveling my first character, a ranger, to level 80, I realized the point of using runes and sigils in my gear, and was sure to do so on my next character. How things change lol.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Lee Wilderspin.8260" said:

> > Sweet baby jebus, forgot about this thread. Thanks so much for all the advice guys (better late than never I suppose). Seem to be beasting it now, appreciate all the tips and tricks!


> Glad to see you've stuck with it. :+1: As casual friendly as GW2 is, it nonetheless still has a learning curve like anything else. Heh, I remember after leveling my first character, a ranger, to level 80, I realized the point of using runes and sigils in my gear, and was sure to do so on my next character. How things change lol.


Damn straight! Casual friendly and I am a casual player so going from base game to HoT was hecking scary! Whenever I roll an alt, I will defo know a lot more wtf I am doing ha ;D

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One of the caveats of lvl 80 boost as a new player is that although it gives you a free set of exotics* it doesn't give you the experience of combat mechanics or even just the experience of what's good to use skill wise and when from playing a build long enough you barely even have to think what skills to use next. You're not squishy from soldier stats, you're squishy from inexperience. My advice is don't go berserker until you have experience and lightning fast reactions. Tanky stats are more forgiving for new players.


*(Soldier's stat isn't that bad, but defo need decided on better tactics than just hit things with default boost gear, skills and traits so change the runes and sigils to match your weap skills or buy other exotic weapons and sigil them up, swap around utility skills, and optimise traits.)


p.s. I realise this thread is old now but I'm just adding for the benefit of any other newer players who come to the forums more recently.

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Building on what Lady said above;

One thing I NEVER recommend to new level 80s is Berserker gear. It is just too frustrating to run glass cannon when you do not have gliding/mounts and are trying to complete HPs in HoT maps. The free boosted gear is great for mitigation (you will still die as you learn but it won't be as often) so I tend to recommend that people run Soldiers for Power builds and Dire for Condi builds and flip out the Runes for something related to their profession e.g. Superior Rune of the Scholar or Might for power; and Superior Rune of the Adventurer for Condition (there are other more appropriate Condi runes available but some are profession specific or require Dungeon currency, until you get either, these will be fine)


Good luck! I myself got very frustrated when I first ran about at level 80. Once you get some experience and a little mitigation, you will start to see your skills improve and you can begin to integrate the "meta" gear as regular gear.

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Just found this topic by checking out the last threads in this subforums. I'm a returning player and curious: How big is the increase in difficulty from core Tyria stuff to the first and 2nd expansion stuff (only normal world and story - I'm not doing dungeons/raids)?


I only played back then from release until end of 2013 and stopped until now. But I still remember then the Karka that were a lot harder if you were killing them solo and weren't paying attention.


Back then I played an engineer with focus direct in damage (not that much on conditions). I know it was noobish and not recommended. (Very squishy.) But most of the time I felt okay and I really like the rifle and the tons of knockdown/knockback skills. (In PvP people sometimes thought it was cheating when you could use those knockdown stuff a lot. :D) Now I'm generally more of a noob when it comes to MMORPG. (Guild Wars 2 was the first MMORPG where I leveled a char to max level and I try to avoid dungeons because I'm not good at the generally accepted and common builds you'd have to play there.)


Still with engineer being considered a pretty hard class I felt fine back then in core Tyria and WvW and PvP (I played rifle and damage/knockdown stuff mainly there as well). PvE might get harder when I alreadys had trouble with the Karkas back then. But someone above posted the open world map events were usually supposed to be done in groups? (So I guess at the bigger events there might still be player in the maps of the old - first - expansion - doing that stuff and not everyone doing dungeons/raid or WvW only.)

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> Just found this topic by checking out the last threads in this subforums. I'm a returning player and curious: How big is the increase in difficulty from core Tyria stuff to the first and 2nd expansion stuff (only normal world and story - I'm not doing dungeons/raids)?


> I only played back then from release until end of 2013 and stopped until now. But I still remember then the Karka that were a lot harder if you were killing them solo and weren't paying attention.


> Back then I played an engineer with focus direct in damage (not that much on conditions). I know it was noobish and not recommended. (Very squishy.) But most of the time I felt okay and I really like the rifle and the tons of knockdown/knockback skills. (In PvP people sometimes thought it was cheating when you could use those knockdown stuff a lot. :D) Now I'm generally more of a noob when it comes to MMORPG. (Guild Wars 2 was the first MMORPG where I leveled a char to max level and I try to avoid dungeons because I'm not good at the generally accepted and common builds you'd have to play there.)


> Still with engineer being considered a pretty hard class I felt fine back then in core Tyria and WvW and PvP (I played rifle and damage/knockdown stuff mainly there as well). PvE might get harder when I alreadys had trouble with the Karkas back then. But someone above posted the open world map events were usually supposed to be done in groups? (So I guess at the bigger events there might still be player in the maps of the old - first - expansion - doing that stuff and not everyone doing dungeons/raid or WvW only.)


They are harder but bare in mind expansions also made classes stronger, way stronger. Also enemies in expacs have telegraphs. You can get your engie and get to Silwerwastes, to check out waht season 2 enemeies look like. That will give you some clue of HoT. Unlock elits spes on damage dealing engie it would be Holosmith from PoF. Then see what it can do.



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I see. I'll try those maps once I have done other stuff (still trying to get back in to the game and deal with the changes on other mechanis). According to the wiki Silverwastes would be part of Living Story Season 2 - so it would make sense to go there next (after having finished main story and watched the recap of Season 1).

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I prefer the Ranged main, Melee support weapon combo myself.

I rarely run pure Melee characters unless I can find a good tanky/sustain combo to keep them alive.

Gw2 isn't very melee friendly since the expansions due to the mindless Zerker melee rushing tactics that dominated the meta for so long, much of the newer enemies seem designed to be highly effective against that playstyle.


I find it always more effective to avoid the pure DPS builds and opt to go with something that's got survivability.

That can be Range based builds, lots of evades or blocks, high sustain with health regen, aggro manipulation with pets/minions etc

There's lots of ways to build and play effectively in Gw2, even ways you can be more or less invincible in PvE.

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> @"Lee Wilderspin.8260" said:

> Right, so I dinged level 80 about a week or so ago, I have tried jumping into end game content (mostly living world season 4) and oh my goodness, it is SOO much harder then I expected!


Most things have already been said, so I will just leave you with a helpful site for builds and gear: https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki

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