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Deadeye... what were they thinking?!


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> @SWI.4127 said:

> I didn't post my video as some proof that it happened from stealth. I never claimed he did it from stealth. Just that I was never marked, and if the whole system is "you mark some insignificant creature to build up massive damage stacks against ANYBODY without them knowing", then that's stupid and makes no sense.


I didn't quote you, so my reply wasn't exclusive to you, my post was to make fun of various things in the thread, someone else claimed the shot from stealth.


As for your video, he was in stealth from 25s-30s timestamp, he didn't shoot you from stealth as you can see him coming out for stealth at the 30s timestamp as he was making the shot right as you pass him, but you basically would have had a second or less to react to that as you were down before the 31s timestamp. If the mark is being placed one something else and you're on the receiving end of the damage that seems pretty unfair, there's basically no warning of a one shot coming out of stealth from up to 1500 range.


In any case I've always said stealth was stupid in this game and even Anet likes coming up with ways to abuse it.






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Ah gotcha, hard to tell if you were serious or being facetious. I would be open to the idea of one-shots IF you had to be marked. Because there needs to be some sort of telegraph if you're about to go down in literally 1 hit. Yes I know there is a slight animation and they cannot shoot from stealth, but you only see that animation if you are looking for it. And how do you know you should be looking for it if you aren't marked? That's the ridiculous part IMO. If you're marked and you tank the bullet, then you deserve it. Otherwise, you can't expect players to be looking at all moments for a Deadeye animation which could appear at any moment from anywhere since they can stealth and teleport.


To the Deadeyes complaining that they don't want to be nerfed, I get it. Because overall the class seems pretty weak. But clearly this mechanic is out-of-whack and doesn't belong in GW2 IMO. They need to buff the class in other areas and do away with this 1-shot without being marked stuff. It goes against the entire concept of a "mark", and I can't think that A-net intended it to work that way.

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The other thing that confuses me on mark, is that in wvw it deals 0 damage and in pve it deals damage. Fixing the bonus damage to only apply to the marked target seems like a no-brainer, but even making it so that marking deals damage (make walls untargettable) would prevent some of the abuse of the system. Mark a deer, and it attacks you. Mark a mosquito and it dies. Would possibly eliminate that avenue of skill abuse.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> The other thing that confuses me on mark, is that in wvw it deals 0 damage and in pve it deals damage. Fixing the bonus damage to only apply to the marked target seems like a no-brainer, but even making it so that marking deals damage (make walls untargettable) would prevent some of the abuse of the system. Mark a deer, and it attacks you. Mark a mosquito and it dies. Would possibly eliminate that avenue of skill abuse.


Mark only deals damage if you trait Mug...or Bewildering Ambush, but the latter won't damage walls.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> The other thing that confuses me on mark, is that in wvw it deals 0 damage and in pve it deals damage. Fixing the bonus damage to only apply to the marked target seems like a no-brainer, but even making it so that marking deals damage (make walls untargettable) would prevent some of the abuse of the system. Mark a deer, and it attacks you. Mark a mosquito and it dies. Would possibly eliminate that avenue of skill abuse.


Mark behaves the same in PvE as WvW as long as the spec is the same.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > @Ubi.4136 I mentioned even though I play Deadeye I am not OK with the fact a sniper spec was introduced to the game. The entire logic of it is flawed. For instance, normally one would expect massive range with a sniper spec (I'm talking about 2 - 3k range) that would however be widely exploited and this game just isn't suited for it. Now you got 1.2k (same as most classes = doesn't make sense for a rifle with a scope that can zoom), so if I were to picture my class as a sentry on rooftops, hills and camping towers from the safety of their walls I cannot. In my eyes, in this regard, it's utterly useless. I am actually thinking of going back to melee thief as I enjoy its mobility a lot more and don't even need stealth.

> >

> > I think all the classes need to be toned down so they make more sense and greater class diversity would be introduced to the game. With that each class would become more unique and thus more desirable in a composition. e.g. Confusion as a condition would only be exclusive to Mesmers, Necros are known for curses, Burning and Bleeding can be shared with most, Poison and Bleeds are good with Thieves and Rangers (Hunter classes)... you get my point; Druids' heals need to be changed from targetted to heal selected target or to be able to heal an entire party at once. Guardian's Dragonhunter spec and teleportation skills completely removed, given leaps or charges instead...

> >

> > ...something that will not happen sadly.


> like I am exploiting a broken system


the only people exploiting a broken system are all the Scourges and Spellbreakers or Mirage. It's more than common to see a Spellbreaker and a Scourge roaming together. Speaking of broken, Mirage has been given (what seems to be) the same manoeuvrability as a thief. With a s/d thief I could not escape a Mirage. It did what seemed to be an endless flurry of teleports while I already depleted mine.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> > @Ubi.4136 said:

> > > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > > @Ubi.4136 I mentioned even though I play Deadeye I am not OK with the fact a sniper spec was introduced to the game. The entire logic of it is flawed. For instance, normally one would expect massive range with a sniper spec (I'm talking about 2 - 3k range) that would however be widely exploited and this game just isn't suited for it. Now you got 1.2k (same as most classes = doesn't make sense for a rifle with a scope that can zoom), so if I were to picture my class as a sentry on rooftops, hills and camping towers from the safety of their walls I cannot. In my eyes, in this regard, it's utterly useless. I am actually thinking of going back to melee thief as I enjoy its mobility a lot more and don't even need stealth.

> > >

> > > I think all the classes need to be toned down so they make more sense and greater class diversity would be introduced to the game. With that each class would become more unique and thus more desirable in a composition. e.g. Confusion as a condition would only be exclusive to Mesmers, Necros are known for curses, Burning and Bleeding can be shared with most, Poison and Bleeds are good with Thieves and Rangers (Hunter classes)... you get my point; Druids' heals need to be changed from targetted to heal selected target or to be able to heal an entire party at once. Guardian's Dragonhunter spec and teleportation skills completely removed, given leaps or charges instead...

> > >

> > > ...something that will not happen sadly.

> >

> > like I am exploiting a broken system


> the only people exploiting a broken system are all the Scourges and Spellbreakers or Mirage. It's more than common to see a Spellbreaker and a Scourge roaming together. Speaking of broken, Mirage has been given (what seems to be) the same manoeuvrability as a thief. With a s/d thief I could not escape a Mirage. It did what seemed to be an endless flurry of teleports while I already depleted mine.


Yeah but as a S/D thief - Mirages are not very difficult to kill...

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