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(Just some math) The Theoretical Maximum of Invul Uptime for Mirage

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[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJAccnELDFMj1LDmLDMMjFejy353+lCAmiFA-jlwHgA77PA8EAEDQVA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJAccnELDFMj1LDmLDMMjFejy353+lCAmiFA-jlwHgA77PA8EAEDQVA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJAccnELDFMj1LDmLDMMjFejy353+lCAmiFA-jlwHgA77PA8EAEDQVA-w")


The build above includes all the necessary aspects that I assume would contribute to the maximum theoretical invul uptime of a mirage, except perma vigor uptime which may require external sources. Here's the calculation breakdown:


* **Blurred Frenzy** 1s per 8s = 12.5%

* **False Oasis** 1s per 25s = 4%

* **Adventurer Run**e 1s per 25s = 4%

* **Illusionary Ambush** 1s per 20s = 5%

* **Crystal Sands** 1s per 20s = 5%

* **Sand through Glass** 1s per 25s = 4%

* **Dodge Roll** 1s per 5.26s = 19%

* **2 Energy Sigils** 1s per 9s = 11%

* **Distortion w/ max clones** 4s per 50s = 8%

* **Desert Distortion w/ max triggers** 3s per 50s = 6%

* **Auspicious Anguish** another 4s +3s per 50s = 14%

Thus the total yield is 12.5+4+4+5+5+4+19+11+8+6+14 = 92.5%


Some notes to the result:

1. The theoretical assumptions for this value are mainly: all mirage mirrors triggered, no stacking of invul effects, full clone distortion, and Auspicious Anguish's trigged properly.

2. According to the calculated result, mirage can be theoretically almost "perma invul" under WVW & PVE settings, but of course it's impossible to achieve that in actual gameplay. The actual invul uptime of this mirage build can be much lower and requires very complicated math to calculate so I won't bother. However, I also certainly don't think it's just fine to have perma invul even it's just theoretical, as the much lowered actual invul uptime can still be too high to be taken lightly.

3. For this calculation I didn't take evade frames into account, as they don't let u freecast and there's aftercast. If we want to consider evade frames, there's 0.5s per 25s from Sand through Glass and a potential 0.5s per 12s from sword offhand if it's triggered properly.

4. Only 16% of the 92.5% invul uptime is distortion, while the rest are blur & mirage cloak which allow capture point contribution.

5. In general, a decent mirage should be able to maintain not perma but still high invul uptime in competitive game modes.

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Your calculation is wrong, in a sense that it would be a 1 time thing within the time (in seconds) of the longest cd skills mirage has for invuln (that being distortion).

After that, the percentage of invuln goes down, even though other skills came of cool down then, it won't be that high.


That's a bit harder to calculate, I'm not a maths guy, but let's say, with in 60 seconds 90% invuln uptime is possible.


Im not trying to defend mirages opressing strength, it needs nerfs (imo), but trying to stay correct, looking at the bigger picture :)

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> @"DerJoker.9081" said:

> Your calculation is wrong, in a sense that it would be a 1 time thing within the time (in seconds) of the longest cd skills mirage has for invuln (that being distortion).

> After that, the percentage of invuln goes down, even though other skills cake of cool down then, it won't be that high.


> That's a bit harder to calculate, I'm not a maths guy, but let's say, with in 60 seconds 90% invuln uptime is possible.


> Im not trying to defend mirages impressing strength, it needs nerfs (imo), but trying to stay correct, looking at the bigger picture :)


If mesmer-related invul could stack duration like boons then my calculation would be fine (and mesmer would be very broken), but apparently that's not the case, so u r right my calculation isn't exactly precise, and thus I refer to it as the "theoretical" value which is impossible to achieve practically. In fact, the actual uptime can hardly reach 90% within the first 10 seconds, let alone 60 seconds. Still there's the finding that Blurred Frenzy and mirage dodges (including triggers from runes and sigils) contribute to almost a half of the total theoretical uptime, and they are quite possible to maintain practically..

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> This is not how you math.


> Your build is useless and not even taken in wvw or pvp.


It's not my build nor am I suggesting anyone to even try it, it's just a model for clearing up the calculation of a certain number that has nothing but theoretical values. In actual wvw & pvp, stuff like Signet of Midnight and Blink can be better utilities than say a mere 5% invul uptime that also requires u to position. I did this just for lulz and people don't use theoretical results from oversimplified calculations to prove stuff.

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This is an interesting question, but I don't think you've gone about answering it the right way. What you've done is found an upper bound for the maximum invulnerability uptime (assuming you've included all the relevant skills), but it's not clear how good that upper bound is.


> @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> 1. The theoretical assumptions for this value are mainly: all mirage mirrors triggered, no stacking of invul effects, full clone distortion, and Auspicious Anguish's trigged properly.


I think your biggest assumption is that it's possible to execute a rotation in which all of these skills are used optimally, i.e. that you activate them precisely when their cooldown is over. That seems implausible to me, even ignoring the part of the rotation that requires being disabled with three clones active.


> @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> * **Distortion w/ max clones** 4s per 50s = 8%

> * **Desert Distortion w/ max triggers** 3s per 50s = 6%

> * **Auspicious Anguish** another 4s +3s per 50s = 14%


This isn't how Auspicious Anguish works. It doesn't let you use Distortion twice every 50 seconds, it recharges Distortion if you're disabled, with a 50 second cooldown. If Auspicious Anguish recharges Distortion and you use it, Distortion goes on cooldown, so you have to wait another 50 seconds to use Distortion again (and Auspicious Anguish won't recharge it again, because it will now also be on cooldown.)


> @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> I did this just for lulz and people don't use theoretical results from oversimplified calculations to prove stuff.


An important part of doing maths effectively is to know which details of the situation you can safely ignore and which you can't. Here, you seem to have ignored some very relevant details (essentially everything except invulnerability durations and cooldowns).


> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Too much theoretical maths in this thread.....I'm moving along now


It's only basic percentages - but presumably that's too much for your taste...

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> You know Mirage is unbalanced when people start making „pls nerf Mirage“ posts in the general Forum.


It's not a "pls nerf mirage" thread, I didn't give any opinion, and I actually don't care about balancing at all since in this game everyone can make a new char and play whatever op class with little cost. But yeah I could've posted it elsewhere.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> This is an interesting question, but I don't think you've gone about answering it the right way. What you've done is found an upper bound for the maximum invulnerability uptime (assuming you've included all the relevant skills), but it's not clear how good that upper bound is.


> > @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> > 1. The theoretical assumptions for this value are mainly: all mirage mirrors triggered, no stacking of invul effects, full clone distortion, and Auspicious Anguish's trigged properly.


> I think your biggest assumption is that it's possible to execute a rotation in which all of these skills are used optimally, i.e. that you activate them precisely when their cooldown is over. That seems implausible to me, even ignoring the part of the rotation that requires being disabled with three clones active.


> > @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> > * **Distortion w/ max clones** 4s per 50s = 8%

> > * **Desert Distortion w/ max triggers** 3s per 50s = 6%

> > * **Auspicious Anguish** another 4s +3s per 50s = 14%


> This isn't how Auspicious Anguish works. It doesn't let you use Distortion twice every 50 seconds, it recharges Distortion if you're disabled, with a 50 second cooldown. If Auspicious Anguish recharges Distortion and you use it, Distortion goes on cooldown, so you have to wait another 50 seconds to use Distortion again (and Auspicious Anguish won't recharge it again, because it will now also be on cooldown.)


> > @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> > I did this just for lulz and people don't use theoretical results from oversimplified calculations to prove stuff.


> An important part of doing maths effectively is to know which details of the situation you can safely ignore and which you can't. Here, you seem to have ignored some very relevant details (essentially everything except invulnerability durations and cooldowns).


> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > Too much theoretical maths in this thread.....I'm moving along now


> It's only basic percentages - but presumably that's too much for your taste...


More like it was too early and I hadn't had enough coffee in me yet. I was being funny, so whatever, continue being an ass.

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